
The Trouble With Valentine's Day Quotes

The Trouble With Valentine's Day by Rachel Gibson

"She'd vowed to date only available, nice guys without any issues."
"She wanted the other Kate back. The Kate who wasn't so cynical."
"He'd just been opposed to a commitment with Kate."
"She was a private investigator. She made a living digging into people's personal lives."
"Not when it was so dark that one wrong turn in the Sawtooth Wilderness could land a girl in one of those tiny towns where men were men and sheep were nervous."
"Sometimes she wished she were the sort of woman who could pick up a man in a bar."
"Their eyes would meet and they'd only make it as far as the alleyway before they tore at each other's clothes."
"He watched her through those green eyes of his as he lowered the bottle. 'Is it Valentine's Day?'"
"Sitting so close to ground zero, the fallout was lethal."
"He laughed. A low rumble in his chest that did funny things to her chest."
"She didn't know if it was the rum or the testosterone cocktail sitting next to her, but she was starting to feel a little light-headed."
"She was probably the only woman in history to be turned down in a bar."
"He knew how long she'd been in town. What was he up to?"
"Good girls didn't get wasted and pick up men in bars."
"A man didn't tend to forget a thing like that. At least not right away."
"That's what makes her so good," Stanley bragged. "Women talk to her because she's one of them, and men talk to her because we just can't resist a beautiful woman."
"Walking away from Kate Hamilton had been one of the hardest things he'd done in a very long time."
"He liked the storage capacity and the fact that it plowed through snow and climbed over rocks with grit and spit and enough pure muscle to spare."
"He didn't care what anyone thought about his HUMMER. Not his mother and certainly not environmentalists."
"The midmorning sun bounced off snow banks and blinded him with white, stabbing rays."
"He liked the leg room and the shoulder room too. He didn't feel so huge in the HUMMER."
"The last year Rob had played for the Chinooks, they'd made it to the third round of the play-offs before the Avalanche had narrowly defeated them by one goal."
"But getting shot forced a man to take a good hard look at himself."
"Depression was for wussies and women, not Rob Sutter."
"He opened the sporting goods store to take his mind off his troubled past and because he needed something to do."
"He would like a girlfriend, though. A girlfriend in the sense of a girl who was a friend."
"Only when he heard the sound of the river tripping over rocks, the swish of his line whipping back and forth, and the steady clicking of his reel could Rob begin to feel the tension ease between his shoulders."
"Only then did he find the peace he needed to calm the struggle within him. Only then did the loneliness ease. Only then did everything seem right again in Rob Sutter's world."
"Women can do anything men can do," Katie added, eliciting several raised brows and pointed looks from the men.
"Why would I want to [write my name in the snow]?" she asked. "Because you can," he said.
"She hadn't seen him up close and personal, though, until this morning when he'd come in for a granola bar and stayed for a cup of free coffee."
"It wasn't personal. She told herself he had some sort of dysfunction that prevented him from 'wrestling' with any woman."
"Don't flatter yourself. I don't wonder about you at all," she walked around him and added, "Let alone the size of your package."
"Could her life get much worse? She was lonely and, outside of the M&S, the only conversation she'd had with anyone her own age was with the six-foot-three-inch, green-eyed a-hole from across the parking lot."
"I hope you'll change your mind. Our monthly social group could use a few men."
"Where did you get your red hair? It's beautiful."
"Good grief! She was rambling inside her own head."
"If anything, she thought Rob was impotent, not gay."
"Just another cashew in a town of mixed nuts."
"If you know what's good for you, you'll call it a night and go home."
"Wow, twofer night. Kate hadn't enjoyed twofer night since college."
"She'd learned to play pool in a house filled with her loud brothers and their friends."
"Showing the rednecks around here who want to kick my ass that I'm not gay."
"Don't think for one second that I'm going to let you grope me."
"Victor, if it takes beating a woman to make you feel better about yourself, you have some real problems that go beyond the way you play pool."
"It means that a real man isn't threatened by a woman."
"Everyone knows that it isn't right for a woman to beat a man."
"I know you think you can do anything a man can do. That you can take care of yourself, but there's a reason why people ignore the Worsley boys."
"Sometimes, bothersome women are the best kind."
"Professional hockey must have been very good to Rob."
"But once my thighs start to burn, I just have to lie down. I'm kind of a wimp when it comes to pain."
"I don't know, but you don't strike me as the type of guy who makes his own granola."
"I guess because I've lived in big houses with pools and Jacuzzis and game rooms for most of my adult life."
"Which tends to get me in trouble with men who have fragile egos."
"I think that should answer any further questions," he said, his voice thick with lust.
"I just wanted to live out a fantasy for one night. One night, that's it. Is that so horrible?"
"Why are women considered promiscuous when we take charge of our own sexuality?"
"We have control over our own fertility, but we still must conform to some archaic moral code."
"Why is it so wrong for women to admit that we think about sex like men do?"
"Sex doesn't make a person psycho. They're psychotic before the sex."
"I'll take you sometime. It'll be good for your nerves."
"Everyone says you're stiff as a dead dog in January."
"You can't say no forever, Kate Hamilton. Someday I'm going to make you say yes."
"Without a doubt, Kate was definitely better than cake."
"He writes poetry now, and they've started critiquing each other's poems."
"Giving away samples. They'll buy as long as they get a free sample."
"I'm going to change their way of thinking without them even knowing it."
"I've pictured you here, in one of my fantasies."
"You're better than anything I could dream up."
"Either you want to be a family with me and Amelia or you don't."
"I don't love you the way a man should love a woman he is thinking about living with."
"The human heart is capable of more than one love."
"It's about time. I've loved you for almost a year now."
"Stop," she interrupted. "Of course you respect me. That's one of the things I love about you, Stanley Caldwell. You're a good and decent man, but even good and decent men have needs that can only be met in bed. Good and decent women do, too."
"This had better be good." His voice was sleepy, sexy as hell, and very cranky.
"I don't know what to do. I'm afraid my grandfather is in a ditch somewhere. I guess I'll call the sheriff."
"I ended up at his mother's, tossing back hairy sluts all night and listening to Tiffer's Stephen Sondheim collection. Regina had to take me home around three."
"I may be old-fashioned to you, but I am an honorable man. I would never disrespect a woman. I would hope that a woman I cared about would expect me to be honorable. That's what's wrong with your generation, Katherine. You reduce sex to fornication."
"If you won't stay the night, at least tell me you're leaving. Even if I'm asleep. That way I won't wander around looking for you, thinking maybe you got lost in my house."
"Sorry," he said as he slid his hands to her waist. "I got sidetracked again."
"You can bet every damn one of those couples thought they'd spend the rest of their lives loving each other."
"I love you, Kate. I don't just think I might love you. I've never loved a woman more than I love you."
"I love your tenacity. I love that other men think you're a ballbuster and that I alone know the truth."
"Then you came along and let the sunlight back into my life."
"I love you and I want to be with you forever. I want you to be my friend and lover. Not for today or tomorrow. Not for a year or five years from now."
"I came to Gospel to look for my life, and I found you."