
Feminists Don't Wear Pink (And Other Lies): Amazing Women On What The F-Word Means To Them Quotes

Feminists Don't Wear Pink (And Other Lies): Amazing Women On What The F-Word Means To Them by Scarlett Curtis

"I didn’t know I was a feminist until I was fifteen. I didn’t know I was a feminist because I didn’t know I needed to be."
"Our feelings are our most genuine paths to knowledge."
"I read Virginia Woolf and Gloria Steinem and Caitlin Moran and then realized they were all white women and I might need to start looking a little further."
"This book is here to show you that at the heart of feminism is women."
"Women who are complex and complicated, who wear make-up and wear pink and laugh and cry and get confused just like you."
"Feminists are rare birds who fly above us, trying to look down and see the world for what it is."
"I’m not good with bodily functions; I ghosted and eventually unfriended a girl who potentially heard me fart through a thin bathroom wall."
"The mood-elevating and sedating effects of rising estrogen and progesterone combine to give you the potential to be relaxed, mellow, and the calm in the center of any storm."
"I don’t think I was ever properly educated as to what feminism actually was."
"It’s the fear of being visible, of expressing my point of view and exposing who I actually am, to a world that is not particularly gentle."
"I’ve been overly careful about what I say publicly because, for a long time, I’ve been rather embarrassingly concerned about being liked."
"How do we create a kind of feminism that is so big, inclusive, and generous that there is enough room for everyone in it?"
"Our bodies are life-growers by nature, tied to the moon by some invisible, yet visceral cord."
"These bodies of ours are misunderstood, and there’s all kinds of shaming that happens around our natural functions that are honestly total crap."
"Our bodies are beautiful, not despite but because of the myriad shapes and colours they come in."
"There is a wildness in us, something magnificent, ancient and connected to each other."
"Your inner landscape has the potential to be as vast and colourful as anyone else’s you admire."
"There’s a flexibility to this era that feels very exciting to me."
"I am hopeful, because so much is evolving, because I am part of the conversation and so are you."
"For years, I became increasingly paranoid about my body. I would insist on having sex with the lights off, and if anybody attempted to go down on me, I would freeze."
"I recall stumbling across The Great Wall of Vagina by Jamie McCartney, which led me down a slightly different path of thought."
"The anxiety I had developed around my vulva was in some ways heightened by the fact that I had not yet figured out who I was attracted to."
"What she told me was that it had taken a sexual experience with another woman to make her realize that how she looked was completely normal."
"The internet has brought with it an understanding that women are powerful in whatever form this takes."
"I’ve not had a woman look at me and degrade me for what I look like."
"This includes people who identify with a multitude of different gender identities."
"It starts by never taking for granted how poisonous society can be to the male psyche."
"Don’t show. Don’t tell. Stand there with your girl and be shot by a pack of male photographers."
"I don’t wash for a month. Can’t get dressed. The hormones rage."
"I am not the weaker sex. You are not the weaker sex. We are not the weaker sex."
"The suppression of the female voice and the assumption that women’s bodies belong to those observing them rather than to the woman themselves."
"My feminism is empowering other women to know there don’t have to be societal norms and standards for you."
"Every time that I’m on the radio and functioning in real life, I will continue to initiate and participate in anything that makes women stronger."
"My feminism is inherent. It’s not a trait, adjective, label or by-line but an orientation towards the world."
"Show up for women, physically and emotionally."
"Create environments for women to take up space."
"Secrecy breeds jealousy because the unknown makes us insecure."
"Don’t lift a woman up by tearing another woman down."
"Never miss an opportunity to facilitate moments of learning between men and women."
"Carry lipstick, pain relief like Tylenol or aspirin, and tampons, always."
"Now imagine the sketch shows we did lose because we never got to hear the genius comic voices of their black lesbian counterparts."
"When I’m improvising I am not limited by someone’s expectations of me."
"I want it to be illegal to discriminate, and legislation to be put in place that makes it pointless to discriminate."
"The fact is, poverty is a feminist issue and it needs to start being treated as such."
"Don’t sit on the sidelines. My mother and I will be there to watch it fall. Will you?"
"If in your mind you are born a girl, you will grow to be a woman through experience."
"We women and girls need to work together, pursue our dreams and shine until our light cannot be ignored."
"Change is happening, and as I type this I am sitting next to my niece... Sofia is a girl with dreams to be who and whatever she wants to be."
"The period is a beautiful thing. It reminds us that our bodies are unique, powerful, and extraordinary."
"From slogan T-shirts to Instagram bios, feminism is everywhere, and it's so amazing to see teenage girls, particularly, so empowered."
"We don’t have to let negative experiences bury us; we can use our pasts to fuel us, to drive change."
"I believe that unless we create gender equality in the home, we can't create it at work."
"The journey will be worth it – and the lessons will be great ones."
"The goal of the feminist movement is to combat this. It aims to give each person on this planet the freedom to live their life the way they want to live it, unhindered by sexism or oppression or aggression."
"The urgent, necessary, humming centre of my feminism is sharing women’s history."
"I felt bigger, taller, fuller – like I could take up more space in the world."
"Women’s history is bigger than one person, so the way we talk about the past needs to be as well."
"Practising women’s history is a political act; be deliberate with your sharing, stretch the story out, make it big enough for all of us to see ourselves in."
"If they don’t give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair."
"We are not beautiful, we are not ugly – we are angry."
"There are so many different ideas for you to chase, so many feminist tasks to take up, and so much space for you to make your own intervention."