
Generation Dead Quotes

Generation Dead by Daniel Waters

"Even I don't wear skirts that short," she said before sipping her milk.
"You could be expelled for saying things like that, Adam," Margi was saying. "You know you're supposed to call them living impaired."
"I think you two are living impaired. They're just dead."
"The newest Frankenstein Formula theory was that a certain mixture of teenage hormones and fast food preservatives set up the proper conditions for living impairment."
"You're different. Not different, really. But more of who you've always been. I can't explain it."
"Imagine if that went out for our squad?" She pointed at "that," not caring who heard her.
"Hey, Holly. You'll have to excuse me. I need to go talk to Phoebe."
"The only hesitation in Tommy's purposeful stride was when he removed his helmet before stepping into the trees. The light of the harvest moon shone on his silvery blond hair in the moment before the darkness swallowed him."
"I think," he said, his voice soft and flat, more like the memory of sound than sound itself, "you are brave, too."
"The Oxoboxo woods looked different by daylight, and from the outside. She always thought the trees there were set more closely than in other forests, as if they were huddling together to keep secrets from the world outside their sylvan borders."
"Tommy Williams has a poem hanging up in his locker," she said, "and it sure looks like it was written in your handwriting."
"I'm not going to let that charming pale young flower lie down with a corpse. Not while I live and breathe."
"And the best part was that this girl had no idea how slinky she was."
"He gave her a smile calculated for her to feel it in her toes."
"If there was one thing that girls liked, it was to be noticed."
"Her skin was the skin of angels, he thought, soft and white."
"'I don't want to go out with you, Pete. Thank you, but no.'"
"'T don't want to' isn't much of a reason, is it? 'It's the best reason,' she said."
"We are all gifted with power... It is what we do with that power that is important."
"The blows did not hurt... as much ... as the ...idea ... of the blows."
"We dream of a world where a differently biotic person can walk down a crowded city street without fear."
"You are thinking ...what do I ... do ... if he ... hits me? What do I ... do ... if he puts his ...hands ... on me? 'You can't get inside my head,' Pete said, but he saw Tommy raise his hand and cover the light switch with it."
"Being differently biotic puts these people in a very small cultural group. They are a true minority--and the minority status is one that is sure to have deep psychological implications."
"I'm not totally brain dead, you know. I see things too."
"One thing is clear: the living impaired phenomenon has changed the very fabric of American society."
"Repent, for surely the end is nigh. The graves give up their dead and the coming of the Lord is most certainly upon us!"
"Everyone on this list is going to regret ever hearing about this class."
"We've got to do something to ...discourage them. Whatever they are."
"You cannot know what we feel because we do not know what we feel."
"Dead people are evil and demonic and should all be burnt up. Jesus is coming and He will be very displeased at the filthy things you are doing. You will burn in Hell."
"The goal is to have a greater education and understanding of the rights, thoughts, and concerns of differently biotic persons. We'd like you all to have a better understanding of each other's thoughts and feelings."
"I don't know what it is, Adam. He's interesting to me, that's all."
"Every one of them ...felt...what you felt just now. The cold. The darkness. The ...fear."
"I don't know. What is it like ... to be alive?"
"I hope that one day I can send my daughter to you good people."
"Change the culture. Changing the culture is very, very difficult."
"You and I have not chosen easy work for ourselves. Not at all."
"Transformation always requires radical action."
"A reality that not everyone has chosen to accept."
"Don't be afraid to be who you are. And don't be afraid to tell people who you are, either."
"Be brave. But being brave is the first step toward transforming the culture."
"One of the quickest ways to evoke a culture change is to get the message into the hands of the young and hip."
"You're friends. Did you have any dead friends before Tommy, Adam?"
"Without the radical action, the transformation would not have occurred."
"Don't you three have something to do?" the man said, his words like the cracking of a whip.
"Except show a lack of...ambition," Tommy said.
"Well, this is a scientific facility. At least on paper," Adam said.
"I heard Alish and Angela talking about Sylvia and Kevin, about taking 'samples' from them."
"I wish I could tell you what I'm sure many of you would like to hear --that I threatened him, that I frightened him with the promise of an undead horde visiting him in the night. But I didn't. I offered to quit."
"I did not want to water that seed with the blood of the living."
"My ...parents ...would not ...let ...me ... in the ...house."
"Daddy ...came out ... of the garage," she said, her staring eyes like portals into another world. "He had ...a ...shovel."
"You can't feel what other people are feeling. You can only try to imagine what other people are feeling."
"I have written extensively of my reasons for going out for the football team here at Oakvale High."
"We make deals with the devil every day, metaphorically."
"The dead ...lived once ...but the living ...have not yet died."
"It's why we joke. It is a way of saying ...thanks."
"I...just...wanted you ...to ...know, I...wanted ... to be out...with you ...because ... I wanted to be out with you."
"Do you think it would ...help ...Margi if she read ...my blog? It might help her ... to see ...that we're just...kids ...too."
"I was ...shot...with an arrow ...once. It hurt."
"How do you get," he said, "the walnuts up the straw?"
"I'd rather live with the consequences of my choice than live with the consequences of fear. Your fear."
"We need to continue ... to remind people ... we are here. We need to challenge the perceptions ... of the living."
"Every action has consequences. I could go to the dance, and the worst that could happen is that Tommy could feel normal for a little while. Maybe I'll even have fun."
"But I think you need some understanding, too. The best times of your life that you are talking about--Tommy and the other kids don't get to have those times, do you see? Those times were taken from them."
"I think there is ...a white van ...waiting to pick a lot of us up."
"Good for you, he thought, glad that Pheeble wasn't frozen with fear after her encounter on the porch with Smiley."
"The atmosphere of the house seemed changed without the little guy, the court jester of the undead community."
"Evan was ...murdered," Tommy said. "There is no other way ... to say it."
"I know who killed Evan," he said, a cold shiver passing through him as the eyes of the dead turned his way.
"Certain types of... death ... are preferable to others. Write your words. Maybe someone is ...paying attention."
"No matter how it goes down, it has to be a traumatic experience for you. For each of you."
"I didn't keep it from him--" Phoebe began, but Tommy lifted his hand, cutting her off.
"She snorted. 'Yeah, that's a great idea. Just beat the hell out of everyone who's a little different than you.'"
"She didn't wish him good night. He watched her storm across the thin stretch of lawn separating their yards."
"Not another one, Phoebe thought. She made a face and pulled Margi into the seat with her."
"Hey, watch it," Margi said. "I bruise easily."
"I took ...pills. A bottle ...full ... of them. And I ...drifted away," she said, her voice growing more and more faint.
"Don't waste your time fighting," she said. "Life is too short. Trust me."
"I saw on the news that they think some kind of parasite crawls into their brains and controls their bodies after death."
"And I no longer breathe and my heart no longer pumps blood throughout my body."
"Love. I live with my mom, who loves me. Karen has her parents and her sister. Evan's parents loved him ...unconditionally. That's the whole and only difference between us and kids like Colette."
"Death is ...not for you. Death is ... a gift."
"Coming back," he said, turning to face her, "explains ...certain things. And it makes others ...more of a mystery."
"I just thought," he said, leaning closer to her, "if I ...could ...kiss ...you ..."
"I loved you," he whispered. Then he pulled the trigger.
"Actually, it is a combination of things. Your body language. The way you look at her when you are with her, the way you look at her when she doesn't know you are looking."
"You'd better get your dead pals soon, though, because these cops have tried to roust me a few times."
"The woods aren't made for heels," she said, pausing to slide her shoes off.
"Why would she want to dance with a dead kid, anyway?"