
Imperial Bedrooms Quotes

Imperial Bedrooms by Bret Easton Ellis

"That's how I became the damaged party boy who wandered through the wreckage, blood streaming from his nose, asking questions that never required answers."
"The book was blunt and had an honesty about it, whereas the movie was just a beautiful lie."
"It's more intimate than the view from a friend's place, which was so far above the city it seemed as if you were looking at a vast and abandoned world."
"Forced to watch people pretend to yell and cry for two and a half hours can push you to a dark distance that takes a day to come back from."
"It was easier to shrug off than anything in the first book which depicted me as an inarticulate zombie confused by the irony."
"I'm about to leave when suddenly I ask him, 'What the fuck happened to Rip Millar?'"
"I'm already locked out of everything. It's that time of night when I've entered the dead zone and I'm not coming out."
"Why do you hate me? What did I ever do to you?"
"I want pain, I love pain, pain brings freedom."
"That's because you're a writer. That's because you make things up for a living."
"You're so much further out there than I thought, dude."
"You need to be careful who you let into your life."
"So leave everything you know and carry only what you fear."
"If you're alone nothing bad can happen to you."
"Denise Tazzarek." He lets the name hang there in the shadows of the garage. "I'm not able to help you with ... that."
"I know who this is and I'm not getting involved with her," he says. "I've had two patients involved with her and it's becoming a conflict of interest."
"This girl you were talking about, Rain Turner? She's Denise Tazzarek."
"What do you know about her that ... I don't know?"
"I'm not sure why you're so pissed," Julian says. "You got what you wanted."
"It means that there's a larger world out there and it's not all about you."
"You discover new things as you go along," Rip says. "You discover things about yourself that you never thought were possible."
"Because he's compromising the structure of things," Rip says, enunciating each word. "And it's affecting my life."
"You're the only one who cares enough." He pauses. "Because she thinks that you're her only chance."
"Just stay out of it," Blair answers softly. "All you need to do is stay out of it."
"This isn't about Blair?" I suddenly ask. Trent looks over at me as if he's shocked I would ask that. "No. Not at all. This has nothing to do with Blair."
"You don't need to work, do you?" Trent asks. He sounds genuinely interested. "You've got family money, right?"
"You don't need to know why. You're not going to get any answers. I doubt it would matter to you if you had them anyway."
"Unconditional love," the boy says, the character of Jimmy turning away in mock shame, but the boy was reading the line wrong, giving it the wrong emphases, smirking when he should have been totally serious, turning it into a punch line when it was never supposed to be a joke.
"It's what this place has done to you," I whisper, brushing her hair off her forehead. "It's okay... I understand..."
"This place didn't do anything to me." She covers her face with her hands, a useless gesture.
"You missed so many hints about me," I whisper to her as she lies drugged in the bedroom.
"What's the worst thing that ever happened to you, Jimmy?" someone playing a girl named Claire reads off camera. "Unconditional love," the boy says.
"I heard you met a friend of mine," Rip told me outside the W Hotel last December at the premiere of Daniel Carter's movie. "Yeah, I heard you really hit it off..."
"I guess I want something in return," she says. "From you."