
Harry Potter Quotes

There are 1370 quotes

"Percy will wipe the floor with Harry so quick even Voldemort would ask for a replay."
"Some houses have a small storage closet underneath the stairs; it's like a little Harry Potter room."
"Albus Severus Potter. You were named after two headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was a Slytherin, and he was the bravest man I've ever known."
"The story of Harry Potter is not about a young abused boy changing the world for the better; it is about a young abused boy destined to defend the world, flaws and all."
"For a lot of people in the fandom, Harry Potter is their life."
"The hatred that book Malfoy has toward Harry makes sense because Harry is the antithesis of Malfoy's taught values."
"Nestled in the bundle was a baby, Harry Potter, the boy who lived."
"Harry is the boy who never sought power, but who had leadership thrust upon him and found he wore it well."
"He was willing to die to stop Voldemort from conquering the Wizarding world."
"It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends."
"Harry is just operating with true pureness of heart."
"As a thought exercise, imagine how different the Harry Potter series would feel if it had been written in first-person instead of third-person POV."
"I love the Harry Potter world... it would be so cool to see like a very mature, very dark Harry Potter movie."
"Harry Potter is way bigger than J.K. Rowling; it belongs to you, the reader."
"The magic wasn't really the magic of Potter; it's the magic of reading."
"You tore my soul apart. I feel like Voldemort right now."
"You were named after two headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was a Slytherin, and he was the bravest man I've ever known."
"One of the weirdest but probably most common Harry Potter theories out there is the one where Ron is actually a time-traveling Dumbledore."
"Harry Potter, grabbing random magical objects since 1997."
"It was the love symbolized by Lily's sacrifice that protected Harry."
"She was there to assist Harry in his fight against Voldemort every step of the way."
"Harry Potter has always been viewed as a story about the underdog."
"A Harry Potter sequel alright this is the banger in my opinion this is the best one."
"I wouldn't be sat here today doing what I'm doing now if I wasn't lucky enough to play bloody Scorpius Malfoy in Harry Potter."
"Harry Potter characters aren't dull... captivated an entire generation."
"The most important character in Harry Potter... it's Hermione."
"The Sword of Gryffindor was originally intended to be the final Horcrux."
"The Wizarding World of Harry Potter led to record-setting attendance numbers."
"Hogwarts Legacy appears to be the ultimate Harry Potter game that so many have waited decades for."
"Now that I look like a studious well-put-together Slytherin."
"You're a Harry Potter fan, you want to play the video game, and you play it, not on stream, no one will care at all."
"Voldemort's desire to conquer death is the reverse of Dumbledore's own perspective."
"Nobody was happy about Snape kills Dumbledore when that nonsense went down."
"Until next time remember whether you come back by Page or the big screen Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home."
"October 31st, 1981. That's the day Voldemort tried to kill Harry and killed Lily and James."
"There’s an entire generation of people who grew up escaping to Hogwarts. Who feel comfortable and safe within those walls… within the pages of the books… or the scenes of the movies."
"Rowling did her job. She wrote the books. But They’re yours now. Always."
"So as we accept Harry Potter as a component of our formative development of values and worldview, it, essentially, becomes a component of our identities."
"It doesn't matter if you're a muggle or a wizard, Harry Potter fans everywhere love Hermione Granger."
"It's Hermione's loyalty and bravery that put her in Gryffindor."
"Give her a go. A book with characters who become your best friends. It's gotta be Harry Potter. It's gotta be Harry Potter. Like, I feel like these people are my best friends."
"You sow love, forgiveness, grace, you will reap God's love."
"The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter. It's not always clear why, but I think it is clear we can expect great things from you."
"Harry Potter became the best-selling book series in history."
"It's interesting how both Dumbledore and Voldemort have so much control over Harry's life."
"Maggie Smith is Professor McGonagall. Fight me."
"I do love the idea of Daniel Radcliffe coming back as Sirius Black or something. Or Snape, age-appropriate Snape. That would be cool."
"It was the first time Ginny ever had a moment like this, a moment where Ginny wasn't just his best friend's sister, but an actual friend."
"As Harry Potter gets older, the Dursleys are more threatened."
"Learning new spells is interesting and given how there are basically no rules in Harry Potter for how magic works there's no limit on creativity for spell ideas."
"Hogwarts Legacy: an action RPG adaptation of The Wizarding World based on Harry Potter."
"The reason Harry Potter will remain an international classic for generations to come is not because of its accessible writing style or page-turning mysteries, but because of the universal themes it explores."
"This is so far the most complete and functional Harry Potter wand and spell mod for Skyrim."
"There's a theory out there that predicts that Harry Voldemort and Snape are actually the three modern brothers of the Deathly Hallows tale."
"When you think of a major Hollywood film franchise, Harry Potter is always going to be in that conversation."
"Deathly Hallows Part 2 wrapped up the series with a bang."
"The Harry Potter franchise... it's seen a bit of a downfall in recent years."
"You need magic to make it out alive, so maybe go check out the Harry Potter ride."
"There's a theme for family, for mischief, for Gryffindor, for Voldemort, and of course, there's Hedwig's theme."
"The first Harry Potter game to really get the feel of spells and their physics correct."
"It might be the best Lego Harry Potter set ever."
"Harry comforts his son Albus in the epilogue by reminding him that if it means so much to you, you can just tell the hat, 'Not Slytherin.'"
"Some aspects of Snape's backstory demonstrate the cruelty of the system."
"Regulus Black, the betrayer of Voldemort, sacrificed his life to destroy a Horcrux."
"It represents how very much like James Harry is and his constant desire to have that father figure in his life."
"Everyone who was in Harry Potter was super into it because it was this fun world."
"Harry Potter's relatability was even able to reach those who didn't go through the same struggles as Harry."
"Our introduction to Hermione is excellent as she enters the carriage. She's observant, knowledgeable, and Watson does an excellent job at portraying the stuck-up smartass."
"Harry Potter was the only book that I never did that. I was always like, 'Oh, I'm so gripped.'"
"No, you're wrong. Voldemort killed my parents." - Harry Potter
"Peter Pettigrew killed your parents. And he's right there." - Sirius Black
"I think this is a perfect Harry Potter film."
"This is the pinnacle attraction for Harry Potter."
"Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, no doubt about that."
"Slytherins are masters of strategy and long-term planning."
"Slytherins aren’t afraid to face the deeper, darker truths of human nature."
"JK Rowling considered killing one of the main three characters"
"an initiative called harry potter at home was created in response to the covid outbreak"
"I'm ready to get back to Hogwarts we know we're gonna learn some more about the hufflepuffs Ravenclaw Gryffindor Slytherin."
"I built micro Hogwarts this year for a travel version of Hogwarts."
"I would never have expected Harry Potter to have such horror-esque tones."
"I didn't want to say this, but as soon as they got off the train, you know Draco's gonna come through and yell something at Potter."
"End on the first piece of Harry Potter merch that I ever bought."
"The worst part of the Order of the Phoenix is, well, the Order of the Phoenix."
"Sybil Trelawny might be one of the most important characters in the Harry Potter series."
"Dumbledore hired Trelawny partly to give her sanctuary."
"The whole of the Harry world was her passion."
"Perfect endings don't come around all that often Deathly Hallows and half-blood Prince are just the pinnacle of Harry Potter."
"It all culminated in 2011's 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2,' as the eighth and final film in the series saw our heroes take on Voldemort's army in the Battle of Hogwarts."
"The Harry Potter series is one of the most popular British exports of all time."
"I could be like Harry Potter but I could have the Ukraine symbol on my forehead instead of the evil Russian Z."
"Hagrid: How am I to pay for all this? I haven't any money. Well, there's your money, Harry."
"Are you meaning to tell me that the only people utter against Voldemort are seven gingers, two hot chicks, and a well-funded African tribesman?"
"Harry learns from Luna that the Ravenclaw house curse can point him in the right direction of the diadem."
"I wanted to see more from their generation, not some kids who have never seen, nor cared about, Voldemort."
"There's just something magical about early versions of Harry Potter merchandise."
"It's all the more special when a great series sticks the landing and I think that Harry Potter does that."
"I knew obviously how dedicated all the Harry fans were."
"The Harry Potter books are special, they transport you into another world."
"But the real star here is Hogwarts and J.K. Rowling's Wizarding World."
"If you have any questions about Harry Potter books or collecting, please feel free to contact me, I'm always happy to help."
"'It's made all the difference in the world, Harry. You helped uncover the truth. You saved an innocent man from a terrible fate.'"
"This Pakistani wizard from Harry Potter has got the most evil laugh I've ever heard in history."
"Harry Potter is the gift that just keeps on giving."
"Harry Potter has a piece of Voldemort in him."
"We're trying to tell fans a story of the Wizarding World that they haven't seen before."
"You don't understand what Hogwarts means to a lot of people."
"So we don't have it up at the moment, but in the Gryffindor Common Room, in the films, there's a notice board. That's filled with the stuff that you'd find on every regular sort of school notice board."
"Harry Potter is one of the best fantasy series ever written."
"I love love love this so much just because that illustration of Hogwarts on all the spines put together is so beautiful."
"JK Rowling's Harry Potter series is a seven book narrative that follows a wizard Boy by the name of Harry Potter."
"At number one the book that has received the most votes by a long way was of course ... Harry Potter."
"Accio: summoning charm that brings objects to the caster, even at great distances."
"Love being the one thing that Voldemort never understood."
"Can you imagine an open-world Harry Potter game, brother?"
"Harry Potter itself has become this sort of weird remixed religion for some people."
"Griffin: Very Harry Potter-esque, part of Gryffindor."
"JK Rowling's reaction is that she is very flattered by the fact there is such great interest in her Harry Potter series."
"What if Harry Potter had been sorted into Slytherin, instead of Gryffindor like the sorting hat wanted?"
"Father told me about it ages ago, supposed to be some big tournament between other schools."
"For me it's kind of a toss-up between Luna Lovegood, Hermione Granger, Fred and George Weasley, and Remus Lupin."
"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live Dumbledore."
"I love it because it somehow is perfectly balanced."
"The Harry Potter movies, especially 'Prisoner of Azkaban' and 'Goblet of Fire,' are beautifully directed and capture a balance of lightheartedness and seriousness."
"I love that Harry Potter universe, yeah. Well, the world, it's so fun. It's there's just so much to it. It's just like perfect for video games. This is almost an ideal video game for me. I'm pretty stoked about this."
"Albus Dumbledore isn't just any Hogwarts headmaster, he's widely regarded as the greatest headmaster in Hogwarts history."
"The stone was created by an alchemist named Nicholas Flamel, an old friend of Dumbledore's."
"Dumbledore gained control of the Elder Wand in the first place in a legendary duel with Grindelwald."
"Oh my gosh, we've made it to Hogwarts! Welcome, Doug."
"Quite simply, there has never been a better recreation of The Wizarding World or Harry Potter to date in video games before Hogwarts Legacy."
"This is by far and away the best Harry Potter game ever lovingly created and crafted."
"The casting for the core three students at Hogwarts are on point."
"Potter fans will likely be very familiar with at this point, there's also special ancient magic spells players will be able to utilize."
"You're the boy who lived, Voldemort couldn't kill him."
"Harry Potter is about the magic of love, acceptance, and belonging, the power of courage, the impact of hope."
"The Mad-Eye Moody necklace is wonderful, I really like it."
"It's been an incredible stop at Hogwarts and Hogsmeade, living out some of my fantasies from Hogwarts Legacy in real life."
"The most realistic part of Harry Potter is how he goes to a school where he learns skills he can't use in the real world."
"It's the best Harry Potter video game ever released."
"Keep collecting, keep being enthusiastic about Harry Potter. Don't let anyone tell you you can't like Harry Potter."
"Harry touched hearts in the smallest places."
"There's something about Harry Potter that makes life richer."
"Harry Potter Community would just lift you the hell up like talk about it just immense amounts of positivity and love thrown at you."
"Harry Potter seriously just brings everyone together."
"Harry Potter, oh honestly, it's gotten to a point where I am like, this might be a little dramatic."
"If you've got this far, firstly, 10 Hogwarts house points to you!"
"Harry Potter RPG will be officially revealed."
"I'm going to buy that book. I want to read about Harry Potter."
"The Hogwarts clock tower... a great set for any Harry Potter fan that is into Lego."
"For those of you who enjoy a good story and for those of you who are Harry Potter fans, you will absolutely love this attraction."
"And the winner of the Harry Potter versus Star Wars category is Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey!"
"Discover the wizarding world of Harry Potter in Minecraft."
"I discovered the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets."
"The woman riding horses with Tom Riddle Senior was named Cecilia."
"Harry took Luna Lovegood to Slughorn's party."
"Harry Potter, like I really really wanted to go to Hogwarts."
"Harry Potter World came out in Orlando, I was like oh my god let's go."
"Ensure your lines are as sharp as Quick-Quotes with this Harry Potter quill gel eyeliner."
"What a genius idea! Deathly Hallows lipsticks."
"It's a finely crafted prop replica, exactly the same as the ones that you will see Hermione hold in the films."
"This is the official Mirror of Erised replica, it's absolutely stunning."
"But the real glory of all this and what I kind of love is that if this is true and all of the Lestranges are, in fact, heirs of Slytherin, then Voldemort is way less special than he thinks as the lone heir of Slytherin."
"I don't need luck, I'll be with Dumbledore. I'm not worried, Harry, I'm with you."
"Dumbledore didn't suspend the Triwizard Tournament even though Voldemort was near."
"Actually, it's where Remus Lupin would transform into a werewolf, and so that the sounds that people heard led people to believe that it was haunted, not haunted at all."
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two...this is how you do a conclusion."
"If you didn't know, that's the Harry Potter theme song. I love Harry Potter."
"Thanks for coming in. Get cozy, get comfortable because we're jumping into the world of Harry Potter."
"I love how Dumbledore trusts Harry will tell him when it's right."
"Crookshanks once belonged to none other than the Potter family."
"Children from virtually every walk of life would like to go to Hogwarts."
"Not only is he hard-working but he is fiercely loyal especially to Harry and Dumbledore, and is known to get, well, Huffy and Puffy about it in defence of them."
"I mean, it's not like it doesn't make sense for Hagrid. He's still a very courageous person, he's willing to raise a dragon in his wooden hut."
He even expresses, almost those exact sentiments to Harry. "Yeh know wha', Harry? When I firs' met you, you reminded me o' me a bit."
"Harry's march into the forest at the end of Deathly Hallows is arguably one of the most epic scenes from the entire series."
"He started his own campaign in Europe to collect the Deathly Hallows and expose wizards to Muggles."
"The first Wizarding War's roots begin with Tom Riddle, aka Lord Voldemort, who is the key to everything."
"This war of course shaped the man and hero that Harry would later become."
"The black family has one of the strongest bloodlines in the Harry Potter series."
"Some of the most fascinating characters from this family are the black sisters: Bellatrix Lestrange, Narcissa Malfoy, and Andromeda Tonks."
"Each sister had a fascinating tale and all got the endings that they deserved."
"Veritaserum, capable of compelling truth from the drinker, is one of the most powerful potions in the Wizarding World."
"It goes into the course for Quidditch rules, gives you 150 points, and ends the game."
"The journey to destroy the Horcruxes and finish off Voldemort once and for all."
"Luna's faith prevails with not just one, but all three Deathly Hallows being extremely real and also extremely important to the plot and defeating Voldemort."
"It's a great big story about good versus evil, Harry versus Voldemort."
"I could like Harry Potter and dislike J.K. Rowling, okay, as just a simple example."
"I wouldn't call myself a mega fan, but I would definitely say that I am a fan of Harry Potter."
"It's how Harry wins the Felix Felicis."
"It's how Harry knows how to save Ron after he's been poisoned."
"The Half-Blood Prince ends up being this sort of like silent friend and mentor."
"Harry's soul is intact, and it really is so perfect."
"It's immediately giving Harry Potter to me."
"I love the little pots of ingredients; it reminds me a lot of the Harry Potter video games."
"They've gotten their groove back, Harry Potter designers, well done."
"This set is why I love collecting Harry Potter, this is beautiful."
"This is what Harry Potter should be."
"Oh my God, it's my Harry Potter bathroom."
"I am not in 'Cursed Child'. I haven't actually seen it."
"It's Harry Potter except everyone just has a sword instead of a wand."