
Law Quotes

There are 7944 quotes

"Just because something is legal, a law doesn't necessarily mean it's moral."
"Love cannot be found in law, it can only be found in a person with another person in a relationship."
"Our country is best when everybody is treated equally under the law."
"This was arguably one of, if not the single most important constitutional and political case before the Supreme Court since Congress created the Supreme Court in 1789."
"We cannot accept that the office of the presidency places its former occupants above the law for all time."
"I don't think there should ever be a president that's above the law."
"You don't deal in morals and ethics, sir, you deal in law."
"No one, not even the president, should be above the law."
"Seeking justice for the people of Georgia and the United States and being part of the effort to ensure that the rule of law and democracy are preserved has been the honor of a lifetime."
"If you, the American people, send me a Congress that supports the right to choose, I promise you I'll restore Roe v. Wade as the law of the land."
"There is no such thing as chance. Law maintains everywhere, and all that happens, happens because of the operation of law."
"If you are a criminal lawyer presenting in court, then you will be a winner; success will be dignified."
"Right now, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."
"You have the right to have an attorney present now or at any time during questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you by the court at no cost."
"If you ever go into law, you've got a promising future in that."
"We don't have one rule of law in this country, and I agree, we have two: one for the rich and powerful and a second for each and every one of us."
"Moses discovered the law, not a law created and promulgated by a monarch or legislative body, but a law that was a totality of all laws."
"Moses's world conception was based on a power higher than any force, abandonment of purpose, or compromise; it was based on peace achieved through the omnipotence of the law."
"I believe women and men are equal under the law and should be treated completely equally."
"When the facts are on your side, argue the facts. When the law's on your side, argue the law."
"The administration of law, and especially that of criminal law, should like Caesar's wife, be above suspicion."
"Roe vs. Wade and Planned Parenthood vs. Casey haunt our country. They have no basis in the constitution. They've damaged the democratic process, they poison the law, they've choked off compromise for 50 years."
"Overruling unnecessarily and under pressure would lead to condemnation, the court's loss of confidence in the judiciary, the ability to exercise the judicial power and to function as the supreme court of a nation dedicated to the rule of law."
"If you make it a crime to have this virus, people just won't get tested."
"He who dwells in the law, delights in the law, meditates on the law, follows the law, that bhikkhu will never fall away from the true law."
"As judges, we decide according to the Constitution, we are governed by the rule of law."
"It is really painful when the people before the court start a media campaign to embarrass the judges."
"We're supposed to be a country where, regardless of your skin color and yes, regardless of your political belief, there is one standard of the rule of law in the United States of America."
"All human beings have equal value before the law."
"No man in this country is so high that he is above the law. No officer of the law may set that law at defiance with impunity. All officers of the government from the highest to the lowest are creatures of the law and are bound to obey it."
"A law for everyone to be kind, it's that simple."
"So much of the history of the law has been about policing love, whether it's interracial relationships, intercaste relationships. The constitutional project is about remedying the disadvantage of caste, enabling inter-religious and intercaste marriages."
"For many who find love, they also aspire to have the law and society recognize, protect, affirm, and give legitimacy to that love. One way of doing that is marriage."
"The whole story of nature is one of law forever fulfilling itself."
"She was determined to make her mark on the legal world in an ethical and giving type of way."
"Never take another person's life, whatever the reason is. Because these actions not only violate the law but can make us very burdened, both mentally and morally."
"If you're called smuggling them into the US, the only surprise you'll receive is a $1,200 fine per egg."
"This case is not a game. It is my client's life."
"Kyle couldn't run and continue to run from Mr. Rosenbaum, which he was under no legal duty to do whatsoever."
"Civil disobedience is the line. You are breaking the law, but we all kind of go okay, we get it. It's to get the attention of the lawmakers so that they change the world."
"The whole point of law is that it's supposed to be a rule of law, not of men or women."
"I'm here because I had to. That's what I'm coming with here, and I respect all the law, I respect the people. I'm working hard to do the best. I got a clean record, and I learn a lot over here."
"We have to return to a day when we have literally equal protection of the laws for all people."
"No law requires me to be compliant. In fact, the Constitution of the United States gives me my fifth and Fourth Amendment right not to be searched and seized and not to give you any information unless I'm suspected of a crime."
"The sole purpose of laws should be to reduce crime. And if prison systems are doing the opposite of that, then something has to change."
"The most absurd apology for authority and law is that they serve to diminish crime. Aside from the fact that the state itself is the greatest criminal, breaking every written and natural law, stealing in the form of taxes, killing in the form of war and capital punishment, it has come to an absolute standstill in coping with crime. It has failed utterly to destroy or even minimize the horrible scourge of its own creation."
"You can't make a law against stupid; you can't make a law against hate."
"Without a moral basis for our law, our country will not survive."
"Law is not about justice; it's the legal system, not the justice system."
"In order to exercise a constitutional right that New York is willing to concede extends outside the home, you have to show that you have an atypical need to exercise the right that distinguishes you from the general community. That describes a privilege, it does not describe a constitutional right."
"A lawyer is someone who smiles, no matter how bad it gets. Especially when it's bad."
"All human beings are equal before the law. Like this should be pretty consensus stuff."
"The law doesn't determine morality. At one point, it was legal to keep slaves; in Nazi Germany, it was legal to kill Jews."
"We have to protect our laws and the integrity of our borders to remain a sovereign nation."
"The severity of a crime is directly correlated with the amount of that time that it steals or that it robs someone else of."
"The accurate use of words is crucial... the practice of law rests almost entirely on the precise use of the English language."
"The Court's First Amendment jurisprudence does not distinguish between views we find odious and those we respect."
"My mission is to become the biggest and the best lawyer in the city."
"That means that I interpret the Constitution as a law, that I interpret its text as text, and I understand it to have the meaning that it had at the time people ratified it."
"People don't even know what the Logan Act is, but it's... I read the history of it, I still don't really understand the reason for it historically."
"No one is above the law, and the President and all those implicated are entitled to the presumption of innocence that every American enjoys."
"The events of January 6th were an assault on our democracy and the rule of law."
"Culture is more powerful than politics and law."
"There is no moral equivalency when you come to racism, and I do not believe there's a moral equivalency when it comes to changing laws that deny women reproductive freedom."
"I think children should be tried as children. I mean, there is a reason why they have that law in place."
"Laws are important; on the other hand, the narrative and the stories and telling people 'see me, I'm human' — that's important too."
"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil."
"The reason Jesus came to earth is because the law could not do what we need in a savior."
"The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death."
"There's a very clear body of law in the United States that goes back many decades that clarifies what Free Speech means here."
"The Supreme Court often tries to uphold the Constitution, and they like striking down unconstitutional laws."
"Sometimes the only moral choice is to break the law."
"The Alabama Supreme Court ruled that embryos created through in vitro fertilization are considered living children. And the craziest thing is they might be right."
"Many Alabama clinics have halted IVF procedures out of fear that, quote, 'Patients and our physicians could be prosecuted criminally or face punitive damages for following the standards of care for IVF treatments.'"
"What about embryos with genetic abnormalities? Must they remain frozen? Can they ever be discarded without charging someone with murder?"
"If personhood begins from the moment a sperm meets an egg, do child support obligations begin at that moment?"
"In other words, the court wanted to decide the much more complicated question of whether frozen embryos are babies."
"What individual people can clearly see is true or have strong justification for believing isn't necessarily the same thing as establishing that legally."
"The law, its application, and society at large disfavor fathers."
"We're a country that was built on laws and the Constitution, and it's up to us, really, as elected leaders, to be the ones that exemplify that."
"If they don't tell the truth under oath, or there's a significant concern about their credibility, then they're violating their ethical rules."
"Heroes don't have the authority to arrest people or punish them. The only reason we're allowed to use our quirks is because of the regulations put on them."
"Every lawsuit like this has two different types of courts: the court of public opinion and the court of law."
"In the court of law, he is innocent until proven guilty."
"The court of public opinion and the court of law differ."
"The wonderful thing about America: we believe that no one is above the law."
"Neither the law nor journalism are perfectly objective."
"The law has merit because it upholds morality that exists as part of nature, and through reason we, as humans, uncover it."
"No matter how rich, powerful, or politically connected you are, everyone must play by the same rules."
"The size of this fine and the level of sanctions here is breathtaking."
"You are an excellent teacher. Your analogies have helped me understand the law, and that is something I never thought would happen."
"The president has a unique constitutional role, but he is not above the law."
"It's unethical for an attorney to use their position to get special treatment for their family. It's also unethical, particularly for a prosecutor, because of your role in securing and protecting the community."
"Nobody should be above the law, nobody should be below the law either. We need accountability but we need it done right."
"Your dad being an attorney has nothing to do with the fact that you're being arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol."
"Justice should be the same no matter where you are, no matter what courthouse you're in, what floor of the courthouse you're in, what judge you're in front of, and that's why we all wear the same robe."
"Justice is what our country is built on...and that judges and laws and courtrooms need to be respected."
"Judicial decision-making must be based on law and sound jurisprudence, not subject to the whims of public opinion or clamor."
"The Scriptures make it very clear that by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified."
"We all know what professionalism looks like, what decorum looks like, and devoting ourselves to the rule of law and proper advocacy."
"No one is above the law, no president is above the law, you are not above the law."
"Treating people differently based on race...is unacceptable under the law."
"All persons should receive equal treatment under the law, no matter their gender identity or sexual orientation."
"Not being proven to be a terrible person in courts doesn't necessarily mean that you're not a terrible person. The law doesn't always reflect morality."
"A prosecutor's job is to do justice, and you try to keep the emotions out of it."
"Free speech doesn't protect lies that amount to defamation."
"Now, the reason that's a problem is because the point of the law is it requires your compliance with it, and that means that if you want to make a moral statement, you cannot comply with the law."
"This secret interpretation of the law will blow your mind. It's shocking how the government's twisted the law."
"What's happening at the intersection of law, politics, and justice is sort of like a stock market; it's up, it's down, it's left, it's right."
"The victims deserve justice, and they will get it."
"We're all equals; we're all going to be treated as equals under the law."
"The reasonableness of the defendant's beliefs must be determined from the standpoint of the defendant at the time of his acts and not from the standpoint of the viewpoint of the jury now."
"The state must prove by evidence which satisfies you beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant did not act lawfully in self-defense."
"Morals cannot be legislated, but behavior can be regulated. The law cannot make an employer love me, but it can keep him from refusing to hire me because of the color of my skin."
"In our system, criminal justice isn't the quest for revenge. It's the quest for truth, evidence, and facts, and the use of that truth as we fairly apply our laws."
"Corporations are legal fictions; they are stories told by lawyers."
"I passed a law that lowers prescription drug prices; caps are $35 a month for seniors."
"Instead of passing laws that provide support to people clearly in a housing crisis, municipalities, states, and federal agencies pass regulations that largely criminalize an entire population for not being able to find housing."
"People need to see evidence that law goes both ways; that lady justice is still blind."
"Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them."
"No one is above the law and no one is beneath the law."
"Let's not let interpretation about a book or a scripture get in the way of establishing law for allowing people to live freely in a democratic society."
"The history of marijuana being illegal is insane to begin with."
"Chance is but a name for law not recognized."
"We have one set of laws in this country and they apply to everyone."
"Equality before the law, consent of the governed, freedom to speak and to choose and to think – these things require a certain degree of irreverence."
"Without law and order, society literally can't have anything because to have something requires stability."
"Stare decisis plays an important role in our case law... It contributes to the actual and perceived integrity of the judicial process."
"Sometimes it seems laws are made to keep us from what we want. On the contrary, Kent, it's law that allows us to live in freedom."
"The desire, the risk management act is decided like any law under a reasonable man; we are expecting that persons will act in a way to protect themselves and others."
"That's what's at stake here. No man is above the law."
"You think I don't know the law? Wasn't it me who wrote it?"
"She wanted to pursue a career in law; she wanted to be a barrister."
"Islam categorically denounces vigilantism, rather encouraging mercy, justice, and the rule of law."
"For we know that the law is spiritual...but I am carnal, sold under sin."
"Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law."
"For lawyers, the Supreme Court of the United States is the Super Bowl. Everyone in law school dreams of the day when they will stand before the Supreme Court, arguing a case."
"The law cannot change the heart, but it can restrain the heartless."
"I love rule of law. I am sworn to uphold it, and I do it to my utmost ability."
"We recognize that we're not all the same, but we must treat everyone equally under the law."
"There is no systemic racism. There is no law that says I can't do something as a Black person that you can do."
"Choosing whether to break the law to keep yourself alive or keeping your head down and being a good influence on Daniel."
"No one should be above the law, and today's verdict sends that message."
"The Espionage Act, which is intended for the prosecution of spies, is being increasingly leveraged to be used as a bludgeon against public interest journalistic sources and whistleblowers."
"The separation of religion from state leaves religious people free to practice their religion, provided they don't infringe the freedoms of others and allows the non-religious to live without the imposition of religion through law, education, government, employment, or health."
"Legal issues are moral issues. There's a moral component to every law that's made."
"No one is above the law, that includes presidents, members of Congress, and others."
"You may have a moral obligation not to follow an unjust law."
"The Constitution requires it, justice demands it."
"We have a legal system and the legal system is the thing that binds us together."
"We know exactly who will be hurt most by Texas law... particularly women of color and poor women will be most affected."
"A book ban, a court decision, a 'Don't Say Gay' law... until one morning you wake up and you no longer live in a democracy."
"James 2:10 says, 'For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.'"
"Women in the United States no longer have a constitutional guaranteed right to an abortion."
"Jesus suffered and died on the cross for the sin of the world. The Ten Commandments are called the moral law; you and I broke the law, Jesus paid the fine."
"If the giving of the law while it was yet unbroken was attended with such a display of awe-inspiring power, what will that day be when the Lord shall with flaming fire take vengeance on those who have wilfully broken that law?"
"If you cannot afford an attorney, you have the right to have one appointed to you."
"Justice is not simply a matter of did you break the law. It is always a matter of two closely related questions: does the penalty fit the crime, and did other guys who did roughly the same thing get the same penalty?"
"The court holds that they had to reject it because the simple fact is that the free exercise clause requires non-discrimination between religion and non-religion."
"Every human being should be treated with dignity and respect, and that's an overriding sense of my own character, but also what the law requires."
"A good lawyer knows the law; a great lawyer knows the judge."
"Justice is the appropriation of your legal rights within the coalition of law."
"The law is just people, and people is just politics."
"He's had several law changes. He also is apparently now being forced to take on YouTube."
"The contemporary global order has been built on the UN Charter, international law, and respect for sovereignty and the territorial integrity of states."
"Most citizens believe that the constitution therefore protects them against illegal searches, unlawful arrests, and excessive use of force. And this is definitely true on paper, but in practice, sometimes things go sideways."
"No one should be above the law. People should be judged on their character."
"To speak the language of the law is not enough; you have to actually speak the language of justice."
"Law is not just about disputes and disagreements; it's a complex tapestry woven from society's values and principles."
"Our cherished constitutional republic was founded on the imperial rule of law, the indispensable safeguard for our liberties, our rights, and our freedoms."
"By and large, we should be governed by law and not discretion."
"No man in this country, nor even the former president, is so high that he is above the law."
"Presidents and former presidents would be held ultimately accountable to the law."
"In heaven there will be no law, and the lion will lie down with the lamb, but in Hell there will be nothing but law and due process will be rigorously observed."
"The life of the law has not been logic; it has been experience."
"Logic is essential to a genuine system of laws. Without logic, you just have random decisions by judges."
"Legal and ethical are hardly synonyms, are they?"
"Nobody is above the law, then nobody's below the law either."
"On June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court ruled that it's unconstitutional to deny marriage to homosexuals."
"Outlawing child marriage...the data is quite clear on this and it's across cultures."
"He got a law degree and now he represents people who had felonies and are trying to get jobs. I think that's really cool."
"We need to be thoughtful and have a very comprehensive approach to looking at all of the different ways our current laws and policies and culture feed into each other."
"Christ has already accomplished the purpose for which the law was given. As a result, all who believe in him are made right with God."
"We are dealing with the law of cause and effect, and it is absolute."
"It's about the facts and the law, no one is above it."
"First and foremost, she was a brilliant, generational legal mind who climbed past one obstacle after another to summit the very pinnacle of her profession."
"Brandon's Law now requires police to make a report whenever a person of any age is reported missing, and an investigation must start immediately."
"If a company receives a court order to hand over information, I fully expect you to do it. We are a nation of due process and laws."
"A judge must apply the law as written. Judges are not policymakers, and they must be resolute in setting aside any policy views they might hold."
"Peaceful protest is the right of every American, but this attack on our Capitol will not be tolerated and those involved will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."
"We believe in law and order. We believe in justice."
"The Presidential Records Act doesn't forgive Trump for violating criminal laws regarding handling of national secrets."
"Most people don't think about the consequences before committing a crime, no matter how heinous it is, but the law doesn't hold back when it's time to punish the ones who have wronged society."
"The imperial majesty should not only be adorned with arms but also be armed with laws, so that there may be good government in times both of war and peace."
"Legality does not necessarily mean morality, and the law... has been used and abused to facilitate the most horrendous atrocities. In the case of the Palestinians, the law has served to facilitate and bureaucratize our ethnic cleansing."
"Assault rifle is an entirely real thing... Assault weapon is a term that originates in U.S. law and that's the one that really doesn't have any actual technical merit."
"You can't just invent powers for yourself... the government has to be limited by what's actually in the law."
"Freedom from religion is the first clause of the First Amendment; freedom of religion is the second clause."
"Whenever religion has unrestricted rule over law, the result has always, at least initially, been an automatic violation of human rights."
"Public accommodations law...essentially say that if you act in business, then you 'cannot discriminate.'"