
The Peer And The Puppet Quotes

The Peer And The Puppet by B.B. Reid

"If bikes were plants, I’d have a green thumb."
"You mind your mother, and don’t go chasin’ trouble, kid. Hear?"
"The bruises would fade, and my leg would heal, but I couldn’t erase the last twelve hours."
"I thought I’d just walk out and never look back. No big deal."
"The only fight I had left was to scream and hope someone heard."
"My only light came from the moonlit sky."
"I’m going to offer more unsolicited advice, although it might not be worth much considering the person you’re living with."
"You’re free to come and go, but you should be reachable at all times, and curfew is midnight during the summer and weekends."
"I know it’s hard leaving home, but understand this…running away will not be tolerated."
"It’s a very serious warning, Four. Your mother and I are trying to do what’s best. Try with us."
"Your smell has a habit of lingering after you’re gone."
"As long as he didn’t want me here, I’d pretend to play for keeps."
"Because once I found trouble, it was impossible to stay away. I lived for it and would have probably died for it."
"You don’t grow up in Cherry without learning how to milk a cow."
"We had exchanged numbers hours before, so I promised to call her later before I headed inside."
"We’ll settle up soon, Four. Welcome to Blackwood Keep."
"Feeling wicked, I threw on the oil-stained overalls I wore when working at Gruff’s shop and my most threadbare pair of Converse."
"He whooped and pulled me into a bear hug without warning. 'Was wondering when I’d see you again!' He then twirled me around once before setting me on my feet."
"I simply smirked and said, 'Sine Metu,' before downing two shots worth in one swallow."
"I hadn’t realized I was moving until the mohawk was falling and the last of the broken bottle of Jameson fell from my hand."
"I never believed in a million years that she’d go through with it—not when she took me to apply for a passport and not even when she had my things packed, but just days before my seventeenth birthday, Rosalyn sent me away."
"I wondered if Madame Madison could smell fear."
"I’ve heard that absence makes the heart grow fonder, but what did those guys know?"
"Cross him an inch, and he’ll go a mile to ruin you."
"No need to worry," I lied. "I’m just making small talk."
"You do realize if you had hit me, I would have to hit you back?"
"How did you get under his skin? Ever McNamara has never stooped that low before."
"I promise you’re gonna regret knowing me, McNamara."
"Promises were something I found impossible to break."
"I needed to get over this infatuation I had with the troublemaker like I needed my next breath."
"I hadn’t made it far inside the party when I felt an arm over my shoulder."
"She would have loved you. You are the karma I deserve."
"Because for the first time, you’re going to do what you’re told."
"Don’t lecture me about my son. His loyalty should be to me and me only."
"But then you proved to me that the best things in life really are free."
"I don’t care if you come to the bonfire or crawl under a rock, but I care if you’re no use to me. Put on the fucking jacket."
"I have, but I won’t ever forget, so maybe think twice before you put me in the middle of your feud again."
"You must be driving my cousin’s head wild," he said as if I hadn’t spoken. "He’s never been rejected before."
"No amount of money could make me suffer through life with that spoiled prick."
"I’m just curious why you hang out with him even though you claim he betrayed you. The two of you fight all the time, but you’re hardly ever apart."
"I care because of those kisses you stole a month ago. I never imagined my first kiss would be with a boy who belonged to someone else."
"It’s all right," he said with a secret curve of his lips. "You’re safe with me."
"My father and I didn’t really give her much reason to stick around. He was always working, and I was always causing trouble."
"She had anxiety. Before she left for her sister’s, she had an attack. Her blood pressure had gotten so high her doctor recommended she get away from whatever was causing her so much stress."
"You constantly bring up my family’s money as if it’s what truly separates us. Would you like to know the difference between you and I, little troublemaker? You run from your demons. I chase mine."
"I’d rather you get your facts from me. At least then I could be sure you believed only the truth."
"Don’t take a drink from anyone else except Vaughn or Jamie," he ordered.
"Because nothing short of ‘no’ from her lips would stop me from debasing this girl."
"By the time my father tossed them back in the slums, I will have carved my name into her heart, soul, and pussy."
"I ate your pussy, Four. Don’t make it a big fucking deal."
"You’re lucky to have found a friend in my son. He can be quite the manipulative prick."
"Your choices have always been yours to make."
"You seem to only remember that when it’s convenient for you."
"Then why did you bother keeping it a secret?"
"I prefer not to spend ninety minutes bleeding from my eyeballs."
"I hate you. No, Four. You only wish you did."
"We’re finding out why this feels right…and then we’ll have sex."
"I just fall in love with the unusual and pay more money than they’re worth."
"A name means nothing. You decide who you are, and then you show the rest of the world."
"If your name bothers you so much, why don’t you change it?"
"You were never beneath me, Four. I was a shit to make you believe otherwise."
"I’ve been taking courses since the ninth grade, but it all started with popsicle sticks."
"She was a hopeless romantic long before she was a Schizophrenic."
"My father wanted a large family, and my mother was distraught and ashamed."
"Get this through your thick skull, Archer. You. Are. More."
"All I’m asking is that you not get yourself killed. You’re not some street thug or ruthless killer. You’re Ever McNamara. Lord of the manor. King of the academy."
"You’ve done more despicable things than I believed any one person capable, but no, I don’t believe you have what it takes—because what it takes is your soul!"
"I’ll tell your father. I don’t care if you expose Rosalyn if it means you’re safe."
"My father hasn’t been much of a parent even before my mother left. He helped me drive her away."
"Before Ever, I was never this insecure. Now I couldn’t stop feeling and wondering and hoping."
"Are you with me or against me, Four? That’s all that matters to me right now."
"Surviving isn’t living, kitten. You’ll spend so much time wishing for tomorrow that you forget about everything else."
"I wasn’t this girl who cried over a boy and craved his kisses. I was the girl who could rebuild engines and make grown men cry."
"Success is where preparation and opportunity meet."
"You aren’t the reason her head is fucked up."
"Don’t fret, princess. We just need a game plan."
"I know what I want, and nothing’s going to stop me from taking it."
"I’ve always been bummed about not having a mother, but after hearing all of that, I think I’m good."
"The last thing I’m feeling right now, Four, is in control."
"You may think that whatever you’re doing with Ever means something, but it doesn’t."
"You didn’t tell me you and Ever were a thing. It’s all over school!"
"Because I couldn’t resist your flame, Archer."
"I’m not the troublemaker," she answered with bright eyes. "You are."
"It’s better if my competition believes they have the win in the bag. The assumption will make them sloppy."
"Fuck med school. They can teach me how to save lives, but they can’t teach me the ways of the badass."
"Because I love you, Four, and that's the problem."
"Congratulations. You succeeded. Now who will stop me from breaking yours?"
"If you don’t apologize and hold me right now, we’re done."
"I never meant to hurt you," I cried just before shattering in his arms.
"You feel like you’re mine," he growled in my ear. "Are you mine?"
"What I want no longer matters. For the first time ever, I’m doing what’s best for me."
"If you want me to let you go, you’re going to have to prove it's what you really want because I won’t ever stop trying."
"You think you seek me out when you need a thrill and then toss me aside when you’re done playing."
"If you were any good at it, you wouldn’t be here."
"You thought you’d teach me a lesson by torturing yourself? Smart."
"There’s no such thing as done. We’re in too deep."
"It wasn’t until a breeze touched my skin that I realized why this wasn’t such a smart idea."
"It wouldn’t have mattered, princess. I would have fallen for you anyway."
"If you can put up with Jamie, you can deal with Barbie."
"Let’s not talk about Jamie when your hand is on my dick."