
Celestial Events Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"Stonehenge aligns with the winter solstice and possibly other celestial events, adding another layer to how the builders understood both the sun and the moon's movements."
"It is said that the mad God Sheogorath flung a giant celestial rock at the very city of Vivec."
"Each morning the sun was born from the womb of Nut, the sky goddess."
"Ah, a wonderful start, a wonderful start. We haven't even done anything, and a comet has been sighted."
"Remember, a total solar eclipse is a rare and precious gift. By approaching it with knowledge, safety, and reverence, you can create memories that will last a lifetime and forge a deeper connection to the world around you."
"Solar eclipses, comets, asteroids—always take a moment to observe these spatial phenomena. We are all part of this grand journey."
"Solar eclipses come around only so many times in one lifetime. Take it in, enjoy it, and reflect on the glory of the heavens."
"I always thought someone illustrations of that comet being the skies that everybody who looks up to it takes your own meaning in."
"Celestial phenomena like solar eclipses are imbued with profound significance, heralding moments of divine reckoning and transformation."
"You can't stop what's coming out of the sky."
"Solar eclipse, that's a very powerful energy vibrational upgrade then."
"A powerful message declares that on the day of judgment, the familiar celestial bodies—sun, moon, and stars—will exist no more."
"There shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars."
"They're conditioning the people for full acceptance. This coincides with quite a few things that they know are approaching in the heavens and the changes of earth itself."
"Mars will conjunct the degree of the eclipse."
"It's the most healing full moon this year with the healer of the ages Archangel Raphael."
"When it comes to Celestial phenomena and the significance in relation to Endtime scenarios, the Bible is anything but silent."
"Venus will trine Mars as well, which is so beautiful on the 8th and 9th of January."
"The Hopi prophecy is coming to fruition as a mysterious blue star or planet has appeared in the skies around the world."
"Imagine Betelgeuse as a giant Celestial volcano suddenly erupting."
"Solar eclipses represent the energy of stopping for a second."
"It's called the ecliptic plane because that's the only circle around the sky where eclipses can occur."
"Your voice can be heard and things such as signing things for free or donating even a little bit of money that you may or may not have anything helps make the change."
"Our arrival is nigh and with it the Stars you will resist when you do."
"Trust in the universe, all will be revealed just after the solar eclipse."
"Let's all hold a good thought that uh the eclipse is good to us in the week ahead."
"Peace on Earth will be struck from the skies."
"Many will die through War started on that day when a bearded star falls."
"A remedy or cure for everything in October 14th Eclipse."
"There was a similar sort of meme when the Moon was conjunct a huge pile-up in Capricorn and Saturn."
"The ancients put a huge emphasis on celestial cycles."
"No harm can come to them if they are together."
"When Knight creates a halo around the Sun, the whole crowd, including Aristes and Laird, are stunned."
"The ascendant is the sign of the zodiac that was rising over the eastern horizon at the moment of birth."
"God's about to work in your life, the solar clip's going to be beautiful."
"For scientists, the acid test of their mathematics came when a strange new Comet raced toward Jupiter dream of cosmic bullets that would shock and Amaze Millions here on Earth."
"Saturn is stationed on the natal Moon of the United States chart."
"Watch out for powerful signs in February, especially about the new moons."
"The lunar eclipse... represents an ending or completion of some kind."
"It is whenever a planet is still in the sky preparing to, and just changing directions that it is at the height of its power, the height of its energy."
"Equinoxes, eclipses, and solstices are among the biggest events in the Earth’s annual cycle for us to receive new energy downloads of divine light, encoded with spiritual information that raises our consciousness."
"What damage is coming to the Sun and the moon from setting? You have seen the setting now watch the rising."
"God orchestrated this beginning of a pregnancy in the sky, the beginning of the revelation 12 sign."
"My hope for all of us is that we use this Eclipse season to understand these essential truths."
"That's telling you that when that angel that crashes it comes to earth like a falling star is not going to come like a comet it's going to be in a craft guys."
"A third of mankind shall die at the appearance of a celestial object in the sky called wormwood."
"2023 has none of them there's basically no aspects that traditional aspects created between Saturn Uranus Neptune and Pluto."
"Full moons tend to be local bottoms and eclipses are generally more intensely aligned full moon."
"So anyway let's go ahead and get started this week we have mercury making a square to Jupiter we have mercury ingressing into Capricorn right after that we have the full moon in Gemini on Mars."
"Put this in for being here and then look soon as you guys do that that's when we have this night eclipse that's when they're gonna return and come back into your life."
"Do you think if half good never screwed things up in the past we might be ready for the micro Nova?"
"How does a comet slay the seasons? By causing a long night of course."
"This lunar eclipse is conjunct Jupiter, the planet of gifts, good luck, and new possibilities, making it one of my favorite full moons of the year."
"When Mars becomes visible, people's motivation comes back."
"The Sun as it transits through Taurus is going to cross over Uranus."
"Mars was the closest it's going to be to Earth until I want to say 2035. It was right next to the moon the other night."
"Pluto finally goes direct and it is this time it is leaving Capricorn so this again is big news."
"Solar eclipses tend to bring about New Beginnings."
"If I want to travel, if I want to time travel, I'm gonna do something on a full moon, eclipse because now I could time travel six months automatically into time."
"Eclipses are especially significant."
"Wow, that's convenient. Totality is at 1:51."
"I understand now why people would drive out of their way to get in the path of totality."
"The wolf siblings Skoll and Hati, who have been chasing the sun and moon since time began, would finally catch their prey, sending the world into darkness and leaving a void in the skies above."
"Eclipses really do cut things off or start major things, you know, kind of with or without your consent."
"A total solar eclipse happens when the Earth, the moon, and the sun are so perfectly aligned."
"2024 is going to be a life-changing year, filled with significant eclipses, new moons, and conjunctions."
"Jupiter's explosion can be compared to a supernova."
"This summer, oh my goodness, Venus is going to be in Leo all summer long, I mean it's huge, it's huge."
"So it's going to be affecting everything that happens from the moon entering Aquarius till it leaves Pisces."
"Just keep that in mind that this is setting the... This is a big eclipse, all right? It's setting, it's a, remember, cycles, we're talking cycles here."
"One dramatic possibility is that such a wandering star simply kicks the Earth entirely out of the solar system."
"Venus conjoining the South node is about a moment of realized wisdom."
"Eclipses are one of the best predictive tool we have in astrology."
"Our fascination with astronomy and celestial events continues to astound us."
"King Sombra glared as the sisters moved the Sun and Moon For the First Time."
"The Stars will fall from the sky and the powers in the heavens will be shaken."
"The conjunction is happening just a few days, well, maybe a couple weeks or so, give or take, after the solar eclipse."
"Eclipses affect us all, no matter where we are, no matter whether we can visually see those or not."
"Full moons are a special time during the lunar cycle."
"Shoemaker Levy 9 began to crash into the surface at speeds of more than 160,000 kilometers an hour."
"Eclipses happen every 6 months an eclipse a solar eclipse is actually on a new moon so it's a new moon on steroids."
"Our big beautiful star just exploded into smithereens."
"Something significant is going to happen again when Jupiter, Saturn enters Scorpio and Jupiter aspects it."
"Saturn's rings break apart, sending rocks and ice flying into space at incredible speed."
"Better get ready for a show in the night sky."
"Full pink Scorpio Moon, that's always something very notable to celebrate."
"cool so again we're only going to get about 57% so ours is not going to be full um but it'll definitely you'll definitely be able to see it"
"The chaos moon when it is full floods the world with magical energy."
"It is nice for the celestial event to include some Earthly foreground to give it some context."
"Halley's Comet... visits us every 75 years, so some will manage to see it twice in their lifetime."
"The red comet's appearance did coincide with the reemergence of dragons into the world."
"King Arthur's going to return on a night where there's a lunar eclipse and a meteor shower at the same time."
"As April unfolds, the world finds itself on the brink of extraordinary celestial and earthly phenomena."
"We are just past technically the full moon."
"The Spring Equinox is universally tied to the winter solstice due to both dates marking the rise of the sun over darkness."
"The fission theory proposes that the moon was formed when an object collided with Earth, sending particles flying about."
"Things happen, you have a lunar eclipse, solar eclipse, a partial eclipse, a total eclipse."
"That's why eclipses don't happen all the time; the alignment has to be just right."
"I have been monitoring the behavior of the green moon all day."
"A close flyby like this would unfold over hundreds of thousands of years, disrupting the orbits of millions of objects."
"God uses the heavens as His billboard to announce what He's trying to do."
"This total lunar eclipse could bring a fair amount of drama."
"What happens during an eclipse is that there is a bridge of darkness coming from the moon to the earth."
"Immediately after the oppression of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven."
"But immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky."
"Supernatural occurrences with the Sun, the moon, and the stars that directly relate to an important prophetic event in biblical history."
"How often do you get four blood moons in a row on the feast days?"
"Mars was the ruler of yesterday's full moon, and so the fact that Mars is moving into a conjunction with Neptune was significant for the meaning of the full moon."
"This tells you you've come around again to the winter solstice."
"The difficulty is that in these descriptions you have the sun turning dark and the moon to blood and stars falling from the sky."
"Jupiter also reaches opposition; we have a blue moon, and of course, plenty of Milky Way core action."
"You're hoping for a free holiday, I want to see the eclipse."
"There won't be another one till 2019."
"...a solar eclipse is when the moon passes in front of the sun, blocking its light from view."
"This is one of the most beautiful astrological events of the year."
"Don't forget to just sit back and look up, truly just enjoy this moment."
"A solar eclipse happens when a new moon moves between the Earth and the Sun, blocking some or all of the sun's rays from reaching the Earth."
"If you were an ancient civilization seeing this, what would you think? You would probably think that was some sort of god or angel or demon or something."
"It is a remarkable astrological month without a doubt, big moves happening in the sky now."