
Bloody Mary Quotes

Bloody Mary by J.A. Konrath

"It would be so easy to kill you while you sleep."
"Only one thing helps when the pain gets this bad."
"We can’t hold on to our health. It’s impossible. But we try like mad to hold on to our dignity."
"Once dignity is gone, the will to live isn’t far behind."
"No problem. I used to get migraines. I would have killed somebody to take the pain away."
"I’m married, with two kids, Amanda and Jenna. Amanda is eight and Jenna just turned five."
"My wife is a model, and she doesn’t want to ruin her body. You know, hips spreading, stretch marks, saggy tits."
"The pain-relieving properties of murder were discovered by him at a young age."
"She said, Big date. Real big. And then laughed. Is she okay?"
"I’ll take the bedroom," I told Herb. Then we heard the scream.
"He probably wants to be let out of the carrier."
"I am one scary son of a bitch," he says to himself.
"Sometimes the ones who need help the most are the ones who refuse to accept it."
"I won’t bend," I told Mr. Friskers. "She needs my help."
"I took that frustration out on his foster brother, in the dark, muffled confines of the closet. The more he hurt the smaller boy, the more his own pain went away."
"It’s perfect. I was thinking someplace nice."
"Are you kidding? On our first date I get kidnapped by a serial killer, and tonight I get to see you save a bar full of yuppies from a drug-crazed maniac. Are you free tomorrow? Maybe we can find a bank robbery in progress."
"I’d drink muscatel from a dog bowl right now."
"Caring for my mother is not wasting my life."
"Now I understand why so many people own dogs."
"We have a blanket warrant. That entitles us to search anything we’re interested in. Open it up."
"Not cooperating with us is just making it harder on yourself, Derrick. Open the box."
"You’re going to be charged with first-degree murder, Derrick."
"Your only chance at getting through this is by giving us a name."
"I thought she was killed eighteen hours ago."
"Dammit, Herb. I really don’t think he’s going to give up his partner."
"We’ve only got tonight, Jack. Tomorrow they’ll ship Rushlo to the county lock-up."
"He’s almost done — the organs are missing, so it’s going quick."
"You didn’t lose them — they’re hiding in your ass."
"It’s going to be okay, Jack. It’s going to be okay."
"I love you too, Latham. God, I love you too."
"Son of a gun. Damn cat never purred for me. Not once."
"Healing pretty good. How about you? They told me you took two in the stomach?"
"I’m not a professional interrogator, Captain. I don’t want to see him back on the streets, but I don’t think—"
"We can’t let him get out, Herb. We can’t. No matter what."
"You’re wearing a wire, aren’t you, Lieutenant?"
"Pool offered a refuge from my problems, and sinking ball after ball put me into an almost zenlike state."
"The night had gotten colder, and my jacket wasn’t enough to keep the chill out."
"I got undressed, curled up fetal on my bed, took my nightly sleeping pill, and cried softly to myself until it kicked in and ushered me into a blessedly dreamless sleep."
"Irritating little sound. But I suppose the pleasant melody of whales singing or frogs croaking wouldn’t wake someone up."
""No, but you have people who care about you, and it’s selfish to make them worry."
""Mom, you were my hero. I never resented your job. You were out there doing good."
"The trick to beating a polygraph isn’t staying calm. It’s knowing when to act stressed."
""I need to take a break, Latham. From us. Too much is happening too fast."
""You have to choose what’s right for you, Jack."
""I’m not screwed up. I’m one of the highest ranking female cops in Chicago."
""I’ve only got two more wits to call, and then it’s the defense’s ballgame. They’re bringing in some big guns."
"Some things that worked didn’t need to make sense."
"Meninges are the membranous layers that cover the brain."
"I don’t remember why. I don’t remember anything for almost a month before the first murder. It’s like all that time never happened."
"Life isn’t a race that can be won. The end of the race is the same for all of us — we die. It’s not about winning the race, Jacqueline. It’s about how well you run."
"You can’t let the uncertainty of tomorrow interfere with the joy of today, Jacqueline."
"I wanted to be relieved, but I only felt empty. Empty and tired."
"The answer isn’t in the winning. The answer is in the running."
"So what’s the point? What’s the meaning? Why do we all struggle if we’re in a race we can never, ever win?"
"No one wins. Like you said, it’s impossible to win, because the finish line is death."