
Social Approval Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"You care about what everybody thinks, man, that's draining."
"Making more people like me, enjoy my stories, laugh at my jokes is not going to improve my subjective experience of life at all."
"The approval of those whom we love and honor is the approval we value."
"I at least want 1 million fans to satisfy my desperate need for approval."
"When you depend on other people's approval or other people's attraction to you to make you feel good and validate that you're a cool person, you are gonna end up with a broken heart."
"But it's just this wanting so badly to be liked."
"I think maybe it might have saved me in a way from going down the path of trying to chase that high of everybody's approval forever."
"That would be what gets me, is freedom, and like, I don't get to look in the mirror and think I look good today, I have to wait for other people to say you look good today, that makeup suits you, your outfit looks great."
"Amelia calls to him before doing a spin for him to get an overall look of the fit the other girls stop what they are doing and clap in admiration behind Rey."
"Doing things just to be liked, you become pathetic."
"If you approve of yourself, others will too."
"When you really see that the pleasure you get from a compliment perpetuates anxiety about others' opinions, you'll see it's just not worth it."
"Most people are looking for somebody to approve of us while we are shaking their hands."
"Sometimes it's more important to be liked than to be right."
"Eventually you have to recognize that the approval and affirmation of the online left is about as fruitless a pursuit as trying to appease an abusive father."
"I take so much pride in people's parents liking me."
"The opinion of others and feeling appreciated is very important too."
"Caring about people's approval and you will be their prisoner, the courage to be disliked is the key that opens the prison doors and sets you free to be the person you've always wanted to be."
"It's a lot less work and it'll actually be probably rewarding because people will like you and everyone is happy you work."
"On the bright side, you're the talk of the party. People like your dress."
"It's more rewarding to be liked by others than to be powerful."
"I always felt I had to work hard at being better, more spiritual, more liked."
"The ones who get the most approval in life are the ones who care the least about it."
"Being a good person is keeping it real, and people like that."
"Every single time I wear this I get loads of compliments."
"I've had many choice points where I knew if I express myself in manner A, I'm going to be liked, loved... or I can choose manner B."
"Our parents didn't have these distractions, they had to put time and effort into receiving the approval of their peers."
"We like the spotlight, we want people to like us."
"When you pass the vibe check, you're good to hang. Yeah, you can hang. Steven Crowder [__] his pants, he cannot hang."
"We're happy, we're normal, get the thumbs up!"
"Someone said, 'Y'all slaying the house down. Bussy queen XOXO.' Thanks for the 10 pounds, Amy."
"Living authentically to myself makes me a lot happier than just trying to please people."
"If everybody likes me, I'm doing something too wrong."
"If it passes the pub test, then you've got a good video."
"You can't please everybody, and sometimes it's hard to avoid negative feedback."
"Everyone likes it. Comments are singing your praises, Mary."
"One of the fundamental things that stories warn us against is being too preoccupied with winning approval from other people."
"He's gonna be well loved, he's gonna win the popularity contest."
"It's not the end of the world if somebody doesn't approve."
"If you show up to a Halloween party wearing this, you're going to look good and everyone is going to like your costume because it is a good costume."
"If you do things to try to win people's approval the only thing is that you will lose people's approval."
"He kept his word, so for me, you know, I hope that makes everybody happy."
"Long-term respect is more important than short-term approval."
"When you know somebody more important approves of you, it makes the opinions of people a whole lot less significant."
"Many of us don't act because we want other people's approval."
"All people need to be concerned with one another; the reason why so many television Negroes are so concerned about Donald Trump is because they want him to love them."
"They don't need anyone else's approval on who they love."
"I personally believe there are a few things more pathetic and dangerous than a human who cares nothing more than to be approved of by others."
"You're fighting for people's approval, fighting to look extraordinary every time."
"It's pretty lit honestly bro, that's awesome."
"Wow, your dress is so cool. Thanks, I made it myself. This is such a great club."
"I'm instantly cracked at it and snagged buckets of thumbs up from all my homies on Pokegram."
"Marry somebody better than you, marry somebody that people like."
"You do all this stuff just to be liked by other people who can't do anything for you and really don't give a crap about you in return."
"Instead of trying to please everybody and say, 'Oh, 90% of the world doesn't love me,' just look for the people who do."
"When you know who you are and where you belong, you don't have to wait for anybody else's approval."
"Nice guys get the stamp of approval; they're loved by friends and family."
"Don't worry what others think. Your vision is much more important than likes."
"Why am I scared of what other people think?"
"Your friends are going to be so impressed when you're flicking your fume"
"Libra cares a lot about how it's represented publicly. It cares so much, but it also cares about wanting people to like them."
"I'm just so sick of trying to find validation through these strangers."
"Don't compromise for the sake of people; it will bring Allah's anger, and people will still never be happy with you."
"You don't have to worry about whether people like you or not. It's contemptible to keep polling. Have a little self-respect and allow yourself to think that people who don't like you probably are just jealous. Could be true."
"Passion is important because expressing passion means you don't really care what people think."
"I think everybody has a natural tendency to enjoy being liked. When all of a sudden you see it go the other way, you don't like it."
"Popular: So, popular means something that many people like. So when something is popular, that means that a lot of people think that it's really, really good."
"We used to want love, now we just want likes."
"We bind the distraction of trying to please people that don't care anything about us."
"It makes you feel good when somebody compliments you."
"Women look at guys who get along well with women and have female friends because that's another stamp of approval."
"We all, to varying degrees, want validation from other people."
"Many of us don't act because we want other people's approval; we want everybody to like us and to accept us, and that's not possible."
"We had more likes than dislikes this season."
"Normative social influence is when the individual wants to appear normal and one of the majority so they are approved, not rejected."
"Social norms are basically social attitudes of approval and disapproval that specify what ought to be done and what ought not to be done."
"Every time I've taken this Chrono to one of these meetups, it gets compliments."
"I got so many compliments on it today."
"You hear that? She thinks I'm cool."
"Wanting the approval of other people is nice; it means you value other people's opinions."
"They fit beautifully and actually got a lot of compliments on them when I wore them out."