
The Hit Quotes

The Hit by David Baldacci

"Well, in a way that’s exactly what I am. Only our goal is death on every trip."
"Lots of folks can shoot straight and get away. I’m the one doing the geopolitical wrangling on these suckers. It’s all in the prep. And I’m worth every dollar."
"In today’s overly complex world, where allies and foes seemed to change on a weekly basis, that was as good as it got."
"He could dwell on the current state of his life and arrive at nothing satisfactory in the way of an answer, or he could simply ignore it."
"But the world went on, as screwed up as ever, and another monster—maybe even worse—would replace the fallen one."
"Investigations would be made. Diplomatic broadsides exchanged. More people would die in retaliation. And then life would go on."
"The world was one catalyst away from blowing up."
"Rain cleansed, or at least that was the theory."
"A life that he could not really be part of. That’s just the way it was."
"It wasn’t an issue of desire. It was one of trust."
"Never to be left without a seat when the music stopped."
"It’s not that complicated, Robie. Either you are or you aren’t."
"He had traveled the world, but had never purchased a souvenir to bring back."
"Sorry it’s come to this, Will. Only one can survive, of course."
"She was a machine and they were simply convenient for the mission."
"He could feel the fire eating at him like acid."
"Thankfully, he still had his pants and shoes."
"His phone. He doubted the manufacturer’s warranty would cover this sort of mishap."
"As isolated as the Eastern Shore was, flame balls rising twenty feet in the air would attract notice."
"Just another beautiful day in the capital city."
"She clicked some computer keys and watched it again, in slow motion."
"A good poker player. No, a great poker player."
"In the spy business you really didn’t have any friends, just enemies and people who could become your enemy."
"It was always the same. At the center of it was always at least one dead body, usually more."
"Reel knew why she was doing what she was doing."
"When things look simple they’re usually not. Right and wrong, good and bad are in the eyes of the definer."
"Understand the agenda, Will. And watch your back."
"The differences were real, that’s what was important."
"Everything he had told Julie Getty was the truth."
"You do not need someone like me in your life."
"White roses are often used at funeral services too. They represent peacefulness, spiritual love, that sort of thing."
"Now he was thinking she was more right than wrong about that."
"When you were being driven in a cab you gave up some measure of control."
"There were many lessons to be learned from the man's personal triumph."
"It was inside here that justice was supposed to be accomplished."
"You don't care about anyone. You have to be a machine because you have to kill without remorse."
"And then move on to the next one after quickly forgetting the last."
"Serious shit?" She nodded. "Is there any other?"
"When someone’s cutting you, only go with the best."
"You knew Gelder?" He nodded. "Lots of us did. He’d been there a long time."
"Not as big as three years ago. You’ve been off the grid for a while, Mike."
"Dead men out front meant the shooter had to be positioned there."
"You think one tactical step ahead but you don’t try to be too cute about it."
"The only serious competition she’d had was Will Robie."
"They likely thought this because she was a woman."
"I’ve always chosen that over chaos. When I had a choice, that is."
"When you’re always two seconds from dying violently you remember the little things."
"Most of all I remember wondering what the hell we were all doing there."
"It’s because of what I’ve done that I have to go out this way."
"At the end of the day people can justify anything they want. It’s just how we’re wired."
"Everything I do has a reason. Just open the lock."
"Sanctioned assassins didn’t get many tax breaks."
"Actions, Director. They always trump the rhetoric."
"If you don’t like them and you don’t have shoes that need repair I’ll have to ask you to leave."
"A "lady" could never have too many grenades."
"When outnumbered, retreat wasn’t always an option. Superior forces rarely expected an outgunned opponent to charge at them."
"Pistols and subguns did not concern her. They didn’t have the range to hurt her."
"She didn’t have to kill them and so she let them live but in no condition to fight."
"She didn’t want to be around to witness or feel that flame ball."
"It’s dangerous to fill your house with explosives. Like living with rattlesnakes."
"Hands with guns were what killed, while eyes were just points of deception."
"Mercy. Will Robie, the most accomplished assassin of his generation, had shown her mercy."
"Tears slid from her eyes and down her cheeks."
"An apocalypse was never how you wanted it to end."
"You can’t set out to do something on this grand a scale without risks."
"She could get to me too. But we have to play the odds, Howard. And the odds are with us."
"His mission would have been complete. The agency would have lauded his performance."
"Killers didn’t do that. Killers never did that."
"I was the reason you were in danger in the first place."
"In normal circumstances, absolutely. I’m not normal."
"In order to cover my back, I have to look in all directions at the same time."
"The world was a truly dangerous place right now."
"You will come back. You will get through this. You’re Will Robie. Hell, you perform the impossible on a regular basis."
"I’m a linear person, Robie. Meaning I like to begin at the beginning and end at the end."
"Conspiracies are supposed to be relegated to popular fiction. However, it’s surprising and a little distressing how often they show up in real life."
"You know what comes with leaders. Their security details."
"I’m a killer, Robie. People are usually dying all around me."
"A house divided is screwed. Which in our case means dead."
"When this is all over, it still won’t be all over."
"I thought there would be some sense of revenge, of justice even."
"Remember the domesticity, Robie? I sense I’ll become bored with it before we land. So strike while the iron is hot."
"Because both you and I know we’re not going to live past Ireland."
"Machines don’t have heartbeats. You’re not a machine."
"Success or failure is always defined largely during the preparation."
"Nobody’s that lucky, Robie, not even the good guys."
"Patience is a virtue. And tomorrow it’ll be the only thing keeping us alive."
"Sometimes communication is a very good thing."
"Patience at an end? Didn’t want to wait for people like me to keep pulling triggers? Wanted to clear the game board in one move?"
"You’re the only one who can ultimately answer that."
"One of my greatest regrets in life will be missing the looks on their faces. Especially Tucker’s."