
Social Analysis Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"I really want people to push themselves beyond the aesthetics and language of anti-capitalism and dig more into the substance of it."
"Critical race theory means race-centered thinking, which is the view that racism is baked into the system and inescapable."
"Although there are some observable differences in political and social attitudes among Millennials in comparison to the previous two living generations, it seems that there is a consternation, not necessarily with what Millennials think, but primarily with the behaviors and attitudes and activities they engage in."
"There is lots of different experiences; some ethnic minority groups are doing really well, even better than the white British population."
"Race is a low resolution socially constructed category."
"We're kind of stuck either way you go but from a deeper point of view it reveals a very high degree of vulnerability."
"Thank you, young lady, for expressing your opinion and contributing to the deeper analysis of human population."
"It's about deconstructing the power dynamics between the observer and the observed to unlock equality."
"People are moving all over the place and there's all kinds of reasons and we can do a whole video on migration patterns, but if you want to really take a look, just go look and see where the moving trucks are going."
"We must first ask an equally reasonable but far more urgent question: what are the social, cultural, economic, and intellectual conditions that led these people to our doors?"
"Make the connections between who's in charge, what they're trying to accomplish, and how it's impacting you as an individual and society in general."
"The past must not sidestep the need to confront what actually reproduces inequality in the present."
"We had an agenda to understand that the reason we remained oppressed in America was because there was this fundamental 400-year-old existing system that had oppressed us as a group in the beginning."
"We really haven't looked closely enough at the broken systems."
"There's a reason why black folks do tend to vote for left-leaning candidates more so than right-leaning candidates."
"Actual data says that there are no more evil people among rich people than there are among poor people."
"We need to recover the language of class warfare to grasp what is happening to us."
"The point is to understand why, because I think any time people feel this strongly about anything, there's always something we learn."
"Trends aren't always a bad thing; they can be a learning tool to understand what people want and feel."
"I think we need to understand why people are willing to go along with this war, why people approve of it or acquiesce to it because it's important for policy."
"Critical theory is a philosophy or method of analyzing things that views the ways that social structures and power dynamics influence social problems more than individual beliefs or actions."
"At the end of the day, one of the reasons I really liked Ryan Beard's video on this topic was that they focused on the importance of blaming the system not the individual people within it."
"It just bears out this is the sort of resources and state this hypergamy thing that seems to be borne out in the data."
"The community has gone from not knowing much about the market to being some weird form of a hive mind."
"Just because there's the uh disparity, yeah now there are disparities all throughout society in every facet you will find disparity."
"The vast majority of people who are protesting... were neo-nazis, klansmen, alt-righters."
"The simplistic BAME versus white narrative has never stood up to scrutiny in Britain."
"Intersectionality is correct... Each individual characteristic intersects to form a new identity."
"I quite enjoyed the distinction between these various groups of the clan system within the army."
"It really comes down to dignity, which I think you understand when you explore what's happening within the white working class."
"This graph represents what is basically ruining discourse between humans across the globe."
"When you peel back the onion you see that there is no larger income and wealth dispersion than there is in China."
"These are not stupid or naive people. They are people trying to work out how do we free ourselves."
"They've lost more of the white working class, and maybe that's been a realignment that's been happening over years and years."
"We know that racism is involved just based on the numbers."
"We say any analysis you make of an oppressed people must include the oppressor. Otherwise, you will come up with an incorrect analysis blaming the oppressed for their position of oppression."
"The decline in human intelligence is being accompanied by an increase in rates of crime and violent assault."
"When two very similar societies split, the weaker half will assert certain strengths of character."
"The middle class in America is probably permanently... people... know it."
"It's almost as if you perceive the cooperative play that is going on between humans."
"The last 40 years have been a mammoth redistribution of wealth from the bottom and the middle to the top 10 percent of our people and the top one percent above all all statistical studies show this."
"It's quite interesting to look back and see how it's changing society."
"Tom Brady said that Bruce Arians had done more for diversity, inclusion, and equity... I think there's some layers to this."
"The social risk has actually turned into one of my favorite ones because it really does give us a glimpse into overall sentiment at any given time."
"Critical race theory offers an important analytical lens in which we view the larger structures and cultural assumptions that guide American society."
"I want a whole documentary on like the psychology of a troll that would be God is hosting actually a genius idea hilarious is he a troll though or is he was he just trying to win the fight."
"You've never seen a riot in a neighborhood with a credit score of 700 or higher."
"Disparity doesn't always mean discrimination."
"Men are significantly less able to function without a relationship with the opposite gender."
"Racism has been a part of human society for a long time, it just hasn't been the same type of racism."
"I believe the problem where we're at today as many of us have stated, I think we are on the same page that this society and where we're heading now is not conducive for men or women."
"Without an analysis of woman’s status in the hierarchical system and the conditions under which she was enslaved, neither the state nor the class-based system that it rests upon can be understood."
"It's not white supremacy... it's a whole bunch of other stuff."
"I believe that abstracting up the problem to that level of analysis does no good because it pits groups against groups."
"The function of racism is to be a distraction."
"Social facts are things, and what we need is a rigorous discipline for social analysis."
"If you look at it on a graph since Columbine it's like way up into the right you look at the proliferation of the internet phones up and to the right first person shooter games social media way up into the right like people are just plugged in all the time"
"I'm very much interested in the impact that a particular game or an industry has made within a cultural and social context."
"We can now do that with more specificity instead of just saying that there's this array of people, unsorted and incoherent in some way."
"Understanding classes in society is a way to understand the past, the present, and how the past has produced the present."
"It is so crucial to focus on what the elites are doing, what the elites are planning."
"Each of our charts tells a story around income and what areas of life are connected to that."
"Being at Sacramento City College allowed me to stay in touch with my community and be able to identify what was the disconnect in regards to why so many people weren't making it to university."
"We're dissecting social codes now, we're breaking boundaries here, people."
"It's an extraordinarily interesting story because it does reveal attitudes and relationships."