
International Relations Quotes

There are 6248 quotes

"Across the border, Ukraine's President Zelenskyy visited the front lines and called for more weapons to stop Russia's advance in eastern Ukraine."
"NATO can only be NATO when America is part of NATO."
"Putin explains, 'The cooperation with China keeps increasing. The pace at which China's cooperation with Europe is growing is higher and greater than that of the growth of Chinese-Russian cooperation.'"
"China's not going to just vanish into the ether; it's going to be an incredibly powerful country for decades and decades to come."
"We know that the Russian systems, from their most basic systems to their most sophisticated systems, are critically dependent on Western microelectronics."
"China's Belt and Road Initiative is rapidly becoming a trillion-dollar disaster."
"NATO served a very clear purpose, and I think it can continue to serve a purpose."
"We have been, to Putin, as you can see from what we've done in Ukraine, like we will stand up for the things that we believe in."
"Our long-term adversary, China, is watching to see if we're really serious when we talk about respect for sovereignty, international law, and human rights."
"Soon, yesterday's allies will become enemies, confronting each other in a conflict of a new kind: the Cold War."
"Throughout the 21st century, Russia and China’s economic ties have only deepened."
"Each one is based on the current events in Russia, Ukraine, and the geopolitics surrounding China and U.S. rivalry in the Indo-Pacific."
"Peacekeeping operations are one of the world's community's most effective tools for the promotion and maintenance of international peace and security."
"NATO needs to take some responsibility because you may do something which you don't think is an antagonistic gesture, but it can be perceived as that."
"I think that Serbia, like, I don't think it's responsible for a country to commit an ethnic cleansing and then you to stop them, you're like, 'Oh yeah, okay, so we'll stop, and then we'll do like a little vote on whether we get to keep the territory that we ethnically cleansed.'"
"China was a bankrupt country in the 70s, now we're borrowing money from them. Something ain't right."
"Ireland remains committed to the realization of the two-state solution endorsed by the Security Council: a safe and secure Israel and an independent, democratic, contiguous, viable, and sovereign Palestinian State living side by side in peace within secure and recognized borders."
"We need to get the international pressure to say this is a genocidal government. It should be ostracized."
"That when goods and services don't cross borders, soldiers will."
"The security of one country cannot be achieved at the expense of the security of other countries."
"Why not have good relations with the Russians?"
"The bipartisan support in Washington for Ukraine was as valuable as any asset they had anywhere."
"The Ukrainians were getting mixed signals: strong bipartisan support in one channel, and confusion from another."
"The Ukrainians were reassured that the U.S. system worked."
"You want to make it clear to the Russians they won't win, and you want to do it as fast as possible."
"We believe that the security of one country cannot come at the cost of undermining the security of other nations."
"The United Nations was founded on the principle of decolonization, not recolonization."
"No country should be able to take with force another country."
"The principle of inviolability of borders must be equally applicable to all."
"Putin, when he first came to power, sought cordial relations with the US and with American presidents."
"A peaceful, democratic, and prosperous Pakistan is not just important to the Pakistanis; it's in the interest of the United States as well."
"If the Saudis recognized Israel's legitimacy, there's no telling how much further their heavyweight would have carried with influencing even more Arab and Muslim countries around the world to recognize Israel next."
"The entire world is given a binary choice: either recognize the PRC or the ROC as China, but not both."
"China is quietly working behind the scenes in Mexico and setting up the groundwork for a new plan that will change the entire future of geopolitics and our global economy."
"The Cold War never ended. United States is Vladimir Putin's main enemy. He is seeking to undermine not just democracy. It's not about necessarily putting a thumb on the scale for Biden or Trump... The reality is that he wants to see a weakened United States."
"It is essential for the Security Council to demand an immediate ceasefire for the month of Ramadan, respected by all parties, leading to lasting, sustainable peace in Gaza."
"The future of the US-China relationship has gone from being on relatively cooperative footing... to really facing a new set of irritants and challenges in the bilateral relationship."
"The stakes are incredibly high. If Israel continues to follow Netanyahu's disastrous path, Israel risks becoming diplomatically isolated and a pariah state."
"Climate change is a behavioral problem. Dealing with North Korea is a behavioral problem."
"Russia understands what the cost of War really is."
"Any nation that seeks to engage in a strategic conflict with Russia will not prevail."
"As the relationship between China and the U.S. grows more adversarial, the question on how Europe should position itself has become hotly debated."
"To effectively overcome all of these challenges... we need to establish solidarity with other democracies... to deter any authoritarian regime."
"China's the greatest enemy we've ever had. The largest economy, the most sophisticated."
"The overwhelming majority of [countries] do not want to take sides, let alone being forced into confrontation with China."
"As long as the two countries act with a sense of responsibility to history and humanity... the giant vessel of China-U.S. relations will be able to stay on the right course."
"It seems to me it's an international relations matter when a foreign country attempts to abduct an American citizen critical of them."
"China is now in a period of actually just shutting down to the outside world."
"China didn't fulfill our hopes... We clung to this assumption that China, having been welcomed into the international order, would play by the rules and as it prospered would liberalize its economy and liberalize its form of government. And of course, that didn't happen."
"During that period of you know a decade and a half the Chinese Communist Party... they took advantage of the World Trade Organization, they lied, they cheated, they stole foreign technology."
"Taiwan is an extremely crucial partner and an important friend with which it shares fundamental values."
"Often a lot of attention focuses on major powers. Doing so might make a degree of sense, but I think it also misses the massive potential impact that smaller nations can have, as well as the tremendous strategic challenge that can come with being a relatively small nation with some very powerful neighbours."
"If we help China become rich, that China would inevitably become more democratic... that theory has just proven to be wrong."
"The reality, the science of climate, commends itself to both leaderships in Washington and Beijing, and they know, however bad the rest of the relationship gets, climate change is already ravaging America; it's already ravaging China."
"American realism has rapidly caught up with pre-existing long-standing Chinese realism."
"Russia's playing a really dangerous game right now."
"The United States realizes that the situation in Ukraine is becoming critical. There is no prospect of the United States re-equipping Ukraine up to the level Ukraine needs to hold back the Russians."
"Now is the time to give all our support to Ukraine."
"Our freedom as South Africans is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinian people."
"Meeting of Chinese-Russian leaders injects stability into a world of change and disorder."
"It showed at least at that point that President Putin had not taken the lessons of the experience in Ukraine, which is that the idea that he would erase its identity, its independence, and subjugate Ukrainians to the will of Russia had failed and would fail."
"I think it's just crucial for the long-term processes of the maturation of the US-China relationship for there to continue to be hundreds of thousands of Chinese students in this country."
"When the United States and China work together, the world's going to win."
"You have no greater ally... in the world when it comes to the relationship of the Albanian and the American."
"Right now, we really need to have better diplomacy."
"We need a very different kind of approach, a multilateral rule-based world where we can gain the benefits of cooperation."
"President Biden...said that Russia had strategically already been defeated in the war."
"President Biden has now called up three thousand reservists and is going to send them to NATO's Eastern flank."
"NATO membership for Ukraine is unacceptable; the Russians will continue the conflict, the war, until that is conclusively and once and for all ruled out."
"The murder of Jamal Khashoggi was a horrific crime."
"I don’t understand why Canadians and Americans can travel to France or Spain, enjoy a holiday together, but we can’t reunite with our families and rejoin our properties."
"The efforts to end the curse of war led to a consensus on the principles that should guide state action."
"NATO was meant to keep the Americans in, the Germans down, and the Russians out."
"If Russia commits this breach by invading Ukraine, responsible nations around the world will not hesitate to respond."
"I want people to not die, and for that, I would like to have frameworks and contracts drawn up, international and new treaties."
"This annual bilateral exercise is designed to deepen relationships between the U.S. and Japan and to improve interagency coordination, combat readiness, and interoperability between our two nations."
"We'd like to see a de-escalation, we'd like to see those troops go back home, and we'd like Mr. Putin to take the right steps to de-escalate the tensions."
"Agenda 21 marked a new beginning for the UN, a decisive point of departure for the world organization."
"When the United States and Canada, the UK, Western countries, when we can learn to work with China, it's going to benefit everybody in the entire world."
"All parties must stay rational and exercise restraint, avoid fanning the flames and aggravating tensions."
"Please tell Americans don't let America become like China because we have a hope in China if America is free."
"I've come here to Cairo to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world; one based on mutual interest and mutual respect."
"Peace will not come through statements and resolutions at the United Nations -- if it were that easy, it would have been accomplished by now."
"We go together" - a statement of intent meaning that the U.S. will support South Korea in its wars just as South Korea will support the United States.
"Friendship between the two states has no limits; there are no forbidden areas of cooperation."
"There is no hypothetical security concern... that could justify the action of Russia to invade Ukraine."
"Something bad is going to happen because when you show weakness to our enemies, it encourages our enemies, and they get more and more aggressive."
"Whatever we do to people overseas, we're going to do to ourselves."
"The BRI plows on, forging new relationships, striking new deals, and integrating new economic policies. Its scale, scope, and ambition grow with each passing year."
"On the way through...there will be core national interests in both Beijing and in Washington which will mandate us those two countries cooperating in key defined areas."
"Europe is by and large turn their back on the Chinese government."
"The new ban is a very bad economic signal for Russia, giving Ukraine and the West a bit of a bright spot."
"The assistance we're providing, including Stingers and Javelins, is defensive, helping Ukraine defend against an invasion."
"If we stand by and allow the Soviet Union in international waters to block the United States from acting on behalf of our friends and allies, then freedom will die."
"We can get closer to racial equality, we can build cultural and economic ties with other countries."
"States at a time when we say we're here to help Ukrainians are literally using the Ukrainians as cannon fodder for the sole purpose of killing Russians, not for Ukraine to win, but to punish Russia. That's the most cynical approach I can think of."
"If the Western allies decide to outlast Russia by supplying Ukraine, there is no contest. They can do it."
"If we chill out, if we just calm down and realize that we're actually really safe and secure, I think it'll allow a lot more flexible posture with China."
"For nearly a year, we followed the iron pipeline of weapons flowing from the U.S into Latin America."
"Creating a strong alliance with India... there's a whole host of reasons to help out our good buddies India."
"The introduction of a new player in the form of Mexico's Inter Oceanic Corridor could reshuffle alliances and trade agreements."
"Obviously, the US government is fine with human rights abuses; some of their closest allies like Saudi Arabia and Egypt are some of the worst human rights violators on the planet."
"The U.S. response was significant, providing over $60 billion in military aid to Ukraine."
"Addressing the genocide against Uyghur Muslims is something that will be a topic of discussion with the Chinese directly."
"Joe Biden said, 'It's in our overwhelming national interest and international interest of all our friends.'"
"Pray no matter what country you're in; if America falls, the free world will fall."
"The United States is an unpredictable country; there is a general military crisis in Ukraine at the moment."
"Major powers continue to leverage their influence over global hegemony, but China's military is preparing for the conditions of a multi-polar world."
"The Russian government has gone to extreme lengths to try and explain away the trail of radioactive contamination that leads to Moscow."
"Every country that rises is displacing somebody else's dominance."
"The death of Navalny is something which people who oppose that will bring up and which will make any attempt to achieve a rapprochement between the West and Russia still more difficult than it already is."
"We're going to have to stand shoulder to shoulder to deal with Russia and China and the issues of the Arctic."
"India is witnessing a pragmatic shift in her interests, fueled by able leaders who are paving the way forward with impeccable diplomacy and international presence."
"Israel has every right to defend itself against Hamas' barbaric acts of terrorism, and it's imperative that America stands with Israel in this fight."
"Right now, the US and China are on a collision course over Taiwan. And Taiwan is to this cold war what Cuba was to the last cold war."
"Respect for sovereignty of nations...is a secret and central to our success."
"The decision to transfer funds seized from Russian oligarchs to Ukraine marks a strong partnership between the United States and Ukraine, driven by a shared determination to decry Russian aggression and support Ukraine's resilience."
"If you call for America, America will come. If you call for Russia, Russia will come. And if you call for no one, Russia will come."
"How can you shoot down a commercial airline with 14 nationals, half of them Chinese?"
"We should support weaker countries trying to establish sovereignty in opposition to stronger countries."
"America was very naive when it comes to dealing with other nations and setting up governments."
"President Biden looks forward to working with leaders in both parties to position America to outcompete China."
"China represents...a third way of global governance...but that friendship only goes so far."
"NATO doesn't want to trigger Article 5 either because nobody really wants nuclear war."
"The beginning of wisdom in politics, beginning of wisdom in international politics, beginning of wisdom in business is to understand how the other person thinks, why they think they're that way, and what their priorities are, rather than commit the cardinal error which many of our American friends still commit, which is to mirror image everything."
"It's buy now, pay later, and who are we borrowing it from? We're borrowing it from China, who we're going to bomb."
"China should be a great concern of us. I think that the world should take lessons from the past."
"The events of the last weeks in Myanmar are an affront to the principles we all champion here at the U.N."
"Despite big changes in the world, the USA is the biggest foreign investor in Britain and Britain the biggest foreign investor in America."
"Russia is currently facing severe financial sanctions from the West, and most of these countries were export markets for Russia prior to its invasion of Ukraine."
"The West's eyes to the reality of the world in which we exist now...the West enabled Putin."
"Lukashenko says that at Putin's request, he closed the border with Russia to prevent the gunmen from fleeing through Belarus."
"The Olympics is one way among many that we acknowledge and affirm our nation, but also acknowledge and affirm other nations."
"China's massive military and nuclear weapons buildup, aimed at conquering Taiwan by any means necessary, poses a major threat to global stability."
"TikTok is the Trojan Horse with which they are piercing the United States."
"The entire fucking world except for America hates Israel... a lot of them hate them because Israel is an aggressive warring nation that is relentlessly fascist, engaging in a war of genocide against the Palestinians."
"Countries that get along don't fight. This is pretty simple."
"I'm happy to announce that we've released a joint communique by all seven countries."
"[Alexi's death] puts a question mark over [Putin's ability to continue his actions without international repercussions]."
"The conflict in Ukraine continues to be the main focus of global attention, much to the frustration of countries around the world that are not directly involved in the conflict but which nonetheless continue to be affected by it."
"The United States is losing influence catastrophically by underestimating Russia. It doesn't have the industrial capacity to provide artillery ammunition to Ukraine."
"Work with the United States and other partners to establish an open, inclusive and rules-based international order in the Indo-Pacific."
"Principles of a rules-based order: We respect sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the right of countries to make their own choices."
"India's G20 presidency would be a watershed moment in her history as it seeks to play an important role by finding the global pragmatic solutions for the well-being of all."
"I want our democratic institutions respected here at home and our international reputation respected abroad."
"We've always been a country that reaches out, that turns its face to the world."
"Diplomacy is the answer. The Chinese, the Russia, Americans need to work together to protect this planet."
"Supporting Ukraine strengthens our national security. It's the right thing to do not just for the Ukrainian people but for the American people as well."
"Antarctica is this autonomous continent that is not owned by anyone."
"When it comes to those cybersecurity issues like hacking or theft, those are not issues that are unique to the U.S.-China relationship. Those are issues that are of international concern."
"In the end, this has to come from within Russia."
"The two biggest nuclear powers must do everything in order to cooperate."
"This wouldn't be an issue if China had just kept its promise."
"The United States responded to an uncertain and unstable post-war world by asserting and working to maintain a position of global leadership with far-reaching domestic and international consequences."
"The international community is not mincing words when it comes to criticizing China's actions. This map is undeniably causing a diplomatic storm."
"The way it ultimately ends probably owes almost as much to decisions made in Brussels or Washington DC as it does to the bravery and sacrifice of Ukrainian troops at the front."
"It's terrifying that we are at a point now where there are a good number of Americans who see Zelensky as the enemy and Putin as the good guy."
"European Ukraine will make Europe better and Europe will make Ukraine better."
"Without Russia, there is no solid peace in this world."
"Globalization has totally redefined what power means internationally."
"Countries don't have permanent allies or permanent enemies."
"Why are we trying to have a nuclear war with both China and Russia?"
"Russia's response will be immediate and it will lead you to such consequences that you have never encountered in your history."
"It is vital that President Putin should fail."
"This is not just about Ukraine; this is about democracy and the security of many other European countries."
"If we ever close the door to new Americans, our leadership in the world would soon be lost."
"I think it's a catastrophe that we didn't integrate Russia into NATO when we had the opportunity."
"Showing he's willing to fight for the honor of North America here in Japan."
"The Korean prime minister went on record to say he was personally embarrassed by this dispute."
"Konoha didn't inspire other countries to make their own villages; it scared them into it."
"We will not abandon our commitment to Taiwan, and we're proud of our enduring friendship."
"The reality is NATO is only as strong as its members and the United Kingdom has historically been behind the United States, the second biggest nation. We need to keep stepping up to that plate."
"Criticism of China over their treatment of Hong Kong and the Uyghurs is rightly placed, but to me, an even more scandalous thing is that 20 million people or nearly that may be dead and an awful lot of people have had their lives turned upside down."
"America is back in full strength as we talk about Nato, in full values as we talk about who we are as a country, and in true friendship to the countries that had been part of our multilateral approach to security, growing our economies, the planet as well as honoring our values."
"John Cena put up a speech, yeah, having to say that, apologizing for Taiwan, saying 'Taiwanese.' The funny thing is, he groveled an apology, but he didn't mention what he was apologizing for because you're not actually allowed to say anything about Taiwan."
"Trudeau accuses China of extremely troubling harassment of Canadian jets."
"The Balkans and... Rwanda... that was preventable by us and by others, and we didn't prevent it."
"Sanctions do work, but they have to be done properly."
"Japan has a very aggressive AI, and if we get them to the same faction, they might be very useful to us."
"The only answer to these attacks must be devastating military retaliation against Iran's terrorist forces both in Iran and across the Middle East."
"The Canada-U.S. international boundary is the longest in the world, and hundreds of thousands of people cross it daily."
"We'll continue to stand up for our democratic values when human rights are being violated in Xinjiang, Tibet, or elsewhere in China, or when autonomy is being trampled in Hong Kong."
"We must learn how to wage peace and have a far more humble and respectful relationship with other nations."
"Peace is possible, peace is practical, and it is absolutely essential for US and international security."
"The time has come now, when man must give up war. It is no longer rational to solve international problems by resorting to war."
"The way the world wars break out is miscalculation. They break out because one side believes that the other side is likely to cave in the face of its aggression."
"Failure of willingness to convey your intention, failure to act as an iron wall against the aggression of your enemies, leads to escalation, and then you actually do get dragged into hot wars that involve extraordinary numbers of casualties."
"Climate change is a global problem, yes, and everyone else is playing their part except for China."
"Global cooperation is crucial for dealing with existential threats like nuclear war, climate change, and technological disruption."
"The best way to guarantee the safety and prosperity of your compatriots is by cooperating with foreigners."
"We will ensure that Taiwan is not invaded by China. We will do whatever is necessary to deter China from invading Taiwan."
"It kind of seemed clear that the reason why they, Americans, people generally, have trouble imagining that Russia could lose this war to Ukraine has something to do with the fact that Ukraine isn't quite real in their minds and Russia is real."
"We will win because we are united. Ukraine, America, and the entire free world."
"Thucydides' trap suggests we may be looking down the barrel of war with China."
"Xi Jinping has said the U.S. is the biggest threat to China's development."
"The United States and its allies have the capacity to cut the arms off the octopus that is the Iranian Terror network."
"This is a particularly clear case of the West should be unified in support of Israel getting rid of Hamas."
"We should do unto others as we would have others do unto us. That should be the United States' influence."
"I am absolutely certain that our shared border will be open again one day, open to all, but for now, we must continue to prioritize the health of Canadians and Americans."
"We have to give China the benefit of time and let China mature."