
Interpersonal Impact Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"Narcissistic Personality Disorder... it's the only diagnosis in the world where having it means you do more harm to other people than to yourself."
"Being seen and allowing our presence and existence to impact other people is at the core of our being."
"Happiness is a moral obligation because of how you affect other people."
"Narcissism is comprised of certain pillars, as I call them: lack of empathy, grandiosity, entitlement, superficiality, admiration and validation seeking, hypersensitivity, rage, and a tendency to manipulate and exploit people."
"You're someone who has a natural calming and peaceful impact on people."
"You don't live in a vacuum, and you take actions that affect other people."
"There's more to life. Life is beautiful, and it's full. If you're hurting and you feel that it's helping you by hurting other people, it's not."
"How does that affect your relationship with your spouse? What's the problem there?"
"Always leave people better than when you found them. If Cinderella had went back to pick up her shoe, she would have never become a princess."
"The only meaning your life will ever have is what your involvement means to someone else."
"The connections you make with others are what's gonna make the difference in the end."
"I want you to be nice. Spread kindness because it can make someone's day."
"You always consider how your actions might affect other people before doing something."
"What people remember about you is how you made them feel."
"How do you make that person feel when they're around you?"
"If you're giving it everything you got the best every day and what they put on to you is probably a reflection on them."
"If you can affect the person, you'll affect their performance."
"It's all about the context, consent, and how you portray in what way they touched your life."
"If you think that moms don't matter, go up to somebody who's a guy who's bigger than you and insult his mother and see what happens."
"Your legacy is every life you touch. Every life you touch, that changed me."
"Every single person you meet in life has an impact on who you become."
"You really make my day with so many of your words."
"People won't remember what you said... they'll always remember how you made them feel."
"The best coaches, the best managers I've played under, the best people I've come across, they make you feel a certain way."
"You're here to bring people this energy and be in this energy. Even in being in proximity with you, there's something about a feeling you give people; you lighten people."
"She makes the room warm, she's the sunshine."
"Sometimes we seem to pick up on other people's energies and it can bring us down, but we don't really know why."
"He made everyone feel loved, heard, and seen."
"Honesty and authenticity is a good thing to have, but you also have to recognize that may place a burden on someone else."
"The fact is that saying stuff that affects other people and how to treat other people is much more important than how to live your own life."
"Your energy is so powerful that even those very small energetic exchanges or seemingly small exchanges can spark a spiritual awakening in the other person."
"Your energy has this slow burn effect on individuals, where over the course of time, your energy lingers with them, it sticks with people, it's something that they can't forget."
"Biz was loved because when he came in a room, he made you understand that I'm here."
"I am who I am today because you really changed."
"Your presence is giving off energy and healing people around you."
"When you accept fear, pain, or shame, you're making other people ashamed or afraid."
"Can you vocalize what you truly feel internally even if it sets someone up to feel a little bit bad?"
"We must never sacrifice our conviction, but how we portray that, how we extend that to other people is vitally important."
"Claudia had such a loving spirit and an ability to make everyone she encountered feel valued."
"Pride robs God of his glory and hurts those around us. It's destructive because it shifts our focus from the Lord to ourselves."
"He really helped me cheer the [expletive] up."
"My ability to work with literally any other content producers was affected."
"What can I do in this moment to make you better people, and to also make you happier?"
"People will not remember you with what you had, but rather how you made them feel."
"Relationships don't break people, people do."
"People forget what you say, they'll forget what you did, they'll always remember how you made them feel."
"Envy and jealousy harm you as well as hurting others."
"You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world, but you do have some say in who hurts you."
"You have this grounding, raw, real presence in the lives of others..."
"Every action you do towards another person leaves a mark on you."
"The reality is we can have so many valuable resources within a person side by side with aspects that cause other people so much pain."
"When you got to make a decision that'll hurt somebody, it's best to think on the right and wrong of it."
"People don't remember what you said but they remember how you made them feel."
"If I caused pain to another person and you empathize with that person, you will become offended."
"You guys give off a vibe as someone who is resilient... This person is going to survive it no matter what it is."
"He always came across as mean condescending and scary."
"Personal relations here can matter a great deal even in the fiercest of firefights."
"People won't remember the words you said but they'll remember the way you make them feel."
"Your ability to listen to people and make them feel heard... incredibly powerful."
"What you project out... it can make a huge difference."
"Just make somebody's day at least one time a week, okay?"
"How you made them feel is really, really important."
"Seek therefore to ensure that the effect of your presence upon those 'others' whom you encounter upon your journey, are positive and beneficial."
"The biggest fear I ever had is in 10 years' time, my Chinese friends say to me, 'John, you were right.'"
"Unaddressed grief often leads to resentment."
"Insulting my mom directly had majorly put me in a bad mood."
"Far from acting in their best interests, Rick is addicted to feeling control over them."
"Your smile, your hug, your encouraging word could be the very thing that someone needs in their life."
"If you affect the person, you'll affect their performance."
"Sagittarius will say what is on their mind even if it crushes your soul."
"People don't remember what you say, they remember how you made them feel."
"Charming, cool, and calculating—they betray trust and devastate lives."
"I probably would have come in, but I don't want to kill Brian."
"People will come up to Angela and me and they'll be like, 'You healed me, you helped me so much,' and all I can think is, 'You are healing me, you are helping me.'"
"He is responsible for the effect of his words and his actions."
"Your actions affect others a lot. No one's invincible. Be nice and remember that we're all people."
"My father was outspoken you know he was very blunt and honest with people."
"I'm not assessing the risk properly, and I'm not realizing how my behavior is making other people feel."
"When people come in our lives it's not for nothing... they leave that mark that keeps us going."
"Arrogance leads you in the direction of dismissing the values of other people."
"The lesson is to avoid words and actions that may offend others, whether intentionally or unintentionally."
"You really intimidate this person; this is how they feel about you."
"A life is not just a singular thing, things that happen to you have a huge effect on the people around you as well."
"This person feels like you have some very potent, very powerful, very strong energy that they cannot shake."
"Your energy is abundant and very significant to this person."
"Energetic exchange overwhelms and transforms every aspect."
"When you smiled, it made me happy. When you cry, it makes me sad."
"Nearly everything you do has an impact on others, and that impact is felt more profoundly the closer someone is to you."
"80% of people aren't aware of their effect on people around them."
"It is extremely helpful to build resilience when we understand our own emotions and the impact that we have on other people's emotions."
"The energy that you cast on people is love."
"We have the ability to build each other up or tear each other down."
"Sin is never private; it always affects other people emotionally, spiritually, and even physically."
"If you show them that you truly care about them, if you're kind, if you're compassionate, that at the end of the day matters more than what you say."