
Rebel Belle Quotes

Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins

"Being pretty is currency, not just at the Grove, but in life."
"If ever there were a time to confront David about the mean things he’s written about me, this was it."
"No matter how CSI: Pine Grove I was trying to be."
"I guess this is the part where I should have started screaming and/or vomiting."
"So thanks to Bee’s lip gloss, I was standing frozen by the sink when the sword-wielding maniac came in and my life stopped making even the littlest bit of sense."
"Because while his arms were high over his head, about to bring the sword down, I pushed myself off the floor and into a spin, the high heel clutched in my hands, sharp point out."
"In fact, if I had stomped on David’s foot hard enough, the heel would’ve gone right through. It was awfully sharp."
"I wonder if I’d ever looked at David like that."
"And then Brandon had made a joke about how I should wear it during sex, and said something about properly "saluting" the Queen, which, A) didn’t really make that much sense, and B) was dumb anyway."
"Colleges take academic honesty very seriously."
"I mean, playing basketball on quite possibly the worst team in Alabama is not going to get you into a good college."
"Honestly, what is wrong with this country when striving for excellence means you need antidepressants?"
"Forget it, I said to Ryan. I don’t want to fight about this again. I’m just having a really rough night."
"You are the greatest boyfriend ever, you know that?"
"Why do you have to be queen of everything? Why can’t you just chill?"
"Paladin: an honorable knight; defender of a noble cause."
"Perhaps the most defining characteristic of the superhero is a willingness to sacrifice for the good of others, even to the point of laying down his or her own life."
"But then I remembered I actually was crazy now."
"I don’t see why it’s necessary to use those words in polite company when there are so many perfectly good euphemisms."
"This guy is a jerk, and you’ve just taken it for years."
"I’m always happiest when I’m excelling at something, and, to quote one of those World of Warcraft websites I’d stumbled onto, these bad guys were about to get pwned."
"Because even though this was scary and dangerous and so, so illegal . . . It was fun."
"Because right after I had the thought that David would never, ever drive his car in such a manner, I noticed that he was not the one behind the wheel."
"Oh God, of all the people to see me doing my Dale Earnhardt, Jr., impression, it had to be Saylor Stark."
"Trust me, nothing like this has ever happened."
"I was about to say something mean to David, you know, to restore equilibrium."
"And if she ever found out about Ryan . . . oh God, Ryan. I had to call him. I had to explain."
"It’s like we’re speaking two different languages most of the time."
"I promise you, David Stark is . . . nothing to me."
"Excellent! Four hands to help me with groceries."
"I wish people could focus on her, not how she died."
"You're a good baker, but you're not the best one in this family."
"We can talk about that later. Let's say grace first."
"I'm not inviting you to a garden party, Harper."
"Thank you so much for the cake. You're a doll."
"Most everybody thought Janice was having a nervous breakdown."
"We'll do, like, one of those anti-prom proms, only it'll be an anti-Cotillion Cotillion."
"The great thing about best friends is that they know you really well. And the terrible thing about best friends is that they know you really well."
"I am the kind of woman who would like to be done with this shit."
"I want to be a good woman. One who does the right thing, not only for her community but for herself. Who follows her heart even if it’s not the most popular thing to do."
"If by ‘graciously volunteered,’ you mean ‘was threatened and coerced,’ then yes, I did."
"I’m not asking you to go full Paladin on this. But I... trust you."
"You do not even know the trouble we’ve had trying to get in touch with you."
"We don’t have anything to talk about. Not anymore."
"You have a destiny, and I’m here to help you fulfill it."
"I always knew a dream was a stupid reason not to like you."
"The temporal shifts, the vanishing spell...those are things Mages just don’t do."
"Alaric was a danger to himself in that state."
"If I’m going to do this, I need to do it...my way."
"That wasn’t what I wanted to talk about, but your best friend skills are seriously off the charts."
"I have a family here. Friends. A life. I have to keep those things."
"It would’ve made her feel bad, and we don’t want to do that."
"Nothing does," I muttered to myself. So tonight had been bad. And odd. And, I thought, remembering sitting across from David in the lamplight of the tearoom, unsettling.
"Harper," he said sternly. "You are bright and talented and driven, and any college would be lucky to have you. But as your principal, it’s my job to guide your academic pursuits. And I think all these things you do here at the Grove are getting in that way of that."
"It’s not," Saylor agreed, taking another sip of lemonade. "It’s awe-inspiring and terrifying and lovely to look at, but not beautiful."
"But Saylor shook her head and pulled back. "No," she said, holding me at arm’s length. "Not just for Cotillion. For the girl—no, the woman—you’ve become."
"Everything is as it should be at the house, but Blythe is here."
"That’s, like, twice the length of a lot of marriages."
"Harper, you and David Stark have been circling each other since kindergarten."
"I can’t let you hurt her. I don’t know why, but I can’t."
"I actually feel kind of . . . good. You know, doing the noble thing, stepping aside in the face of True Love . . ."
"It’s okay. I have a potion that can heal this right up."
"But where is Blythe? I didn’t see her anywhere in the crowd and—"
"Whoever would’ve thought we’d end up going to Cotillion together?"
"No, I could actually feel you staring at me."
"It’s like Saylor said. It needs three of us for me to see clearly. And without Ryan, we’re kinda screwed."