
Intrigue Quotes

There are 6154 quotes

"The premise of Percy Jackson is really, really good. It's gripping and intriguing."
"A place that holds hidden mountain ranges, alien-like landscapes, and clandestine meetings of the world's most influential figures."
"Antarctica: a land of snow and ice and a hotbed of intrigue."
"He's a monster, but we want him to get away with it."
"It's very starry, there's a lot of astrology, astronomy kind of stuff baked into it, which I think is really compelling."
"You have no idea what you have your hands on."
"Antarctica continues to baffle, intrigue, and fascinate us."
"In the world of the paranormal, some photographs defy explanation, leaving viewers and those involved questioning the boundaries between the seen and the unseen."
"There’s a lot to be said for a story with an intriguing and unknown ending."
"If Jake's going to go to 6-0, he's going to have to earn it. He's going to have to legitimately earn it with the opposition in front of him, or so we think. So that's the intrigue."
"So far, I'm very intrigued. I have no idea what's about to happen."
"The introduction of Stannis Baratheon in this whole plotline is pretty much flawless. He's such a detailed and well-rounded character."
"All of these elements make for an incredibly intriguing game."
"I always found their (Gin and Aizen) relationship incredibly captivating."
"There's a whole lot more to this story than meets the eye."
"The enigmatic aura surrounding Enoch beckons us to uncover the truth hidden within the whispers of time."
"We're watching his path to try and accomplish that dream, granted it's a dream that we don't understand the ideology behind, but that's what makes us thirst for more of Garro's character."
"A figure of myth and legend that needs no introduction."
"No Mercy... it's the heist that explains why Bain is dying."
"All human relationships are interesting and dynamic in a way."
"The thing I love about the movie and the book is that it won't fit into our prescribed little boxes of theme or meaning because the main character is this guy who's doing everything a main character should never do and yet we're riveted by him."
"Conversations with lawyers are always interesting."
"Characters who are a shade of gray just much more interesting."
"Southeast Asia today, I think, is one of the most intriguing and enigmatic places in the world."
"The intrigue and the mystery, the plotting and the scheming, that's the heart of the show."
"Coffee House crime is all about True Crime, strange and chilling stories."
"Time travel as a premise or plot mechanic is an incredibly interesting thing if done properly."
"Everything from murder, disappearances, cults, all the way to the biggest drug bust in history, the biggest bank heist in history, all things true crime essentially."
"Whoa, that's why it's called the Butterfly Garden."
"There's something extremely bizarre going on."
"If I showed you a mermaid flavor, your curiosity wouldn't peak a little bit?"
"Boy, do I have a doozy of a story for you folks involving Apple."
"The amazing part of the story is just the beginning."
"Experience a world of mystery, heartbreak, and intrigue."
"This is an unlikely pair caught up in a web of lies and deceit."
"A degree of mystery is extremely intriguing to the human mind. So it's extremely intriguing to the female for her man. It's the first thing."
"The secret one, literally a few days ago I saw this in the Batcave and I left it."
"Knowing that every demon we're going to meet in Demon Slayer is not only going to have a very powerful but also unique Blood Demon Art makes meeting every new demon hugely interesting."
"It just kept unraveling in such an interesting way."
"We talked about some pretty interesting conspiracy theories."
"This is about to go down [ __ ] about tell you guys some [ __ ] tea also we don't know what happened so what I'm telling you."
"The ancient Maya civilization flourished with a mysterious brilliance that continues to captivate the world."
"Sukuna: a mythological force brought to life."
"The energy in there is hard to describe, it's palpable, it's there, and you know that there's something happening inside of those walls that's compelling, that's interesting and intriguing."
"This is actually insane, I can't even believe it's true, but just watch, it's actually real."
"You may choose not to like him, but you can't deny the guy's absolutely fascinating."
"When is the dessert not just dessert? I have something to share."
"Don't be afraid to use negative space, it creates mystery for the viewer."
"Whatever the truth is, I for one can't get enough of his wonderfully weird, wholesome content."
"That's really interesting, it's definitely Project Zorgo's doing. They're definitely put that there for a reason, and I'm going to find out why they put that there."
"Thought they wanted them kept secret lucky id classified lot going on there."
"Oh, and whatever you do, don't take the traveler's deal."
"There's something about Meredith Quill that's a secret to all this."
"Lucky vibes with you, new reading: Who's obsessed with you?"
"You keep people guessing, there's a mystery to you."
"He's a fascinating character that makes him kind of scary."
"It makes you uncomfortable in all the best ways possible."
"There's something about horror, specifically cosmic horror, that I find very intriguing."
"A mystery will always be more interesting than an actual explanation."
"Every single way of resolving the story resolves to something fascinating."
"Some of the most pervasive mysteries are those that occur in real life."
"Children of loneliness 1937: This film is one of the first of the exploitation genre and honestly I wish I could see this film firsthand because the story behind this movie is both disturbing and fascinating at the same time."
"What do you guys really think is going on here?"
"It's one of those stories where fact is simply more interesting than fiction."
"Short, simple ideally, and just so freaking interesting, they have to click."
"The first chapter hits for plenty of reasons but the low-level spooky Hamlet questing coupled with disturbing reveals drama Intrigue and a satisfying Capstone even if it's less satisfying on review sets the tone for the entire series."
"Tom Hanks playing a villain? Completely fascinated by that."
"Best murder mystery: Knives Out, Murder Mystery."
"Some of the most mysterious and intriguing places around the world are those off-limits to the General Public."
"Alchemy: a fantastic and intriguing endeavor."
"Historical mysteries can be some of the most perplexing out there."
"Sometimes they can't help but talk about you."
"Whatever the explanation, the moving chair in Ramos's shop has surely added a curious chapter to the annals of local lore." - Kallen
"This is the most secretive unclassified program that I've ever come across."
"These stories are fascinating enough by virtue of their nature and conception; it's what lies at the heart of this series that really makes me want to thrust it into everyone's hands."
"There’s so many things that Giorno is, but not one of those things is boring."
"It activates something compelling in our psyche."
"This is such an amazing case... it was one of the most compelling modern-day UFO encounters."
"I wanted to tell everyone about what I had seen in the clearing."
"Wanda Maximoff is the most interesting character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe going forward."
"There's something coming here... very interesting relationship between these two... I'm incredibly intrigued."
"What do you make of these Unsolved Mysteries?"
"This international competition adds a layer of intrigue to the broader context of UFO secrecy, revealing a complex interplay of interests."
"Because I have received a letter from him since the date of his supposed death."
"I'm moved by Logic, who shot you? Who did it? What happened that night? Up to now, we haven't heard nothing. Do you understand me? Nothing."
"The magic of Evil Genius lies in the story that it tells as it twists and turns like a captivating crime drama."
"That's what's so fascinating about crime. In this world of crime, one chooses to trust another criminal."
"A huge part of why the film has found such a unique reputation comes from the utter mystery surrounding Wiseau himself."
"The news that they were convicted was not as exciting as initially sounded."
"I think this dude wanted Zucker gone... I think they saw an opportunity and they took it."
"Interesting that you would know that she's sick because that information hasn't been released to the public yet. That's right, I got you right where I want you, bucko."
"People go like 'What's going on over there?'"
"Some creatures are so weird, you describe them as mythical."
"Real history and real science is far more intriguing."
"This is going to be a little bit of a story here."
"My guest today may have one of the most interesting stories you've ever heard."
"The tragic heroism of Aqua makes him compelling."
"Is there really more to him than that? Oh is there. Is there EVER."
"The combat, the visuals, the fact that we're going back to Medieval. I feel will be really intriguing."
"Whoever's written this, man I want to meet him. I want to meet his parents."
"Magic, intrigue, family history, there's just so much here. I loved it."
"the dark imperium trilogy has a lot to offer"
"Few ships are as intriguing or mysterious as the submarine."
"The men on board are as intriguing as the ship they sail."
"Human history is far more interesting than you have been led to believe."
"Fascinating conversation, a really intractable problem."
"Wow, that's insane. I want to hear more. He's got more too, he has more."
"Needless to say, it re-sparked interest in the mystery centered around her death."
"The characters themselves are very interesting along with their development."
"People around the world are fascinated by this place not just stalkers."
"Carlson's Keen observation unveils a chilling picture of intrigue where individuals strategically ingratiated themselves to achieve ulterior motives."
"Every aspect of this document is fascinating."
"The absolute mysteriousness of the man will perpetually provoke people's imagination."
"Make sure you watch until the end. Plus, I'm even gonna reveal my top secret AI tool that you do not want to miss."
"When you look at it through that Victorian lens I always find it almost extra fascinating."
"Scarcity creates value. Being mysterious, unpredictable, and challenging to figure out causes women to become more interested in you, curious about you, value you more, respect you more, chase you more, and generally like you more."
"It's more interesting than I thought. That's how I look at it."
"While there is no conclusive proof that people have been abducted by extraterrestrials, some of the accounts have been compelling."
"Conspiracy theories, man, they blow your mind."
"One of the best ways to hook a Scorpio is to give us a mystery."
"But perhaps the creepiest incident of the night..."
"Future Viking horror... colors me intrigued immediately."
"She calls the attention of others and tells them the letter says well is dead at ancient ruins five days ago."
"It's too much of a coincidence, there's too much going on."
"Hint at the fact that you can make his fantasies real."
"The Joker is one of the most compelling villains of all time precisely because we CANNOT."
"I was really impressed with Mark's footage. I mean, there's no way to really easily explain what he caught on video."
"It remains one of the biggest true crime mysteries."
"He was attached to notable units, but the details remained secret."
"The Heroic Legend of Arslan will hook you if you enjoy Game of Thrones."
"His story, a blend of power, downfall, and an insatiable thirst for control, continues to fascinate, horrify, and intrigue."
"This is definitely a secret which I don't want you to know."
"Everything we report is obtained using remote viewing. Remote viewing is really interesting."
"One of the greatest Hollywood movies ever it's a Hollywood noir that talks about just the backstabbing the intrigue the lies that make this town go round and round."
"I think we are all hard-wired as humans to think secret agent stuff is fascinating."
"This movie seems to have so many other elements going for it."
"Secrets are much more interesting when it's less obvious what you do against them and this adds a very interesting layer to that."
"This entire situation is so bizarre that we just need to get into it."
"These characters are kind of scary, kind of dangerous, but still intriguing."
"It's described as a spellbinding trip of a novel."
"Why did they keep her alive in the house knowing what she was capable of?"
"There's just something about it that's oddly addicting."
"There was two sculptures that looked like this one. Yeah, interesting."
"Straffan's case has intrigued criminologists, historians, and authors."
"Black Ops 3 actually has an interesting premise."
"I have evidence and I have revealed much of it... maybe not all."
"He knows things, things that some of you may have a deep vested interest in finding out."
"Why not tell them of the Corniche horror? Strangest case I have handled."
"He's the most unpredictable man in the world."
"The photo shows a mysterious diamond-shaped flying object... a fighter jet could be spotted in the background."
"What makes the story of the Booth brothers even more interesting is."
"This trailer gave me way more questions and I had before I started watching."
"The gender-bending mystique of David Bowie was now firmly established, captivating the attention of the music industry."
"Short answer is he knows things, things that some of you may have a deep vested interest in finding out."
"The true accounts of events and what led up to them are far more interesting."
"This person finds you intriguing... There's something they're drawn to about you."
"Life is interesting, is all I can say about that. It really is."
"A deeply unsettling encounter with the unknown, leaving us with more questions than answers."
"Welcome to the Night Mind Case Files: Unraveling mysteries that refuse to be solved."
"Can we just one second understand this? So you're saying that on Michaela's birthday, after she had received balloons, cakes, and flowers, another unmarked box comes full of roses?"
"Who exactly is he and where did he come from? What is he all about?"
"Daemon... He’s cunning, smart, suave, sexy, unpredictable, brave..."
"There's something huge going on with Antarctica."
"The revelation of the toxic gas canisters is a story thread that has been slowly playing out for years."
"What an opening, huh? I mean, that is a claim."
"A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma."
"Sometimes you can just say information straight to the audience and it can be thoroughly entertaining."
"If you can somehow build a sense of intrigue around the information before you give it out to the audience like you're most of the way there to making that exposition fun."
"It'll be a little bit creepy, it'll be a little bit interesting, it'll be mysterious, and we can try to piece together the clues of the narrative together in real time."
"So, Gemini Home Entertainment, which it has if you show it oh you have it on screen right now uh which says we're not going anywhere which is really interesting."
"I love everything about it: the espionage, the intrigue, the double-cross."
"It sounds like the opening of a Tom Clancy novel."
"Every character has a story that compels you to know more."
"He's provided us with a very enjoyable cover-up story."
"The more you tell the truth, the more crazy and interesting things will happen to you."
"Everybody loves a mystery, right? There's something so exciting about having a puzzle that seemingly nobody can solve."
"I think we summoned something today, it's a cult candle."
"What is most curious is that there's some actual weight to clinoa the enemies and the world that they inhabit."
"Throughout history, the use of poisons in covert actions has been a dark and intriguing aspect of human Affairs."
"What I wonder is... whether there's an element of the delight of being caught."
"The story in this one twists and turns into a ton of different directions and it really feels like when it answers one question a thousand more are asked."
"The danger or illicit aspect of moonshine production makes it intriguing for many people."
"Is the government hiding non-human intelligence life, or is there a little bit more to this story? Let's Dive Right In."
"Real life is always more interesting than fiction, now isn't it?"
"A vital and fun part of the film could be discovering what else happened with Peter..."
"Places where it's expressly forbidden to enter are some of the most interesting."
"Get on the list at plantarina.com... literally what is happening, what's going on."
"It's a slice of flavor but like also worked into like a really interesting story with like a lot of interesting mysteries and plot twists"
"It's a thrilling tale of intrigue and suspense so I definitely recommend darker than black"
"You are a mysterious puzzle that can't be solved, Manhattan."
"The big question mark is what happened to him over those course of those four days."
"I walk into your apartment, you open your back door..."
"The person who is closest to your heart, you will just know."
"Secrets the royal guards don't want you to know."
"The direction that Law is taking in the story is very, very interesting."
"The refined gentleman disappeared... Maranzano fought fiercely."
"It's one of those games that's a little weird, that's a lot weird, but it's also very potentially fantastic."
"The clues that geneticists have unearthed are really intriguing."
"There was certainly something very unique going on here."
"This person was arrested for identity theft which definitely made this quite interesting."