
The Senator's Wife Quotes

The Senator's Wife by Liv Constantine

The Senator's Wife Quotes
"But life does go on, Madelyn. Even when you lose someone you love very deeply."
"You might be one of the few women lucky enough to have found two truly good men to love."
"Of all the places I’ve traveled, I find Greece one of the most spectacular."
"Sloane, my girl, always remember to love people and use things."
"Her feelings were so conflicted that she wondered if everyone who remarried after the death of a spouse felt guilty for finding love again."
"She and Whit seemed to realize simultaneously and with surprise that they were in love."
"Even in the closest marriages, people keep secrets."
"You are everything to me. And I will show you every day of your life that you will never, ever have to doubt that. I love you."
"We take so much for granted, she thought, never realizing how life can change in an instant."
"I still have suspicions about his role in the shooting."
"It’s hard to be apart from the people you love."
"I want you to know that I will take care of your mother as if she were my own."
"All political friendships are expedient and conditional."
"What man as young and virile as Whit wants to be saddled with a wife who needs a cane to get around?"
"He wants it all, honey—lots of power, lots of money, lots of sex—and his appetites are huge."
"I need to talk to you. It’s a long story, but I came across some information that indicates your Ms. Karras isn’t who she claims to be."
"Why would they be having secret meetings? And doesn’t it seem strange that they always coincide with when the vice president happens to be having dinner there?"
"I’m going to have Mac compare the client list to the contractors on the three projects where they attended the ribbon cutting. See if there’s a connection."
"She had that steroid shot weeks ago and she’s no better. In fact, she seems worse."
"If voters knew who the real power players in Washington were, they’d see that representing the people mattered little to their elected officials."
"She didn’t have to use the stairs; she could fly, she thought giddily, laughing out loud as she leaned over the railing and prepared for takeoff."
"We do need to do something, though. We can’t very well lock her in her room, but maybe we need to put an alarm on her door or something to alert one of us if she’s out of her room."
"No one knows what tomorrow brings. An accident, any sudden illness, an injury—all of those things can change our lives in an instant."
"I know when you came to the hospital, you said that Mom was upset about something she’d found out."
"Madelyn had a cunning way of manipulating facts."
"I’m so sick of those damn things. All everyone does is stare at those tiny screens all day long."
"It wasn’t the lupus making her hallucinate—it was Athena."
"I’m concerned about heavy metals and they’re going to test it. Don’t take the lid off the container, it needs to stay pure."
"What’s happening to me? I feel like I’m losing my mind."
"Sometimes the person you thought was your soul mate is just a way station for your real one."
"She knew there was no way he’d overdosed. Someone had killed him."
"The news is very bad. Sloane’s MRI showed brain damage, not just inflammation."
"Sloane isn’t really living anymore. We have to end her suffering."
"She’d assured Emmy that everything would be fine, but she knew her words were hollow."
"If Sloane is too sick to even speak to any of us, then she shouldn’t be lying in a bed upstairs. She should be in a hospital being seen to."
"Life was going to be different without her."
"You’ve not been here to see the steep decline in your mother’s condition."
"Could his words to Emmy be any colder or more brutal?"
"You’re the one who’s kept me going through all of this."
"I’ve chosen these because they have meaning."
"Finally, Whit would get everything he’d worked for, everything he deserved after all these years."
"I’m very much alive, Whit. The only thing that’s dead is your future."
"It hadn’t been easy for Athena to pretend to be falling in love with a man she despised."
"I’m a naturopath by training, and for the last two years I’ve worked as an undercover agent for the FBI."
"He made me believe I was losing my mind! I bet there was never any MRI either."
"I hope you rot in prison for the rest of your life."
"You are loathsome, Whit Montgomery. A sociopath."
"I never wanted to hurt you. It started off innocently enough; go along on the vote and be included in the boys’ club."
"Everyone in this town is greedy. It’s easy to pretend you’re not when you have all the money you could ever want."
"You’re disappointed in me? Who cares? Why couldn’t you just mind your own business?"