
Betrayed Quotes

Betrayed by P.C. Cast

"If your vocabulary wasn’t so abysmal you wouldn’t have to carry a dictionary around with you to keep up with me."
"No problem, Mrs. Johnson. Stevie Rae’s my best friend."
"Have a care for how you judge others; perhaps you should look to cleaning your own house, first."
"Don’t you ever say someone deserves something more than you. You’re my daughter, and you will always deserve the best."
"She saved the life of a young man and tapped into a Goddess-given affinity for the elements. In return Nyx has touched her with several unusual Marks for a fledgling."
"Our Cherokee ancestors are proud of you, too. I can feel it."
"I did not mean to send your mother away, too."
"I would be so glad when I’d been at the school long enough to know all the little inside rules."
"The memory of the dangerous tone her voice had taken still made my skin crawl."
"Here students were expected to show some sense and act right."
"Focus and stop messing around. This is important."
"I want the Dark Daughters to stand for more than just a social group."
"The truth was that we knew all too well that ghosts existed."
"Horses can help us work through our problems."
"Sometimes High Priestesses can be difficult to talk with."
"I don’t want it to just be our Council. I want it to be something that becomes a tradition with the school."
"The day I’d been Marked, I’d had an accident before I got to the House of Night."
"Haven’t they gotten a bad reputation because historically they’ve been symbols of female power, and men wanted to take that power away from women and make it something disgusting and scary instead?"
"I think we should have a plaque or something that records the names of the … the … what did you call them?"
"It was written centuries ago by an ancient Japanese poet about how his lover looked naked under the full moon."
"Damn shame when something bad happens to a cute brother."
"It’s a shame the hottie football players are into that."
"Guess you're not the only one who has feelings about things, huh?"
"Stop feeling sorry for her! She's trouble, can't you see that?"
"I'd like you to have dinner with me tonight."
"I know it's ridiculous, but their easy release of me made me feel abandoned and insecure."
"The truth is that though many of us do have a gift for precognition or clairvoyance, the vast majority of our people have simply learned to listen to their intuition."
"Humans have learned to silence their instincts."
"You have to listen to me. If you don’t, your grandma will die."
"Remember, you can tell me anything, Zoeybird. I’ll believe you."
"It’s about time Neferet started seeing her as the bitch she is."
"No way was I going to run into Kayla and the Broken Arrow crowd at Utica."
"I’m either going to Change into a vampyre, or I’m going to die in the next three years."
"There’s you and me. That’s all we need to consider."
"Why not?" That was weird. Even if he wasn't dating Kayla, they'd hung out in the same group for years, we all had.
"It's not the same. I don't like the stuff she says."
"What has she been saying?" I couldn't decide if I was more hurt or pissed.
"I'm sorry about Chris." I laced my fingers through his. "I know you guys were friends."
"And that's what I've been trying to make you see. You and me together—we'd have to deal with issues like that all the time."
"Heath, I don't want to cover my Mark. That wouldn't be who I am."
"I've been Marked specially by our Goddess, and Nyx has given me some unusual powers."
"It was a lot harder than I'd imagined to tell Heath that I'd never see him again."
"Walking me to my car was just part of what Heath did. Period."
"There's no telling where you've been and we don't like nasty," Shaunee said.
"I hadn’t even realized that I’d moved until Heath spoke, but suddenly I was leaning across the small space between our seats as his blood drew me to him."
"Somewhere in the depths of my mind I knew I was reacting on a level that was almost animalistic in its need and ferocity, but I didn't care."
"You have no clue what you're doing, Zoey Redbird," I said aloud to myself as the gray sky opened and poured cold rain over everything.
"Don't kid yourself. We're not on the same side—not even close."
"Snow is magic. I think it makes the earth look like it has a fluffy white blanket pulled over it."
"I want a lasting relationship with someone I really care about, and I'm willing to wait for that."
"True, I’d liked Heath for years. He was kinda dopey sometimes, but usually in a sweet way."
"My sigh sounded suspiciously like a sob. I really needed someone to talk to."
"Night can’t cloak your scarlet dream. Accept Desire’s call."
"Snow really was magical. It changed the world, made it quieter, softer, more mysterious."
"The truth, of course, is that vampyres can control their bloodlust, so there is little physical danger to human donors."
"But soft, what light through yonder window breaks..."
"The names definitely fit. They were three hateful, selfish bitches who had run out on Aphrodite during the Samhain Ritual and, as far as I could tell, hadn’t spoken to her since."
"I call the element air first to our circle, and I ask that it guard us with winds of insight. Come to me, air!"
"I call the element of fire to our circle and ask that it burn brilliantly here with the light of might and passion, bringing both to guard and aid us. Come to me, fire!"
"I call water to this circle and ask that you guard us with your oceans of mystery and majesty, and nurture us as your rain does the grass and trees. Come to me, water!"
"I call earth to the circle, and ask that you guard us with the strength of stone and the richness of wheat-filled fields. Come to me, earth!"
"Finally, I call spirit to our circle and ask that you join us bringing insight and truth with you, so that the Dark Daughters and Sons may be guarded by integrity. Come to me, spirit!"
"The full moon is a magical time when the veil between the known and the unknown is thin, and can even be lifted."
"From here on the Dark Daughters and Sons will be a group filled with integrity and purpose."
"My friend Stevie Rae always knows when I'm happy or sad, stressed or relaxed. She worries about me; she worries about all of her friends, sometimes she is too empathetic, and I'm glad that now she has the earth she can draw strength from."
"I'm not perfect, and I'm not going to pretend to be. What I promise you is that I sincerely want what is best for the Dark Daughters and Sons, and for all of the fledglings at the House of Night."
"We won't hold the past against you. It's how you act from here on that counts."
"And now let's drink in celebration of a full moon, and an end that leads to a new beginning."
"This Full Moon Rite is ended. Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again!"
"You couldn’t have stopped it. You couldn’t have saved her. Nyx didn’t let you know it was going to happen because there was nothing you could have done."
"By honoring her memory by living a life she’d be proud of you for living. Live for her, too."
"We have to go on. We have to date and be happy and live our lives. Nothing’s guaranteed, Stevie Rae’s death proved that. We can’t waste the time we’ve been given."
"I think all we can do is take one day at a time."
"It's not like when you drink my blood, Zo. That feels good. What they do is—is disgusting. They're disgusting."
"Darkness does not always equate to evil, just as light does not always bring good."
"I knew he couldn’t come to me, but I didn’t know where he was."
"Being with me won’t be something other vampyres will whisper about, and humans will hate you for. It’ll be normal. It’ll be right."
"And what about me?" Erik asked. I looked up at him. "I care about you, too."
"Everything would be okay. The House of Night was my home. My friends were my family."
"I realized how much I didn’t want that to happen, which definitely didn’t help my confusion or my stress level because I did still care about Heath."
"Wind, be calm near me. Fire, warm my way. Water, still the snow in my path. Earth, shelter me when you can. And spirit, help me not to give in to my fear."
"We’re silent … ghosts … no one can see us. No one can hear us."
"What I brought is better than a SWAT team. Just stay behind me and watch."