
Police Brutality Quotes

There are 185 quotes

"He talked directly to the camera on a range of issues from police brutality against black people and mental health needs in policing to division in society."
"The only thing that has really changed is that there's cameras today so we can see police brutality happening."
"Protesting police brutality is also a good thing, provided you do it peacefully."
"The only overdose that killed George Floyd was an overdose of excessive force and racism by the Minneapolis Police Department."
"We're dealing with some very serious questions about police brutality."
"Most Americans agree that police brutality and rioting are both wrong."
"The vast majority of Americans, I mean like nearly all of them, believe that police brutality is bad."
"The vast majority of Americans...believe that police brutality is bad."
"The Brianna Taylor thing is even worse. I mean, she was sleeping in her own apartment, and the police offered a no-knock warrant and then shot her in her bed."
"Looting is not a race issue, and police brutality should not be a race issue. It's just a human decency issue."
"George Floyd died at the hands of four police officers. Defendant Derek Chauvin pressed his knees into Floyd's neck and back, another officer knelt on Floyd's back and held his handcuffed arms, a third restrained his legs, and a forth held back onlookers who begged the officers to stop."
"Nobody is vilifying policing in a broad perspective. We're vilifying police brutality."
"That's horrible that they're using tasers and stuff on it, it's like torturing someone."
"If the police continue to pick on and beat up innocent citizens that are peacefully voicing their objections it must be met with equal force."
"A guy's got your knee on his neck. I can't breathe. Please. Get your knee off his neck."
"Until we have a real change in the way this country deals with police killings and police brutality, expect more death and expect more protests."
"Our founding fathers didn't fight for tyrants just for us to give the government undying loyalty while the police hurt people, that is facts."
"Stop the riots, stop the protest, let's stop this, let's stop police brutality."
"Police brutality was the spark that got everybody in the streets in the first place."
"Everyone should be on the same side of this. What we've seen here is a police officer kneeling on the neck of a black man for four straight minutes while he's being told...that he cannot breathe."
"There's not a single era in US history in which the police were not a force of violence against black people."
"Everyone should be on the same side of this. What we have seen is a police officer kneeling on the neck of a black man for four straight minutes while he's being told by people, including the guy who was underneath his knee, that he cannot breathe."
"Being black in America should not be a death sentence. For five minutes we watched as a white officer pressed his knee into the neck of a black man for five minutes."
"Activists believe Nahel's race was a factor in his killing, unraveling deep-rooted tensions over police discrimination against minority communities in France."
"Pulling him down to the ground face down and putting your knee on the neck for that amount of time, it's just uncalled for."
"It was very clear that man meant to kill George Floyd."
"Violence erupted, police brutality ensued, and we're still seeing a smouldering hope for Hong Kong."
"The fight is not over. We need to continue the fight against police brutality, systemic racism, racism in general."
"The issue of police brutality and corruption is widespread: Kenya actively monitors police killings."
"It is truly devastating that Mr. Scurlock lost his life potentially as a result of police brutality."
"We need to do the right thing to get justice in America for Ahmaud Arbery, for all the other people who died because of systemic states racism and police brutality. We need justice."
"It's clear from the evidence of our own eyes that Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd."
"Police brutality is real in our community we know we know it's been happening to be for social media."
"Being shot seven times in the back for walking away from police is a thing. There's no justification for that."
"For four years, Kaepernick peacefully started a protest against police brutality. Four years later, nothing has changed."
"We know we got the Kaepernick protests out of that because people just started to see like, 'Wow, this [ __ ] goes on like, 'Wow, man, like, this is crazy what's going on.'"
"A harrowing story of discrimination and police brutality."
"You don't take a hard baton and beat a woman over the head repeatedly."
"The Black Lives Matter movement was started because they're talking about police brutality."
"The victim, 16-year-old Micaiah Bryant, was innocent, unarmed, helpless, not a threat to anyone, and had been gunned down randomly by police."
"George Floyd wasn't an angel but does that make what happened to him any less awful? No."
"There's no way shape or form you can justify this you got five cops they're pretty big this guy's a tall skinny guy and they beat him..."
"Black respondents were more sympathetic to the victim of police brutality when that victim was black."
"The murder of Floyd in Minneapolis was horrific and had no remote justification."
"It is reflective of a broader pathology of police brutality and abuse of police power."
"The killing of George Floyd may be the most infamous example of police brutality in the century so far."
"This was for the senseless murder of several black people at the hands of UK police."
"The United States has a serious problem with police brutality and African-American people are the group that suffers the most."
"The Rodney King Beating was the final straw here."
"It's just so hard to see those videos with police officers doing that shit to people that are just out there protesting peacefully."
"Never can they say to black people again that we are crazy when we say the police conspired to kill us."
"Police brutality is not the only thing they're talking about."
"The most important thing to me is the fact that on an average day, three people die at the hands of police."
"Black people are disproportionately targeted for police brutality."
"Elton is just so brilliant in the work that he does."
"If you give a racist police the license to kill with no repercussions, they're going to take that one day." - Cube
"You've not been paying attention if you think that white people are not killed by the police."
"Even if George Floyd had been silent when he had his knee on Floyd's neck for nine minutes, it wouldn't change the fact that it was murder."
"No, we can't get along 'til these white [__] cops who keep murdering blacks are off the streets."
"Somehow police brutality is reparations. It makes no sense."
"You saw that video, George Floyd is saying I cannot breathe... George Floyd was murdered."
"The disparity of police brutality is so flagrant that cops literally use it to calm down white people sometimes."
"Justice for Eric Garner, for Sandra Bland, for Philando Castile, for Tamir Rice, and now justice for Stephon Clark."
"We must demand justice for Elijah McClain and all the victims of police brutality. That's the truth, homie, can't you see?"
"I'm here for it on that, I generally support the Black Lives Matter sentiment, right? I do think police brutality is a problem and it does have a racial impact."
"The message comes from an urgent need to tackle police brutality."
"That police officer's assault was not just an assault upon George Floyd, it was an assault on all of us."
"We shouldn't be accepting a reality which people are being killed by the police because they had a knife that doesn't happen in other countries it is not acceptable."
"George Floyd stuff didn't move you. It's hard to stand up to night after night after night after night of police brutalizing people."
"There's a direct link between that and police brutality."
"There is no number of people who died of police brutality in this country that conservatives will look at and think, 'Oh, maybe we have an issue here.'"
"It's become a politicized argument to try to deflect from police brutality by trying to turn the issue to black on black crime."
"It was the same exact thing. They wanted to change the subject because they didn't like to talk about the fact that too many Black Americans end up dead for no good reason at the hands of police."
"At the end of the day what people march on the streets for and get their eyes shut out by the cops for is anti-racism."
"When you can put your knee on a man's neck and hold it there eight minutes and 46 seconds, that's not even normal to a civilian, let alone to a police officer." - Al Sharpton
"Last night we all saw videos of New York City police officers bludgeoning peaceful protesters with batons."
"There's so many other names that have been murdered by police wrongfully."
"I knew, because of police brutality, that I want to change the world."
"You're allowed to stand for the flag and still be against police brutality."
"A 61-year-old grandmother, committed no crime, had her arm broken by New York PD."
"Paris Moore: 14-year-old student brutally attacked by a resource officer, resulting in a skull fracture and permanent brain damage."
"The city needs to admit there is a problem with police brutality."
"If you're going into the administration, you're working with them to get some economic relief, but then on the streets they're allowing police departments across the nation to beat up on those of us who are fighting for our rights."
"The virus of police brutality is more dangerous than the coronavirus."
"I think the police brutality thing has been insane."
"But we gotta make sure that the tears of the mothers, of the sisters, of the daughters and sons who are shot or mistreated by the police have the same status as the tears of the police's wives when the police are killed."
"The scenes we've all watched of police violently attacking protesters are more typical of authoritarian regimes than liberal democracies."
"Next time don't run, you know how many black people have been getting killed by cops dude with their hands up about 15 right now?"
"It's a touchy thing for the as it should be, it's a touchy thing across the board because of the fact that we watched the guy get murdered for N9 minutes and you really saw the lack of humanity of police officers in a real way."
"Fred Hampton was assassinated and that police had launched a full-scale cover-up."
"The protest has been established that it's about police brutality, the unfairness and how people of color are being treated by the police departments across the nation."
"It was peaceful until the police came with weapons and with riot gear."
"A miscarriage of justice took place when the police tortured the teenager."
"The world paid attention when the police are shooting to death children."
"I hope it can make a difference and I will know the difference when I see these policemen start shooting white boys in the back because they have keys in their hands that look like guns."
"He essentially was on a train and this is a guy who is a professional, he's like in a suit and everything else like that, gets into an altercation with the cop because he, uh, fell asleep on the train and they tased him and they beat the [__] out of him. Oh my god."
"It was just really shocking to hear about Assan's experiences with the police."
"The footage of police savagely beating unarmed protesters nearby the DNC was seriously harmful to the image of the party."
"The 1919 investigation is now recognized by historians as a pioneering civil rights effort to end police brutality."
"The incident forced society to confront uncomfortable truths about the treatment of African-Americans by law enforcement."
"If it's a white person, oh the police will do anything and everything in their power."
"The police killed so many people. It's a lot. They've been killing black people without any consequences. They kill us and get away with it every time. They shoot us in the back and it's justified."
"Black lives matter, but the truth is all lives ain't being killed by the police, just us."
"Being black and male actually increases the risk of being killed by police compared to all other groups."
"The police themselves are militarized, they come at you with percussion grenades, mace, pepper sprays, billy clubs, and tear gas canisters."
"We may not have Jim Crow Lynch Mob rule anymore, but we still have an enormous number of black youth getting killed by police for very dubious reasons."
"The government is highly motivated to try to prevent police brutality because it costs money."
"Watching this cop coming up with excuses to harass these boys because he cannot just say 'because you're black' is enraging."
"Despite Jackson's warnings about his recent surgery and his intent to sue if harmed, the officers used Force, including striking him in the head and kneeing him in the groin."
"Yeah, I believe. I'm a victim of police brutality. I've been beat up by the police before."
"Cops got his knee on the side of my head, she got me pinned down, pulling my arms back, he's cuffing me."
"Black lives matter, and police showing up to peaceful protests with full-on riot gear only demonstrates just how necessary those protests are."
"I think that there's like, there's a problem with how police act in this country in general and I don't and I also think that because there is like a negative attitude in general towards black people from police officers that it gets exacerbated even more on black people."
"Black people of course have challenges. Black people have to worry about getting shot by the police for doing nothing wrong. But white people, we gotta worry about getting promoted before we're really ready for it."
"...it's a start man it's a start but they need to they need to like dismantle some of their stations and they need to do a lot to that for us bro because ma'am if you hear the stories from the people down there you'll hear some hell of a stories about the LAPD."
"...imagine if your brother got killed by police."
"It became a rallying cry for justice and an urgent call to address the deep-rooted issues of police brutality and racial bias within law enforcement."
"The settlement was not just a financial resolution but also a symbolic gesture of the city's recognition of the wrongdoing and a step towards healing the wounds caused by the violent arrest."
"Black men are killed by the police at three times the rate of white men each year."
"The reason that a police officer can put his knee on the neck of a human being for nine minutes and murder him in broad daylight is because of the larger issue of the devaluing of Black people's humanity, of Black life."
"Despite evidence, confessions against the brutality, and the countless victims that came forward, Burge was never imprisoned for the torture crimes."
"I'm shooting this gun, if any policemen try to kill me again, they're getting what they deserve."
"The more society stays silent, the more black people we lose due to racism or police brutality."
"It was pre-watershed, it was very violent, it was portraying police brutality."
"What I see is no need for cops, so the cops won't be out here killing folks who look like me."
"BLM in that moment really started a conversation where police officers started facing consequences for those cases of brutality."
"It is, um, what is going on with the Black Lives Matter movement. That's exactly what it is, like, I hate that it's controversial, but it is controversial because the problem is that there is police brutality that exists."
"When those two white cops in Atlanta got in a fight with that black guy and he was resisting arrest and then he punched, I think both of them in the face and took the, got away and took the Taser, that's excessive force. You don't need to kill that guy."
"How can it be that police officers can burst in, drag a mother just giving birth in handcuffs and leg shackles...?"
"The issue of police violence, police brutality against black youth, particularly black men, is what started the Black Panther Party."
"Every black person in the country would tell you the police abuse African-Americans non-stop."
"I'm just disgusted by the police brutality, the racial injustice that happens, the way our black community is treated just because of the color of their skin."
"The movement was centered around police brutality against unarmed black people."
"The incredible display of a black man being murdered in front of our eyes speaks to the whole issue of police behavior, brutality, and that's gotta stop."
"The killing has to stop. While it's not universal, police brutality is real."
"This is about a girl called Starr who witnesses her friend Khalil being shot by a policeman."
"Black women and girls are more likely than any other group of women to be killed by the police."
"The scariest part about this film about police brutality is knowing that while I'm talking to you right now, this is actually happening to someone, guilty or innocent, out in the open."
"Let me be clear about something, every single research that I've ever looked at highlights that black people, and black men in particular, are disproportionately affected by police brutality."
"It's not just George Floyd; it's so many countless black people being killed and brutalized by the police."