
Burn Quotes

Burn by Suzanne Wright

"Considering their kind was impulsive, plagued by restlessness, had instant gratification problems, and were prone to pursue cheap thrills to chase off their oppressive boredom, the Underground was every demon’s version of heaven."
"He pointed at himself. 'Duh. Imp. You know…selfish, sneaky, fickle, not to be trusted under any circumstances.'"
"Her family, like all imp families, had a reputation for being what her grandmother Jolene liked to call ‘multi-talented.’ Humans would term them criminals. They tricked, they stole, they lied, they cheated, and they could get in and out of any place without being noticed…and they were completely casual about it."
"An inner demon could surface, enabling it to then talk and take control. The only outward indication of such a thing would be that the person’s eyes would turn totally black."
"That psychic pain could be bad and long lasting, in some cases."
"Being around him might give you some clues as to what he is."
"You’ll have serious protection, and you’ll be stronger and more powerful."
"You can’t tell anyone, okay. Especially no one from our lair or my family. This situation is…delicate."
"Sure. Irritation. Anger. Disgust. Oh, and pity."
"Because you’re mine. I don’t walk away from what’s mine."
"You’re my anchor, and I have a certain loyalty to you as well."
"It wasn’t as simple as that. I thought that if I left her with Lucian for a little while, he would bond with her and then we could be a family. It was a foolish plan, and I saw that soon enough."
"If you asked her sons whether she’s a good mother, I think you’d get conflicting answers."
"I always figured you’d be indifferent to your anchor, since you don’t need one."
"I’m a fully qualified bitch who’ll happily rip you another ass hole if you don’t get the fuck out of my office."
"I think you want her to trust you. She won’t if you keep things from her – even if your reason is to protect her or her feelings."
"Our kind fears me enough as it is. They don’t need an additional reason."
"The strongest were plucked from their lairs and forced to join the more powerful ones, making the large lairs stronger while making the small lairs weaker."
"The fact is that power structures do not work for our kind."
"But if the search for it makes our kind suffer, it’s not a good thing."
"If the rest of you truly feel a hierarchical structure will not appeal to the rest of our kind, what harm is it to hold a voting?"
"I’ll hold the weekend event at one of my hotels in the Underground two weeks from now."
"I won’t vote for something I don’t believe in."
"If you ever hurt my granddaughter, I will hunt you down."
"It’s only fair. You surprise me all the time."
"Despite being surrounded by people all the time, he seemed to stand apart."
"You intrigue me, which is a surprise in and of itself."
"I don’t want to come again until you’re in me."
"You’re not listening to me. This is important. I love you."
"I’d like to say that I don’t want to hurt you, but I do. You make it really hard to like you."
"Respect, fear, awe, and desire was in the eyes of many."
"You can’t be pissed at me for this. All I did was defend myself, and I’ll do it again."
"Demons are known for crossing lines. We do it all the time."
"Besides, she didn’t try to kill me, she tried to hurt me."
"I’m not a girl who’s good with that whole ‘seeing other people’ thing."
"Don’t talk like you’re just a convenient body to me."
"The thought of her with another male made him feel very dangerous."
"Honestly? Stick your cock in a bees nest. Call me and let me know how that goes."
"Well, as you can see, I’m drowning in a river of tears."
"Motherfucking motherfuckers need to motherfucking die."
"Harper is mine. You hurt her. That means you don’t get to live."
"I’ve told you over and over, I’m sorry and I hate that I’ve hurt you."
"The flames will cover you, but it’s just normal fire, it won’t hurt you."
"Parents are just people, and people can be shitheads. I know that well."
"You know, it’s shitty of you to do that. Since the first day we met, you’ve done nothing but quiz me about my family, my life, and my past."
"I know you’re a dominant control freak who likes to always have his way."
"I suppose you could say I’ve achieved many things."
"It’s all right, you don’t have to reassure me."
"You can’t change the truth, Knox, whether you choose to accept it or not."
"Someone who can hate a tiny little baby is capable of anything."
"And the fact that you were seen as a power in your own right made demons gravitate toward you."
"Plenty of very appealing ones. But I strongly doubt they would intend to keep any of those promises."
"I know," she confirmed, watching as his eyes warmed.
"You can’t say stuff like that when we have to leave," she whined.
"Nothing tastes better than you do," he rumbled in her ear, his hand proprietary as it splayed over her breast.
"Nice necklace," commented Jolene, eyes narrowed.
"Don’t think I don’t know something’s going on between you two."
"We’re looking forward to watching you crash and burn."
"‘High chance’ might be overstating things a little."
"If I didn’t know what good a liar she is, I might have bought that devastated look on her face."
"Apart, we are vulnerable. Together, we are strong."
"That was a clever speech," allowed Jolene. "And that worries me."
"No, little sphinx," countered that familiar emotionless voice. "You’re ours."
"Did it occur to you that I might not want to walk away?"
"I told you before, you belong to me. I won’t let you go."
"I understand why, but I am going to buy you things."
"Rejecting the things I do or give you is much like pushing me away."
"I’ll try sharing if you try accepting things from me."
"My patience has been tested too many times tonight, Kendra."
"I won’t lie and say I have any pleasant feelings for Harper Wallis. I don’t. Never will. And since I value my life, I wouldn’t risk it for someone who means nothing to me."
"Do you hate her so much that you want her dead? That you would use dark practitioners to help achieve that little dream?"
"But some will be too stupid or simply too hungry for vengeance to care."
"You might be a nightmare by breed, Kendra, but I’m everybody’s fucking nightmare."
"I want to confront him. I want to tell him what a bastard he is for leaving my mother so broken that she turned to alcohol for a comfort that it was never going to give her."
"I don’t want him to hurt because she’s hurt. I want him to hurt because the truth hurts. He needs to hear the truth of what he did to my mother."
"Your Harper?" Her upper lip curled as bitterness wafted from her. "So you are fucking her."
"Hear me when I say that if I discover you had anything to do with the attacks on Harper, I will destroy you, Kendra. Not fast. But slowly. Very, very slowly."
"Notice that I am snapping off the tags without checking the prices. I will just pretend they aren’t designer clothing and you got them from thrift shops."
"She’ll get a shock if she does. He’s got abilities that freak even me out. And I have eyes that frequently change color – there aren’t much stuff weirder than that."
"They’re not freaky or a defect. They’re unique, just like you."
"I’m not a sentinel, so I get that there are things I won’t always hear about unless you okay it first. I don’t expect to be told everything – unless it’s related to me, in which case it’s totally my business."
"Making it worse, Carla had even asked if there was any way of trapping the baby’s soul in a container, so that she could taunt Lucian that his child would never have peace."
"But hey, maybe we don’t need to worry so much. Let’s face it, if you lose her and lose your control, you could destroy the fucking world."
"I just think that if someone has a problem with me, well it’s their problem to deal with. Why should I feel bad about it? I’m not responsible for what other people do or don’t feel."
"I’ll act rashly if you get hurt, you dumb bastard."
"I’m still hungry. You going to feed me when we get back to the suite?"
"Demons aren’t built to be alone. But he’s been alone for a very long time."
"I think that by raising me to not need anyone or anything to complete my life – to only enhance it – he was trying to make sure I didn’t turn out like him."
"People would nowadays describe it as a cult. Back then, it was just a group of demons that detached themselves from their lair and formed a Prime-less group, pooling all their resources and claiming a plot of land."
"They didn’t want to be ruled, they wanted peace. They wanted to be free."
"It wasn’t so bad in the beginning. The females and the children were treated like royalty. Everyone was happy and close and felt free."
"He introduced a dress code, a job chart, a timetable, and guidelines that placed a lot of restrictions on everyone and made them reliant on him."
"Holding bitterness inside will just destroy a person from the inside out."
"I’m not bitter about what she did. If you ask me, holding bitterness inside will just destroy a person from the inside out."
"Baby, I wouldn’t want to. I’d make them all pay. But I wouldn’t stop there. It wouldn’t be enough. Not for me, not for my demon. So many would die, so much would be destroyed."
"You’re mine to care for, and you’ll never be anything but cared for."
"Everybody has flaws, Knox. No one is easy to be with."
"You matter. So much that you’re a vulnerability, a weakness. But I’m keeping you."
"Nobody had ever put him first before. Nobody."
"I’m too impatient by nature to experience positive feelings of anticipation."