
Primal Bonds Quotes

Primal Bonds by Jennifer Ashley

"With her usual gift for creating imaginative plots fueled by scorchingly sensual chemistry, RITA Award-winning Ashley begins a new sexy paranormal series that neatly combines high-adrenaline suspense with humor."
"Delve into a gritty world where inequality and prejudice are the realities of shifter life."
"A whole new way to look at shape-shifters ... Rousing action and sensually charged."
"Absolutely fabulous! ... The action and romance were evenly matched and the flow of the book kept me glued until the last page."
"Ashley has created a riveting tale that ... explores different interpretations of human and nonhuman interaction."
"A very promising start to what should be a fresh take on a well-worn idea ... A clever, quick book with some interesting twists."
"I adore this novel: It’s heartrending, funny, honest, and true."
"A heartfelt, emotional historical romance with danger and intrigue around every corner ... A great read!"
"Skillfully nuanced characterization and an abundance of steamy sensuality give Ashley’s latest impeccably crafted historical its irresistible literary flavor."
"Ever-versatile Ashley begins her new Victorian Highland Pleasures series with a deliciously dark and delectably sexy story of love and romantic redemption."
"A story full of mystery and intrigue with two wonderful, bright characters ... I look forward to more from Jennifer Ashley, an extremely gifted author."
"Wow! All I can say is The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie is one of the best books that I have ever read."
"When you’re reading a book that is a step or two—or six or seven—above the norm, you know it almost immediately."
"You can’t go back there! I’m calling security."
"She makes you males work the washing machine? That must be something to see."
"While you’re standing there all pretty, will you come down here and grab on to this stiff thing for me?"
"You don’t know Seanie then. It’s boxers. Black satin."
"You all lose," he said as he buckled his belt. "Satisfied?"
"This was a time to kiss, touch, nip, getting to know each other."
"Living in a Shiftertown has taught me a lot about dominance and power, leadership and control."
"You think power only flows within a pack or a clan? That nothing outside can influence it?"
"I’ll dream about that. You big, strong Shifter, you."
"No doubt about who’s the dominant in this room."
"Hurting is part of life, isn’t it? So is happiness."
"The dominance roles of Shifters were more obvious when they were animals, when verbal communication didn’t interfere."
"A submissive Feline or Lupine would keep his head lower than the dominant’s, or run a few paces behind them, or move aside for those more dominant in the pride."
"What they didn’t do was stand in front of the dominant and look him straight in the eye."
"In my pack, if a female let a man in her bed, he pretty much stayed there for life."
"You might have noticed I’m not screaming and trying to get away."
"The fact that you didn’t run to this Jared, tail between your legs, makes you remarkable, love."
"Trust Sean. He’s an amazing man, and there’s much more to him than he lets anyone see. He feels things, deeply."
"They won’t break laws, but they’ll bend them into all kinds of weird shapes."
"Shifters in this Shiftertown should be loyal to Liam."
"It's your call now, son. I'll back you up if it comes to a fight, but the first approach must come from you."
"I'm damn sorry if you walking into danger bothers me, Andy-love. I'm funny that way."
"Because it eats him up inside, my mother's death."
"Don't worry, love. He'll not do a bloody thing to you ever again, not unless he wants to challenge me."
"We follow the rituals of mate-claim and mate blessing because we'd just give ourselves to the frenzy if we didn't, no holding back."
"My mother was a little bit like Glory," Sean said. "Very in your face. Kind of like you."
"You're the one who was buying me all the underwear," he murmured into her skin. "Want to guess which pair I'm wearing?"
"Sean let go of the sword. It stayed upright, in the table."
"I want no Shifters dying," Sean said. "Not today."
"Because mixing ourselves with them and their world makes us weak."
"Humans are shooting at Shifters, and you’re getting cozy with the same humans. Doesn’t take a genius to figure out that you’re in on it with them."
"If this was the wild, it wouldn’t have happened at all."
"I’m not fooling myself that Andrea hasn’t rejected the mate-claim because she adores me. She doesn’t have much of a bloody choice."
"The best place for talking about serious shit was on the front porch with beer."
"The ground was wet, cold, uncomfortable. Sean dragged Andrea up with him, kissing her as he rose to his feet with newfound strength."
"The iron bands of it were more painful than the Collar’s torture, because while the Collar lay quietly until provoked, the mate bond would tighten forever."
"I think it’s time the Morrissey clan had a new Guardian."
"I want to touch and hold you. I want to keep you safe. I’m wanting you in my life."
"If you plan to Google Fionn Cillian, you can’t do it from here. Glory hasn’t been given Internet clearance."
"A good hacker. I can get into all kinds of places."
"Most of it isn’t secret. But only Guardians know how to use this thing, and the codes are pretty intense."
"All right, so we know he’s who he says he is. But how do I know that he’s my father? I don’t see any record of me in here."
"Then I’ll pull him into this world. He’d be weaker here, what with all the iron around. I could stuff him into Dad’s pickup and drive him around until he talks."
"Maybe it was the reason why I jumped at the chance for the mate-claim before I met you, but not after."
"Love, I want you for my mate because you have eyes the color of smoke. Because you are wicked sexy, because you’re fearless and have a smart-ass mouth, and because you kiss like fire. Why wouldn’t I want a woman like you around me the rest of my life?"
"It’s not flattery, Andrea. I want you. I want to touch and hold you. I want to keep you safe. I’m wanting you in my life."
"In that case, Sean, let’s have the mate blessing and get it over with."
"I welcome Sean and look forward to a lovely stack of pancakes each morning."
"The tactile acknowledgment of a mating, the reassurance that the pride, the clan, and the species would continue."
"Andrea Gray is now accepted into our pride and our clan."
"May your mating be blessed and you be forever bonded."
"I’m buried inside my sweet, hot little mate. How are you thinking I am?"
"Shifters who chase their own tails. What a travesty."
"The magic of his sword ran through him, and she reached for it and for Sean, who was bound to her now through the mate blessing."
"Tears trickled from her eyes. At last, after years of shame and fear and withdrawing into herself, Andrea knew who she was."
"We’re safe here, and I have so many people to look after me now."
"Jared hadn’t been strong, just protected by his sire."
"Sean had given her this gift. He’d set her free."
"She’s in our pride now. Or were you forgetting?"
"The sword speaks to you, does it not? It connects with you."
"Slaves of the Fae? How? Shifters will never let that happen again."
"A female defending her mate was the most fearsome of Shifters."
"Sean guarded the sword, and others died for it."
"They’d taken her mate. A female defending her mate was the most fearsome of Shifters, and whoever had done this to Sean didn’t yet know the meaning of terror."
"You eased him into his death, let his end be painless."
"If you carry Sean’s cub, I want you alive to bring it into the world."
"I think so, yes. They attacked Liam when Liam returned from sequestering his female."
"I appreciate your tender loving care, but damn it, we need to help Liam."
"Callum’s Felines will win. Accept it, Sean. The Morrisseys’ power in this Shiftertown is over."
"You and your family will lose. Callum will lose too, because he’s an idiot. But the Lupines, we will win."
"The Fae promised magic to dampen the effect of the Collars while Callum’s Felines fought this battle, to give Callum the advantage. In return, Callum pledged his men to aid the Fae whenever they call."
"Aid the Fae? What Shifter would make a bargain like that?"
"You only have to wait for Callum to pay the price."
"She was wounded by Callum’s humans. One of my trackers found her and brought her here to die in peace."
"I don’t like humans touching my pack. She’s dying. Let her go."
"Being unhampered by a Collar was no advantage at the moment, because these Felines were busy being happy they got to kill her."
"Ronan wouldn’t go for the kill. In spite of his massive size and strength, Ronan was a kindhearted male who didn’t like to hurt anyone."
"I’ll kill him," he said as he tried to make his legs work again.
"With you as its leader? Don’t flatter yourself. Ellison will never follow you, nor will Glory."
"You’ve given the Sword of the Guardian to a gobshite Fae!"
"It’s a full wolf howl, one made to echo from hilltop to hilltop across wide plains."
"But you’re alive, love. That’s the important thing."
"Knowing you’d gone missing, thinking I might lose you forever ... Everything in my life suddenly lined up, from most important to least."
"It’s not easy for someone like me to ask for forgiveness, love."
"I’d not have bothered, but my daughter spoke well of you. I did it for her."