
Fated Blades Quotes

Fated Blades by Ilona Andrews

"Nothing short of an attack on the building would warrant an interruption."
"The chief security officer looked unperturbed."
"She struck only when she had complete confidence in her success, and she was lethal."
"The air above the black floor seemed drenched in blood."
"A seco shield could absorb an energy blast and stop a stream of projectiles. A seco blade could slice through solid metal like it was warm butter."
"They were the silent dagger to the blunt hammer of the space armada."
"Precision was the quality secare prized most."
"Her voice suited her, a rich, smooth contralto."
"The relentless pressure of knowing that if she failed, or just wasn’t fast enough to outrun the other two competitors, the family faced financial ruin was her constant companion."
"Ramona laughed. It sounded like a promise of murder."
"He acted like a secare, and he looked like one too."
"The problem with spearheading a family business is that most of the corporate officers are also your relatives, who view you as the ultimate arbiter of their disputes."
"We’ll catch them," Matias said, his voice cold like the space between the stars."
"This was a combat ship masquerading as a luxury aerial."
"He spared her a long, careful look. "Compassion? At a time like this?""
""Then I’ll cut them in half. Isn’t that what I’m famous for?""
"The only time I get any peace is at work, here in my office, when my brain gives out, exhausted by my frantic efforts to keep us afloat, and I shut down into a blissful stupor."
""Call me crazy," Haider told them. "Call me anything you want as long as you pay me."
"There was a lot of arrogance. It was less an offer than an order, and when we declined, the reaction wasn’t positive."
"You have what you need. Go forth, brave heroes, track down the traitors, and recover your data so you can pay me."
"Maybe I won’t take all of your money. Just some of it. Happy hunting, she-wolf."
"He was the one who’d willingly put blinders on himself and sprinted."
"When someone had to be removed, Santiago would do it enthusiastically and without asking questions, because he trusted his sister and brother completely."
"Being kind to people and paying attention shouldn’t be done with the expectation of repayment."
"Every line of her body, every twist, every movement was the definition of deadly grace."
"Everything that was Matias was gone. His sharp mind, his alert gaze, that rare smile that shocked her—all of it belonged to someone else."
"A duel with Matias would be the hardest fight of her life."
"Cutting someone in half was unexpected and visceral, an overkill nobody could ignore."
"You hacked them through a malignant toaster?"
"Today the chemical spill, tomorrow the orbital station; I’ll let you pick the third."
"I’ve waited for this moment for a long time."
"The world vanished. There was only the aerial, the wind, and the forest below, rushing at them at breakneck speed, and she floated in the middle of it, attuned to the shaking craft as if it were an aching limb."
"To harness fire, a sacrifice is required. Technological progress begins with fire, and if one isn't careful, one can bleed the planet dry to keep the fire burning."
"My grandfather showed it to me when I was young. He liked learning odd things."
"The builders didn’t believe in wasting the energy. The dome stays at roughly the same temperature year around."
"And we’re in the wilderness. It needs to be sterilized and sealed, otherwise it will get infected."
"She wasn’t defeated. I had a feeling Ramona refused to acknowledge that concept."
"Everything is transactional. You breathe in, you breathe out. You train, you get stronger."
"When the secare unit was made, the Sabetera Geniocracy offered them the Pact. Once the war was over, each secare would get one million credits and one hundred acres on the Sabetera world of their choice."
"We are not wolves, Ramona. We are dogs. We still bite and rip, but only when we have to, because we made a nice life for ourselves on this planet."
"It’s not the betrayal, it’s how we handle it. It’s our mess. Hiding it is no longer an option, so we will take care of it in front of everyone. We do not hide, we do not sneak—we do it, and we make sure nobody who watches it ever forgets it."
"I realized two things, one good, one bad. The bad thing was that me and my sister were included in the 'everything'. We were a burden, like the family, the business, and the house."
"What would it have accomplished? Angelo Baena wasn’t some heartless renegade, Matias. He did what he did because he was part of a synchronized pair, and when their unit withdrew from one of the final battles, they left him and the woman he loved behind. They abandoned them to their fate, Matias. He survived; she did not. His diary will make your soul bleed. He didn’t want money. He wanted revenge."
"Losing your match in a pair. Like having half of you amputated."
"Being on the receiving end of that stare was like hurtling into the sun."
"The sun had set a while ago. Around them the forest breathed. Swarms of purple fireflies meandered through the air, mesmerizing spots of light against the indigo and navy of the woods."
"I didn’t want to marry Gabriel, but Father threatened to excise me, and he was stubborn enough to go through with it."
"The agreement my father signed has a ten-year noncompete option. If I divorce Gabriel before the ten years are up, his family will cancel my shipping contracts."
"She didn’t feel she had to. The first time, when I was angry and hurt, he waited until I vented enough, gave me that charming smile, and told me he’d made reservations for a special dinner the next day."
"Being the wife of a kinsman, even a prosperous one, wasn’t prestigious enough. Cassida wanted to be married to a man with ‘power.’"
"She told me that wasn’t what she wanted and that I was a horrible human being. I told her to expect divorce papers in the morning."
"I would go through a lot more trouble to catch you. You have no idea how rare you are, Matias. A man who is competent, smart, considerate, loyal..."
"This is what secare are. This is what we do. You and your family never understood that."
"You stole from my family. You betrayed me. You’ll get nothing."
"These men slaughter children for personal enjoyment. They massacre civilians. Why should they pay you when shooting you in the head is so much cheaper and likely more satisfying?"