
Star Cursed Quotes

Star Cursed by Elizabeth Briggs

"When I was a child, my father told me I'd been born under cursed stars. As I sat in my new prison, I worried he might be right."
"Every time I closed my eyes, I prayed I would open them to somewhere else."
"The stars can go fuck themselves, for all I care."
"I might still feel the overwhelming pull of the bond to him, but I wasn’t going to roll over and be his mate so easily."
"I’m not brainwashed. If anything, I'm finally seeing things clearly."
"She needs to be controlled, or killed before her powers become stronger."
"Everyone is a pawn in this game. Even me. But together, we could be king and queen instead."
"I know I was an asshole to you when we met. But I never wanted to hurt you."
"The first time we met you hunted me through the forest like prey and broke multiple bones in my body, and now I’m just supposed to take you at face value that you’re not interested in harming me?"
"With the Sun Witches helping the Leos and giving them their blessings, they really could take over the other packs."
"I plan to let the packs keep their individuality, as long as they defer to me as their true alpha. With our pack leading the Zodiac Wolves, we can charge forward into a brighter future for all of us."
"Do you really think that will work?"
"With you by my side, we'll be unstoppable."
"Yes," I whispered. The lie came easily, and I wondered if it was a lie at all.
"I—I need time," I said, stuttering over the words.
"Please try to understand how hard this is for me."
"I hate him," I said, although that wasn’t completely true.
"We're running," Debra said. It wasn’t a question.
"Tomorrow is our mating ceremony. Don’t even think about running again."
"I’d have to stay strong and think things through logically if I was going to survive this."
"You’re an enemy of the pack now, like all Leos."
"At the slightest hint of conflict, they back down, tails between their legs."
"I’m willing to bet there are a few packs out there who won't be okay with that."
"They might be willing once they see that the alternative is being ruled by the Leos."
"We’ll look for the remaining Cancer members, but when we find them, their pack will have to serve me."
"You made me think maybe I deserved something better."
"I’ll heal. We need to be able to move without you leaving a trail of blood for the Taurus—and Leo—packs to follow."
"I guess you’ll have to let me drive now, whether you trust me or not."
"I’m done pretending I don’t want you. I meant it last night. You’re mine. No one else can have you."
"Fuck the mate bond. It’s obviously bullshit."
"The hell you will. Don’t be ridiculous. It’s a king-sized bed. There’s plenty of room for both of us."
"We both know if we’re in that bed together, we’re not going to be sleeping."
"Did you sleep well?" "Yes, your bed was very soft, thank you."
"You should never have been treated that way."
"I don’t know. But I'm tired of fighting this."
"I raised my eyes to the moon, wishing the goddess would give me the strength to deal with this piece of shit."
"If you touch her, I’ll rip you apart with my bare hands. And I will enjoy every second of it."
"I don’t know why you’re always such a magnet for danger, but I'm sure you can take care of yourself. And you have someone on your side who will help you now."
"You insisted on driving, even though I told you it would be tricky."
"I doubt he’ll care, but we can make sure to get it back to him at the solar eclipse."
"Being lied to your entire life can’t be an easy thing to swallow."
"Anyone can challenge the alpha. But I want to make sure you really want to do this. I’ve been challenged before, and I’m sure you remember. I. Don’t. Lose."
"A lot of us blame you for starting the war with the Leos. We were perfectly fine before this, living in hiding. We didn't need to get involved in Zodiac Wolves bullshit."
"I’m sorry. I never wanted to bring any harm to the pack. You’re like my family."
"We finally have a chance to make that happen. Ayla and I have been putting a plan into motion that could turn the tide for us. We can defeat our enemies and stop living as outcasts. We won’t have to hide anymore."
"That doesn’t matter. We’ve been training for your personal vendetta against the Leos, that's all."
"Fine, we’ll fight tomorrow. Just after nightfall."
"Eat some pasta and try to relax. I'll be back soon."
"I’m not. I never have before, and I don’t plan to when I fight tomorrow night either."
"You are. I wouldn't have chosen you otherwise."
"She is my alpha female. She proved herself worthy of that tonight."
"The guy was hot, smart, powerful, and he could cook? I'd really hit the jackpot."
"I couldn't remember the last time I'd gotten a wrapped present at all."
"You've been working so hard these last few weeks. You deserve it."
"We kissed again, and I squeezed him tight, amazed that he'd gone out of his way to get me a present like this."
"Now I can actually take photos again without relying on my shitty phone camera."
"Too late. It's mine now, and there's no taking it back."
"I promise you, the only female I want to share my bed with is you. Or my heart, for that matter."
"We should have taken you in, and I have regretted my actions ever since."
"I'm not willing to take that lying down. We have to stand up to the Leos and the Sun Witches if we want to retain our autonomy and freedom."
"The Sun Witches have been lying to you for years."
"I can confirm that we gain our wolves as children, and we do not suffer from any full moon curse, nor do we need a spell to find our mates."
"There is no hiding from this conflict. Our only option is to stand together and fight, or we might as well give up and submit."
"Because you're my alpha female. The only one who is my equal in this world."
"We could have a lot of fun if we got drunk together."
"Time is slipping away. The longer you wait, the less likely we’ll find your friend alive."