
Counting By 7s Quotes

Counting By 7s by Holly Goldberg Sloan

"A genius shoots at something no one else can see, and hits it."
"As the chocolate cools, it holds the vanilla goodness prisoner. Our job is to set it free."
"Ordinarily, I don’t even eat ice-cream cones. And if I do, I obsess in such a precise way as to prevent even a drop of disorder. But not today."
"I really like that expression because in general, I think people don’t give this contracting muscle credit for how much work it does. So thank you, tongue."
"I think waiting a long time for something makes it more gratifying."
"But that’s off the point, which is one of my problems and why despite the fact that I’m a thinker, I’m never the teacher’s pet."
"I think it’s important to get pictures of things in your head. Even if they are wrong. And they pretty much always are."
"If plants made sounds, it would all be different. But they communicate with color and shape and size and texture."
"Every person has lots of ingredients to make them into what is always a one-of-a-kind creation."
"It has been my experience that rewarding and heartbreaking often go hand in hand."
"The challenge for my parents was going to be to find friends who could put up with such a person."
"I’m making a statement about my commitment to the natural world."
"I knew the stuff, so instead I studied the other students."
"An ignoramus shoots at the wrong thing, and hits it."
"Labels were important. And they were very effective."
"But what was more deceitful is that I hacked into my mom’s e-mail and answered the principal’s note about going to see a district counselor."
"This afternoon was my first encounter. Viewed as a clinical trial, I’m in Phase Zero, which is when microdosing takes place. I’ll let you know how it develops."
"Dell fell asleep every night with the television on."
"Never let someone tell you that you can’t do it."
"I have one grandma who thinks every day is Tuesday."
"I cannot think. I cannot concentrate. I cannot breathe. No. No. No. No. No. No. No."
"A leader organizes people whether they know it or not."
"That was one of the secrets to success: caring about the big things and the small things."
"It’s not much consolation, but you’ll probably never have any loss this big again."
"I want to turn off the sun and live in darkness."
"Because if I got trapped in a blaze started by arcing electrical overload in the wall of the garage, the searing pain of losing my mom and dad would go up in smoke with me."
"Activity and a glass of water cure almost anything if you give it enough time."
"Time exists only in my mind. For someone grieving, moving forward is the challenge. Because after extreme loss, you want to go back."
"The deepest form of pain comes out as silence."
"All reality, I decide, is a blender where hopes and dreams are mixed with fear and despair."
"Only in cartoons and fairy tales and greeting cards do endings have glitter."
"The world’s ultimate pragmatist just shrugs and says: What we expect rarely occurs; what we don’t expect is what happens."
"Dehydration is the cause of ninety percent of daytime fatigue."
"Since the accident, I feel next to nothing about everything, so it is possible that this surveillance will be beneficial to me from a psychological standpoint. But probably not."
"The world where we live is so much in our head."
"It’s possible that’s how people get through crisis."
"Growing up, unless it was raining hard, I was outdoors for part of every day."
"The truth was that, as frustrated and angry as he first felt, he had to admit that once his junk was all gone, and the rest of his things were put into some kind of order, he had started to feel stronger."
"I think exposure to something new can’t help but generate interest, even if you feel out of it and on your own planet."
"I believe having an audience naturally corrupts the performance."
"A world lost, a world unsuspected beckons to new places."
"and no whiteness (lost) is so white as the memory of whiteness."
"That can be as big a mistake as too little knowledge."
"Dell Duke is not a bad person. He is just bad at being a person."
"The burden of ownership means everything has a price."
"Taking the initiative to improve the property as a renter shows a commitment to the values we at North South Bank hold dear."
"The garden project is under way. At least on paper."
"Plants (like people) thrive when there is balance."
"I didn’t understand until recently that emotions could be so contagious."
"A large component in pain has to do with anticipation."
"I’m stardust. I’m golden brown. I’m just one small bit in a vast expanse."
"When you care about other people, it takes the spotlight off your own drama."
"You can find labels to organize living things, but you can’t put people in any kind of group or order."
"I’m not brave; it’s just that all other choices have been thrown out the window."
"Sitting in her office I realize that I’m not afraid. Of anything."
"A second can feel like forever if what follows is heartbreak."
"Does saying good-bye matter? Does it really end something?"