
Mortality Awareness Quotes

There are 239 quotes

"The whole thing about a midlife crisis is you go, 'Oh, I'm going to die, so I need to do these things because I don't have that much life left. Life is fleeting.'"
"I think everybody should be aware of their own death... it makes me want to work harder and get stuff done, and call people I love and tell them that I love them."
"You are going to die... Remind yourself you're going to die so you don't forget to live."
"Once you really... absorb it, not just hearing it but realizing that you're not long for this world, and very few people will care when you're not here... it gives you an incredible sense of freedom."
"If I'm going to die in five years, I'd rather know now so that I can live the rest of my life as fruitfully as possible."
"Every time somebody dies, you're supposed to get your act in order. It's a reminder to let you know one day this is going to be you."
"Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose."
"As I've told you before, I carry a card in my pocket with the number of Americans who have died from COVID to date...That's more deaths than in World War I, World War II, the Vietnam War, and 9/11 combined."
"Thinking about mortality motivates us to treat our time as a gift."
"We're on limited time. Rather than face death as something gloomy, let's use it as a tool for living."
"Maybe this is your last Ramadan. How do you know you will live? How do you know you will live the next Ramadan?"
"The fact that we are going to die gives you focus and gives you meaning."
"Life's too short, we're all going to [__] die."
"I'd like to see no death at all one death as too many this should have never happened."
"Especially when you know you could die, you know, it's serious."
"Death teaches you how fragile life is and how to value every moment."
"Remembering that I'm going to die just infuses that moment with clarity."
"Death, the final ticket at the end of life, makes it all incredibly precious."
"The reality that we're going to die opens up the fierce urgency of living."
"Mortality has been the single biggest driver in my life."
"Death, a breakup echoes mortality itself. I mean we are now blessed enough to live in an age where we are hyper-connected to everyone."
"Our first strategy is, of course, to ensure the American people are vaccinated. 1400 people a day are still dying in the United States of America."
"I'm the only person here in this experience I'm sharing with you who's ignorant of when I'm going to die."
"We're afraid to tell our children that they will die someday... that perpetually infantilizes people."
"Knowledge that I will die gives focus and meaning to what I do in life."
"It's mind-blowing... nearly four million people have died."
"I feel like I could probably die at any time."
"Why be plant-based? The possibility of death has been holding steady at a 100 percent for quite some time."
"You're in your last days right now. Tomorrow is not promised, and we need to seize the day."
"Life is short, man, like we will all be dead one day and your day might be sooner than you know so just [ __ ]."
"It's all fun and games until somebody you know is no longer breathing."
"People need to realize that death is no joke."
"Awareness of death is just the tax that we pay for the gift of being self-aware. It's like it sucks, but that's the price we pay to be able to be human."
"How about if we boil it down to that standard question that often gets asked: would you know your death date if you could know now?"
"One death is one death too many. We don't want anyone to die from this."
"So if there is anything you'd take away from this, listen to me now: don't take what's left for granted because the hourglass is running empty and the stars will be going out."
"Hamilton had an extraordinary life... it forces you to reckon with your mortality."
"I hope not, but at least if I die, look at this paradise. Isn't it beautiful?"
"None of us knows how much time we have. Let's make the very most of every single day that we have been blessed with to do our best to be of service."
"Our essence is not infinite. Let's make our today's better than our yesterday's because we truly have no idea if tomorrow will ever come."
"Love on your people why they are here cuz when they're gone they are gone."
"Life is too fragile and Too Short to be trying to not make it to 25."
"Remembering that you are going to die is the best way to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose."
"On your deathbed, you're not thinking about your real estate portfolio."
"Cherish your parents, because you never know when someone will no longer be here."
"Let that sink in your head... You got One Life to Live."
"Thoughts of mortality swung the vote for Bush away from Kerry."
"I'm going to die, and I think everyone needs to have it consciously in their mind. If you live with that consciously in your mind, you will live a better life."
"None of us gets out alive; there probably is a hill you should therefore be willing to die on."
"I think I became very aware of my own mortality through the experience, and I spoke to them a lot about death because my parents are getting older."
"Death is always knocking at the door... you're gonna die, you're gonna die, you're gonna die."
"If a phone app existed that told you when you would die down to the second and it was accurate like a hundred percent accurate, would you download it?"
"Living with a sense of an expiration date makes us live each day more fully."
"Longevity has its place, but I'm not concerned about that now."
"You never truly know when we're gonna die. It could be a day like any other, it could be a very important day, or it could be very, very far in the future. No one really knows."
"Man do what you want to do cause you're gonna wake up dead one day."
"You gotta keep your fitness health in order... You might die."
"If you have a family that loves and cares for you, tell them you love them today because tomorrow is not promised to anyone."
"Those 270,000 mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, husbands and wives, they ain't coming back."
"There's not a day that I don't wake up that I don't think about my own death."
"And don't wait 'til someday 'cause that day may never come. You could die at any point. How would you feel? 'I wish I had more time to,' what do you mean, 'You wish you had more time to,' do it. Do not wait."
"You have to appreciate every moment in life, every breath could be your last."
"The biggest preparation you better have is knowing where you're going when you leave this Earth."
"Even though I'm healthy today, I could die tomorrow."
"Debbie, look at me. We only have so much time on this Earth."
"Remembering that you'll be dead soon is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose."
"What would you lay aside if you knew you were dying in 24 hours?"
"The realization of mortality encourages and forces you to do more with your life."
"Life is short and precious; it should be treated as such."
"Remember your death; live a life that is worth dying for."
"Time's up for me, you don't know when time's up for you."
"If we turn social media off, stop watching cable TV, we would have had a bunch of deaths that nobody would have heard about."
"People die every day, and people will continue to die every day when they become too greedy."
"We're all gonna be dead, so live your life like you're gonna be dead."
"Hug and kiss the ones you love, tell them every single day tomorrow's not guaranteed."
"Just enjoying life as it comes now 'cause I haven't got that long left."
"Life can be really hard. I've learned this week that you need to cherish people when you have them because you don't know when they're gonna be gone."
"By teaching people that death is going to happen, it emphasizes the value of life."
"Perhaps it will allow you to live with urgency. Perhaps once you realize that death is always over your left shoulder, you will start doing the things that you love to do."
"We all have our ways. I just try to live every day like it's my last."
"Remembering that you're gonna die is the best way to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose."
"You never get enough until the dirt's in your mouth. Don't let it come to that. Be sincere and honest."
"Our knowledge that we're going to die makes us want to do things which will outlive us. It's a way of escaping death, it's a way of denying death without this fear of death maybe we wouldn't be motivated to do anything at all."
"Now obviously sometimes people die. Wow, we're getting real dark. Bereavement leave is something that you would really expect at the end of the day for both countries to have but they don't."
"I'm not even afraid of death because I know at a certain point everybody is going to die, but how we die is very important."
"Life is finite and we're stuck, and I think it scared me personally."
"We're all gonna die one day and might as well do something to help people in the future."
"Life is just a blink and so i'm all about living it hard and if not touch wood if i was to you know end up dying on a bike or whatever i reckon people say that guy lived hard he lived life to the max"
"The truth of the matter is that unfortunately we are all going to one day part from this mortal coil."
"No one here gets out alive. That's why you've got to take care of your affairs."
"We won't be there when we are dead, and this itself can be frightening."
"Live each day as if it may be your last on earth. It may be. Leave your legacy."
"It was time for me to live my life...losing dad had reminded her how short our lives could be."
"With each passing second, each minute, every hour, we are edging closer to an appointed time when we will stand before God and give an account for what we've done with our lives."
"Tomorrow's not promised, tomorrow is not in our hands. At any given moment, the Lord could call us home."
"So when you're you're Superman or Batman passes away it makes you realize a lot of things and that anything can happen to anybody."
"If you are afraid of death at this point in your life, then you might want to be looking over at our friends at Policy Genius."
"I've been dead for 15 years like I can't do anything to you. You are just [ __ ] on your own."
"Live every day of your life like it's your last."
"It's good to think about death every now and then."
"Everybody has an expiration date whether you talking about Nipsey Hussle, Boyce Watkins, John Doe, Jane Doe, Bren—everybody's got an expiration date."
"Death teaches us that life is precious and the bonds we hold make it worth living."
"The idea that we might not die knowing on the day we die that we didn't really do what we came here to do is actually scarier to us than the thought that they might kill us if we do."
"Life is short and you just never know when you're gonna die at any given moment, so savor every moment."
"I realized at that moment, you know, that I was going to die."
"The more you want to live the more real death feels I'm sure ranmaru had given up at first."
"We're all gonna die. The more aware we are that we're expiring, the more intention we have in our lives."
"We never know just how much time we have, so we need to live as authentically as possible."
"We live every day like we're going to live forever."
"Life is finite... that reminds me every morning that okay, let's get focused."
"I've just never been in a place where so many people have died."
"When death comes close, it cuts through the illusion that my choices don't matter."
"Y'all hear what I'm saying? I'm talking about death, right? You ain't coming back from that."
"Life is short. Today you're here, tomorrow you're gone."
"Be nice even when you disagree with someone. We're all people, and we're all gonna die."
"Live and plan every day as though it could be your last."
"We're all going to die. This is not a joke." 💀
"Hope you had a great birthday, old man. Just think how soon you'll be 50, a full half century old ever nearer to the grave. Isn't it great?"
"We're going to spend more time being dead than we're going to be alive."
"Consider the uncertainty of the day of your death... one day my soul, you must depart from this body."
"Life is short, I keep getting reminded that life is short all the time."
"Was it worth it? Spending hours of your life, talking about the R-men to a bunch of people who you didn't even know we're going to die?"
"You have a clock on your arm that says how much time you have left, and when you run outta time, you die."
"People live and people will pass away, a lot of people are, however, unfortunately running away from this idea of death."
"It's a scary [__] virus and it can kill you... I watched my friends, one guy, there was nothing wrong with him, he was a bodybuilder, got covered and it killed him."
"You genuinely do not know when your last day is like I'm telling you live your life and treat the people that you love like it is your last day."
"Remember that you're going to die one day too."
"If you die today, are you ready? Are your sins forgiven? Are you ready to stand before your creator? Tonight is the night."
"Death is inevitable, Baby knows that. Baby just didn't think that she would be thinking about it so soon."
"Your life is closer to zero than it is to any other number, and that's a big thing, especially as a young kid to be taught."
"Only those who are prepared to die are truly prepared to live."
"There's a letter... dear beloved family, if you're reading this right now, I'm probably dead."
"Death plays a crucial role, character's relationship to their own impermanence."
"At the end of the day, we all have the same grave."
"I do so thinking about my mortality. The notion that I will die someday really helps me prioritize my time and my actions."
"Life is short, enjoy it to the fullest. No one is guaranteed a full life and we don't know when our time is up here on planet Earth."
"Pets are sadly not immortal, and you want to think about their quality of life just as importantly as you do the length of their life."
"Do not wait. You don't know the day nor the hour. Young people are dying, middle-aged are dying."
"Life is something that we should never take for granted, each day could be our last."
"Life is a something that we should never take for granted, each day could be our last day."
"We're all salty idiots, we're all gonna die at some point, let's make right now matter."
"Life was finite and you don't always know if you're guaranteed tomorrow."
"Life is short, life can get taken away from you at any moment."
"She knows that she's gonna die at this point, she's kind of figured that you know there's not a lot of ways that this could turn out."
"I have a fear of death, it shows up every morning."
"We're all mortal. So we may as well plan for it."
"You never really know when it's your time to go."
"Are you prepared to die? Have you made any preparation at all for your death?"
"Our time on this earth is very, very short. Rest in peace, buddy. We miss you."
"Lessons that we learn are right on the tombstones of others."
"Memento Mori. Seneca's advice: 'Prepare our minds as if we'd come to the very end of life.'"
"It's not a joke. These aren't numbers, these aren't statistics. These are real people who are dead."
"The most precious commodity that you have is your sense of death."
"When death comes knocking, no one is safe in Aspen, Colorado."
"How many times do people have to die because of a lack of health insurance before you realize how stupid the system is?"
"People always assume that it's one thing that kills you."
"The time to stop accepting death is right now."
"Life and death, blessing and cursing, choose life."
"How often do you gaze upon death, your own? Yeah, this guy knew, this guy's reading."
"You never know when your day is gonna be up, you know? Cherish your moments with your loved ones, man. I'm telling you."
"Life is fragile, life is short... live every day to the fullest, love the people around you, tell them that you love them, do the things that you love and make you happy."
"Just remember, every day is a gift from God. You never know when will be your last."
"Brothers have to master giving each other the flowers while we're here because none of us saw Kevin going, none of us."
"Makes you realize you might have little time left to hit the thumbs up but that's how the timeline wiping out works."
"I value this life now because it's the only one I know for sure that I will get. The very fact that life is temporary makes it that much more valuable."
"They're telling them basically you're kind of on borrowed time here."
"I've had to go to a lot of funerals over the past couple of months. You gain a much deeper appreciation for having stories like this on record."
"I'm gonna be dead within a year, okay, so we gotta get my affairs into order real quick."
"your soul will leave your body and you will no longer be a person and that this is certain"
"Brittany taught him to enjoy life because tomorrow might be the last."
"Live each day as if it were your last, and one day you'll be proven right."
"Frequently reminding ourselves of the inevitable ending of life, death, softens the heart."
"Life is a precious thing, and unfortunately, a lot of people don't realize it until it's too late."
"We're all gonna die, right? Everybody's gonna go at some point. We don't like to think about it but we should."
"Remember him before the silver cord is severed or the golden bowl is broken."
"We all have a finite amount of time on earth. I think okay how could I, how would I on my death bed reflect on my life and say wow I lived the fullest possible life."
"This life is short and you say that we could go at any moment and it's a thing you say but it's such a reality."
"I used to sit there and think, 'I'm going to die one day.' It gives you motivation to get at it and do stuff now in the present."
"Living with death on our shoulder, which means be really alive here and now."
"It makes you confront the inevitable death of all of us."
"Live and do things that, if somebody told you today, 'You've got six months to live,' would you do what you're doing or would you do something different?"
"Every decent person should be concerned at the level of death that we're witnessing."
"Teach me to number my days that I might gain a heart of wisdom."
"Sleep is really important; if you don't sleep, your risk of death is much higher."
"Recognize we're all going to die, we're all going to feel grief... and love life while we can, love each other while we can."
"Live like you're dying, because you know who's dying? You and Dave and me and everybody you see."
"Live our lives spiritually as if we're going to die this evening."
"The death of people who we believe are not supposed to die has a way of bringing our own mortality into sharper focus."
"Everyone will die 48 hours from now. What'll change? Are there some people you'd call? Why are you not saying it now?"
"It was this moment where it struck me how fragile life is and how you could literally be talking to someone one moment and the next moment they're gone."
"Stay hydrated, be kind to yourself, and tell your friends you love them because you never know when they're gonna go."
"Live every day like it's your last because tomorrow it might be."
"Enjoy each and every day 'cause you never know when your last breath is there."
"Teach me how to number my days, so that I may apply myself to wisdom."
"Life is too fun, and you never know, you could wake up dead tomorrow."
"You have to know, not fear, know that someday you're gonna die."
"Most people have an existential blind spot around death... very few of us really wrestle with the fact that we're going to die."
"The life that we're living, we assume we're going to live longer... but do we know when our life comes to an end?"
"Death, it's certain. But when death will come it’s not certain."
"Everyone dies at some point, and if I didn't go after the things I truly wanted in life, I would soon die having never truly lived the life that I wanted."