
The Dead Of Night Quotes

The Dead Of Night by Peter Lerangis

"In all his eleven years, Atticus Rosenbloom never imagined he’d die on a bed of fresh rolls and sticky buns."
"This had to be a mistake. They must have wanted some other nerdy kid with dreads, a plaid shirt, and beat-up Vans."
"His brain, which had absorbed eleven languages already, did not forget distinctive sounds. Or near-death experiences."
"Suddenly, the whole thing was making some awful sense."
"As ransom, Dan and Amy had to perform nasty tasks — breaking into museums, stealing ancient artifacts, solving impossible codes."
"I’m not a boy!" Atticus blurted, the words spilling out of his mouth faster than he could think.
"Just because we’re holding hands, college boy, don’t get any ideas."
"Let me go right now or I’ll scream bloody murder!" Atticus shouted.
"The bits of knowledge — the cruel taunts — were like pricks of a tiny knife blade, keeping him off balance."
"All he knew was that Guardians fought the Vespers. And that he was the only one left."
"What other kid could relate to that? Atticus could. He was the only one who really "got" Dan."
"No secrets, please, Gomez," Reagan said. "We’re a team."
"One foot after the other... this is how you overcome your fear."
"Standing upright, Atticus reached to the sky. A laugh welled up from the depths of his gut."
"You’re off to Samarkand... But the Vespers are out to murder my brother. What are you going to do for him?"
"The sun was setting over the rim of a hill. He heard the distant bleating of sheep."
"He looked down into the darkness but instead of seeing the pit, he saw his mom’s face."
"I see what Attleboro has done so far. The beauty contest winner, the posh boy, and the geek."
"Amy had to admit, the explanation didn’t sound airtight."
"She made you feel like the most important person in the world."
"Our dens will be better than this. Your kids and my kids will play together in a humongous room with every kind of toy and game."
"Either we kill these clowns or they will kill us!"
"You didn’t tell me I would be Shirley," he hissed.
"He thought about Amy’s reaction: We didn’t have to do what we did."
"Despite her plainness, rumpled clothes, and thick accent, Luna Amato reminded him — just a bit — of Grace Cahill."
"He glanced briefly at the list of names. They matched a portion of the list found on the body of William McIntyre. This was a major find — could there be a connection between the Vesper secret and the Lucians? It seemed preposterous."
"Some things had to be examined in private first. For dignity’s sake."
"But awesomeness had its limits. For one thing, it wasn’t going to save Uncle Alistair."
"Sometimes, Ian Kabra thought, it paid to be devastatingly handsome."
"Education begins in the home, I always say. As does personal attractiveness."
"What happened when the dead became alive again? What happened to feelings that had been beaten down over nine years?"
"How wide did a river have to be until it was too wide to cross?"
"Trying not to obsess over the fact that he hadn’t heard what he’d been hoping to hear: I need you, too."
"He was exactly the kind of guy she didn’t like, a hottie who knew he was a hottie. Thereby canceling the hotness completely."
"What appears to be cruelty is kindness. What seems needless pain is mercy."
"I don’t care! I just want to know what happened to Uncle Alistair!"
"Did I scare you? Don’t let it be said I don’t have a sense of drama."
"The sunrise came as a shock. Amy realized she had no sense of day and night anymore."
"They did this to me," Jake said, "to teach you a lesson."
"The vulture, which had been hovering hungrily, was now flying away."
"Patience is my middle name. Just ignore the J. :)"
"The puppet master at work," Amy thought bitterly.
"He’s just messing with us. The only way to keep our heads straight is to ignore him and stay on task."
"Pompeii is a dead city," he thought. "And coming here was a dead end. But where do we go next?"