
The Vixen's Lead Quotes

The Vixen's Lead by Tate James

"How the hell had Lucy known what I was doing? Our comms were audio only."
"Using a disguise was just sensible thieving."
"I often wondered how many of them deliberately wasted their money on tasteless items with obscene price tags simply because they could."
"Aware of the ticking clock, I whipped my arm back and smashed my gloved fist straight through the toughened glass."
"In my defense, I always got myself out of trouble without too much hassle."
"Maybe fate will be kind and give us a really hot TA for Mr. Crowley’s math class."
"The best part, though, were the heated seats. A blessing in the winter."
"I was doing pretty well with steering clear. Something about the two of them made me a little uneasy."
"I’m fine," I squeaked out eventually, forcing my jaw to relax long enough to let out the words. "It’s just the thunder."
"You’re not fine," Caleb admonished. "You’re trembling."
"Kit, are you okay here with Caleb for a bit?" Worry discolored Lucy’s tone.
"We need a distraction until the power is back on."
"I figured he must have been pretty hungry to be out in the day, and now he keeps coming back for more."
"Fuck, Kit, it’s too early to be drooling over your imagination."
"I hated being surprised; it made me feel vulnerable."
"I’m sending it off to some dark net friends."
"I have an IQ of one hundred and forty-three, you asshole."
"We are behind because we had a shitty fucking upbringing."
"Holy shit, he makes gym gear look good though."
"Dragging my attention back to his face, my breath caught."
"The raised lines of several thick scars were hidden beneath the bright colors of his tattoos."
"Our whole world had changed in a matter of hours in one single night."
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been avoiding you, too. I've just had a lot on my mind recently."
"She spends every holiday with them, and I think they genuinely love her, which is awesome."
"I guess I was. But it was very out of the blue, and he seemed super cagey about something."
"Always nice to get the civilized kidnappers."
"We work for a company called Omega and we’re here on a job."
"I snorted a laugh, relaxing a bit while Caleb frowned at me, clearly not seeing the funny side."
"As much as I knew that things were different between us now, we had grown really close lately."
"Perhaps you should be telling me a little more about why I should trust the five of you?"
"Being careful with how much I was sharing, I said, 'I was planning on investigating further.'"
"Sorry, this makes no sense. Why are you so willing to help me?"
"In my defense, it did kill the signal, right?"
"Let me make this perfectly clear to you, Kit."
"I can’t hear you! Just come in here if we’re going to talk!"
"No worries. I know it’s not super manly, but I love bubble baths."
"Really, Wesley? You know next to nothing about me, and you ask what my favorite color is?"
"Getting adopted," I whispered, and he turned sharply toward me.
"I was fifteen, and he was eight... One of the bullets had caught him in the back, and he was lying beside me on the floor, slowly bleeding out."
"I licked it, so it’s mine," I gloated and set it on my plate to be drowned in syrup.
"Despite the fact that we have been a bit under the gun with our current caseload, it is unacceptable for you not to know how to shoot if you’re to be included."
"As amusing as I’m sure you find this, I might point out that River gave you a direct order to teach me how to shoot. Not stand there with your finger up your ass laughing at my inexperience."
"I have a somewhat exaggerated strength and speed, and as you can see, I can heal myself."
"It was a pretty bad break, and not just my wrist but a few bones in my fingers too."
"I have no memories before I was found on the streets when I was five. Just my name and age."
"He kept choking me until I passed out, then when I woke again my hands were bound with his thick leather belt."
"The last thing she needed was to be investigated by social services for a dead foster kid."
"No underweight eleven-year-old girl should have been able to knock out a man of that size with one hit."
"The agents swept through the building silently, all dressed head to toe in black and heavily armed, taking out Mother Suzette’s guards and arresting anyone there that wasn’t a kid."
"I only had half the time to heal before the next session."
"We only steal from a select list of targets, and I leave the foxes behind so they all know it was me."
"It’s a warning to them that I’m still out here and haven’t forgotten, and it keeps them on their toes."
"I trust you, River. I wasn’t horrified, I was intrigued..."
"Everyone seemed to be treating me like I was some fragile fucking butterfly, and it put me in a nasty mood."
"The ride into the city was exhilarating on the back of Cole’s sleek, black Harley Davidson Breakout."
"That was incredible! Why have I never done that before?"
"The food was magnificent, and by the time I had only one slice left, I was slumped in my seat and clutching my over full belly."
"It felt like the day would never get here, but finally, we would break into Blood Moon Testing Laboratories."
"Well it stands to reason if your body can heal injuries, it can probably heal all the associated effects of aging too."
"No use crying over spilled milk, now is there, dear?"
"You thought I didn’t know you were Bridget’s daughter? The resemblance is uncanny."
"How could they do that to me? More, how could I have lost it in there like I did? What if it had been one of them and not the countertop?"
"You have no idea what it’s like to not know what you are."
"I’m sorry." His whisper carried every element of sincerity. "We will find the information another way, I promise."
"Thanks, Wes." He blushed scarlet and awkwardly cleared his throat before heading back inside.
"Jesus Kit, all this stress is making you loopy. Quit thinking about Wesley’s ass when you have bigger fish to fry."
"Hey, Kitty Kat… peace offering?" he cajoled, holding out the mug to me, but my temper flared.
"Thanks," I muttered, and he just nodded, turning back to his work.
"You can hang out in my room today if you want. I’ve got a ton of work to do on my computer, and the others know not to disturb me."
"I know where they are." I chewed each word out through gritted teeth.
"Do not fucking touch me," I spat, sparing none of them my wrath as I glared at each in disgust.
"Talk to me, Kitten," River begged, not letting me get too far away before he cupped my face in his hands. "What the fuck was that?"
"I’m so so s-sorry." Tears streamed down my face.
"Pretty please with rainbow unicorns on top, you fucking nutcase," he muttered.
"If you’re done with this Hallmark moment, you might want to put Christina down. I have seen quite enough of her naked ass for one day."
"I’m fine. Just give me a few minutes to heal. It seems to be working a whole lot faster these days."
"Let’s get out of here before anything else goes wrong. Christina seems to be a magnet for disaster."
"Well, that was a first; I couldn’t remember ever having been shot before."
"If you ever pull a stunt like this again, I’ll-" "You’ll what?"
"You’re not human. Your mother wasn’t human, and neither was your father."
"I’ll be fine." I smiled weakly. "Just trying out nicknames for you, and it was the first thing that popped into my head. Now get out; I need to scrub off a layer of skin."
"Go to sleep, you two," River commanded as Cole broke away from our kiss and winked at me.