
Don't Let Go Quotes

Don't Let Go by Harlan Coben

"Daisy wore a clingy black dress with a neckline so deep it could tutor philosophy."
"His beard was heavy and gray. His nose was bulbous and putty-like, almost as though it were a Hollywood silicone special effect."
"Sweet. He didn’t say it all macho poseur, like so many of the d-bags she had met along the way."
"Daisy put a hand on his arm. 'It’s not a big deal. Really. I just . . . I feel safe here with you, okay?'"
"The lot’s surface was made up of loose pebbles."
"Ellie has described Trey as a 'purebred twat waffle.'"
"The maybe-Trey bebops toward me with the fake tan and the emo fringe do."
"What the hell. Might as well be sure, right?"
"You never saw my face,' I tell him. 'You say a word, I come back and kill you.'"
"How is Brody’s team doing? 'Eight and one,' Tammy says."
"It’s French, actually, Doo-MAH, like the famed author."
"There’s been a murder in our district,' she continues."
"You’re the one who put Maura Wells into the AFIS, correct?"
"The where isn’t important,' Reynolds tells me. 'The who is."
"Rex Canton. I knew him back in the day, of course."
"Maura Wells was my girlfriend in high school."
"No need for sarcasm,' Bates says. 'A fellow officer is dead."
"In the car,' I insist. 'I want to see the scene."
"So you want to get to it, Nap?' Reynolds says."
"Some people claim that money is the root of all evil. Could be. Others say that money can’t buy you happiness. That may be true. But if you handle it right, money buys you freedom and time, and those are a lot more tangible than happiness."
"When you have grief, at least you have something. But when grief ebbs away, what’s left?"
"I’ve never met Yvonne, but for some reason I picture her as this confident woman with a big, throaty laugh, an easy way, fun, grateful, who liked to thread her arm through Augie’s as they walked the beach near their hotel."
"The past does not simply die away. Whatever happened here still haunts these grounds. You can feel that sometimes—when you visit ancient ruins or old estates or when you are alone in the woods like this. The echoes quiet, fade away, but they never go completely silent."
"My one job, my only job, was to protect her, and I let her go out that night."
"Routine, I mean. We finish here at nine o’clock, give or take. But if we go long, Hank still leaves at exactly nine."
"You find the courage too late but it’s never too late and yes, that’s a contradiction."
"I held nothing—nothing—back. But sometimes I wonder: Did you?"
"I do believe in the rule of law, and I’m not a huge fan of vigilantism. But I don’t look at what I sometimes do that way."
"Too many posts begin with 'Someone should . . .' and then offer up a skew of torture possibilities so creatively sick that Torquemada would have been envious."
"A guy moves across the country, you lose touch."
"My theory—if you want to call it that—was that this all has to do with what happened to Leo and Diana."
"You aren’t just in this because of Leo and Diana. You’re in it for Maura."
"The idea that your friendly local missile site was keeping you safe from the long-range aircraft of the Soviet Union was supposed to make you sleep better."
"Security was tighter for the Department of Agriculture than a nuclear missile control center."
"It is easy to poke fun at these sorts of real estate developments—the placid sameness, the lack of any sense of individuality, the snap-together structuring, the overly orchestrated landscapes—but I’ve thought of moving into one ever since I reached adulthood."
"Libraries for me have always had a cathedral-like ambiance, a hushed sanctuary where learning is revered, where we the people elevate books and education to the level of the religious."
"I don’t think this is about that viral video."
"I lost a beautiful, vibrant seventeen-year-old daughter, a girl with all the promise in the world."
"He thinks, what, that he, a man who abandoned his son when things got tough, knows my pain?"
"It is all wanting to look too old by looking too new. It’s labored, trying too hard, tacky."
"I remember Dad buying you a Canon PV1 digital video camcorder sophomore year. You freaked out with joy."
"I would do a lot more than take a bullet for Leah and Kelsi—I would shoot plenty in return."
"I have heard that men and women can't be friends without there being some kind of sexual component, but at the risk of sounding horribly PC, that's horseshit."
"I try to offer some kind of comfort. But I blew that chance."
"You don’t remember how persuasive Maura could be?"
"If you didn’t know anything, you couldn’t tell them anything."
"Too many people are dying, Nap. And I wonder whether Maura is one of them."
"The key to making time slow down is to have new experiences."
"I may have a lead on Beth Lashley’s whereabouts."
"You need to move on. Whatever the answer, you’re messing with some very dangerous people."
"You need to let this go. For everyone’s sake."
"We weren’t part of the Department of Agriculture."
"There is no escape from the water. There is no relief or letup at all. It just keeps getting worse."
"You don't just want it to stop. You don't just need it to stop. It has to stop."
"I'm running out of air, and that agony overcomes all else."
"I try to move my head, try to tilt my head up or find some way of escaping the onslaught. But I can't move."
"Every cell in my body is begging for oxygen, for just one breath. But there is none."
"I can't help myself. I'm running out of air, and that agony overcomes all else."
"You're desperate. You'll say anything for a reprieve. But that won't work with me. I know all the tricks."
"The same as he killed the others. So no matter what, I can't give in."
"A soldier who interrogated prisoners in the Philippine-American War once described what you're about to experience this way: 'His suffering must be that of a man who is drowning but cannot drown.'"
"It's like I'm being held underwater, but it's worse. I can't move. I'm locked in concrete."
"I'm dying, Leo, dying and hallucinating, and the last thing I see is the most beautiful face imaginable."
"And what would you have done? You, a hotheaded eighteen-year-old boy?"
"I try not to get lost in her eyes, but in her eyes, it's all there—the history, the what-ifs, the sliding doors."
"This is a matter of national security. What we are about to discuss is highly classified."
"Fifteen years ago, the old Nike control base in Westbridge was an illegal black site incarcerating and interrogating American citizens suspected of colluding with terrorist entities."
"Something both instinctive and maybe supernatural will protect that part of my anatomy no matter what."
"I think we all tried to make amends... I do good because I'm trying to counter what I did that night."
"The kids who stood behind the bully and got off on watching. That was us."
"We embrace what fits our narrative and ignore what doesn't."
"No matter what the cost, there will be justice."
"It's a long enough time to mourn, don't you think? So I'm going to let you go now and grab on to something more substantial."