
Fancy Pants Quotes

Fancy Pants by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

"In the face of world famine, women who wear sable deserve what they get."
"From the day I was born, my face has brought me nothing but trouble."
"Most babies are conceived in love, but I was conceived on a display platform in the center of Harrods’ fur salon."
"You can't seem to lose tonight. Are you always this lucky?"
"I've lost at everything tonight. Je suis misérable. I'm never lucky."
"What good is money if it can't buy pleasure?"
"You won't need a father or a grandmother. You won't need anyone but me... because I'm going to give you everything in the world."
"Running musses your hair and makes your face all red. People won't love you if you're not pretty."
"The two of them lived an elegant vagabond life on the proceeds of Chloe's legacy as well as the largess of the stream of men who passed through her life in much the same way their fathers had once passed through Nita's."
"Chloe's outrageous sense of style and spendthrift ways contributed to her reputation on the international social circuit as an amusing companion and highly entertaining houseguest."
"True caviar comes only from the sturgeon of the Caspian Sea."
"Despite his background as the son of an Irish schoolteacher and a Welsh bricklayer, Varian had the sharp features of an English aristocrat and the casually long haircut of an Oxford don."
"She forced herself to look upon her lack of a father as an advantage."
"She gave them soft, wicked smiles just so she could watch them blush, and she practiced all the flirtatious tricks she had seen Chloe use."
"Dallas Fremont Beaudine once told a reporter from Sports Illustrated that the difference between pro golfers and other big-time athletes was mainly that golfers didn't spit."
"Nobody's ever played the game like Jack Nicklaus, not even Bobby Jones."
"Dallie Beaudine was about as close as you could get to perfect magazine copy, except for one thing. He blew the big ones."
"He was finally going to live up to the reputation the magazines had created for him. With his name sitting at the top of the leader board of the Orange Blossom Open, Dallie felt as if he'd come out of the womb with a brand-new Titleist ball clenched in his hand."
"You are what I perceive you to be. I'm going to tell my producer I simply refuse to do the film without you."
"Enduring cycles are my particular specialty."
"Everything connected with Hollywood is depraved."
"The creative mind absolutely cannot afford negative thoughts."
"I must have you in Louisiana by this Friday at the absolute latest."
"You send out invisible vibrations with just the smallest movement of your head."
"Miserable thing, money. It makes extraordinary people do all sorts of depraved things."
"What a perfectly wonderful way to make money."
"Either it tastes so good it gives you the shivers or it's melting all over your hand."
"I wouldn't trust him not to get a hard-on in an old ladies’ retirement home."
"People made financial matters so unnecessarily complex, she now realized, when all it took to solve one's difficulties was a little initiative."
"You just keep it coming, honey, and I'll figure out where to put it."
"When you were born a Beaudine, it was pretty much predestined that you wouldn't die of old age."
"Some women, it seemed, had been put on earth just for other women to hate."
"You women are too sensitive about this sort of thing. I want you to trust me."
"He makes crap sound like poetry. Of course, it's still crap when he's done with it, but we don't tell him that."
"Because I've had all the garbage I can stand!"
"In America people packed loaded guns on their way to church, and criminals roamed the streets at will."
"I'm awfully afraid I've gotten myself into a bit of a muddle," she said, setting down her suitcase. "I seem to have lost my way. Frightful nuisance, of course."
"Don't worry about Skeet, honey," he said. "Skeet's a dyed-in-the-wool misogynist, is what he is."
"One sneeze, she realized, and she was a centerfold."
"I have to remember that Americans are notoriously informal. What was considered boorish on the part of an Englishman was regarded as normal behavior in the States."
"She couldn't spend two nights at a really good hotel for that amount."
"My advertising!" She stomped her foot on the road. "Put those suitcases down this minute! I wouldn't go anywhere with you if my life depended on it."
"Because the goddamn sun was setting in front of your eyes, that's how!"
"She stood on the pavement in front of the terminal and faced the undeniable fact that the gorgeous hillbilly had scored the final point in a game she'd invented."
"You find it hysterically funny that I'm trapped in this awful dress and I can't go home and Nicky's gone off with some dreadful mathematician Miranda says is glorious—"
"Have you been this rude from birth, or is it a more recent occurrence?"
"Are you so callous that you don't have the simple decency to ask me if I'm all right? That was a barroom brawl back there! Don't you realize that I could have been killed?"
"You're a big girl, and you'd better come up with something real fast."
"But recovering the eye shadow suddenly became more important to her than anything in the world, and she was willing to fight them all to get it back."
"She had hit bottom. Right at this moment. Right now. Everything was gone—cosmetics, clothes, the last of her money. She had nothing left."
"Don't you see? I can't go back to London until I know Nicky will be right there at the airport waiting for me."
"I thought you told me he was your fiancé?" "He is." "Then why is he having a fling with a blond mathematician?" "He's sulking."
"I want personality, Naomi, not just another cookie cutter model's face."
"Better male chauvinists than Harry R. Rodenbaugh had tried to keep her down, and not one of them had succeeded."
"I'm going to find you, and when I'm done, your life will never be the same."
"For the price of a simple silk scarf, she could have eaten like a queen."
"I've no affection for anything that has paws and doesn't know how to flush."
"You've already heard what happened when I tried acting, and I'm too short to make any money at fashion modeling. If it comes down to a choice between working in a factory and marrying Nicky Gwynwyck, you can bloody well be certain which one I'm going to choose."
"As long as I can buy gas and pick up the bar tab, money doesn't mean anything to me. I don't even like money."
"A general rule of living life with real people, Francie, is not to end any sentences with the word ‘Gucci.’"
"Just as Raoul lifted his camera to take the picture, the warthog leaped to his feet, shook himself, and ran off into the trees."
"I've loved rock for as long as I can remember. The Rolling Stones are my very favorite group."
"Professional athletes have fine-tuned bodies, like well-oiled engines. One little speck of awkwardness'll throw everything off stride."
"No, you don't, honey. You don't need anything but yourself. You've got to start understanding that, Francie. You've got to start relying on yourself instead of all these props you think you need to set up around you."
"Even so, he should have kept his jeans zipped. Now she was going to cling to him like a string of bad luck, expecting hearts and flowers and all that other horseshit, none of which he had the slightest intention of giving to her."
"Was this what it meant to be in love? she wondered dreamily. Her eyelids drifted open. She was in love. Of course. Why hadn't she realized it long before this? That was what was wrong with her. That was why she'd been feeling so unhappy. She was in love."
"Rebel, from the Latin rebellis. What a lovely sound it had and how wonderful if such a word actually were to be inscribed on her tombstone."
"For people who liked small towns, Wynette, Texas, was a good place to live."
"She made him another sandwich, which he demolished as efficiently as he'd eaten the first one. Settling down on the stool next to him, she felt an illogical stab of pride."
"But now Gerry was a dinosaur, a sixties radical transplanted into the Age of Me First."
"And then he stopped brushing, stopped teasing, and touched her... really touched her. Inside."
"You're a real bastard, aren't you, Beaudine?"
"Actually, I thought you might want to help me out here. Go on and stand over there, will you?"
"Just you never mind. I'm the man. You're the woman. You do what I say."
"This is going to work out even better than I thought."
"Guess we'll just have to find something else to occupy our time."
"You'll be back in London before you know it."
"I'm not so much of an alley cat that I'd still be sleeping with you if I didn't like you a whole lot better than I used to."
"God gives us life as a gift. We don't have any right to add our own conditions."
"Let me be the first to offer my congratulations to our beautiful new Sassy Girl."
"Looking pretty wasn't enough— there was always someone prettier."
"Lovers were a dime a dozen, they had finally decided, but best friends were hard to find."
"He always told her she looked her prettiest in the morning, but she never believed him."
"One of these days you're going to learn that happiness isn't wrapped up in a dollar bill, Holly Grace. There's more involved than that."
"Since she had come to this country, she had lost everything. Everything she owned. Everything she was. She had lost it all, and now she had lost herself...."
"Other people prayed and got thunderbolts and angels. She got Scarlett O'Hara."
"You shouldn't listen to gossip," he sneered. "I know I didn't listen when I heard that you'd been putting out for every rich boy in the senior class."
"No woman would have ever talked like that to his old man, Jaycee Beaudine, and no woman was going to talk like that to him."
"He regarded her suspiciously. 'Have you been reading Cosmo again?'"
"He knew what the problem was, and it didn't have anything to do with his backswing or his follow-through."
"Putting earrings and necklaces near her great mane of blond hair was, she felt, a clear case of gilding the lily."
"As they worked on the puzzle together, she put her arm around Winona's shoulders and leaned down to rest her cheek on top of her mother's faded blond curls, taking in the faint scent of Breck shampoo and Aqua Net hair spray."
"His voice kept fading out on the high notes, but he came on strong as soon as Joe Cocker slid back into his range."
"Giving in to the vague nostalgia that had been plaguing her all day, Holly Grace stood up and gave Winona's cheek a peck."
"I'm willing to do anything, Miss Padgett—answer the telephones, run errands..."
"I don't even have a passport. It was stolen from me a few hours ago on the road."
"For better or for worse, she was going to take control of her own life."
"I'm willing to do anything, Clare—answer the telephones, run errands..."
"All my life I've lived off other people, but I'm not going to do that anymore. I'm going to make something of myself!"
"What kind of mother would deliberately expose a helpless little baby to something so ugly?"