
A Tale Dark & Grimm Quotes

A Tale Dark & Grimm by Adam Gidwitz

"I am well aware that nobody wants to hear a story that happens before the main characters show up."
"You see, Hansel and Gretel don’t just show up at the end of this story."
"He had served the king’s father, and his father’s father, and his father’s father’s father so loyally that all called him Faithful Johannes."
"To understanding them. In the ancient sense of the word. Standing beneath them. Supporting them. Bearing their troubles and their pains on my shoulders."
"I will survive, if you help me. If you are faithful to me, if you under-stand me, you’ll do it."
"Stealing a girl. That’s an interesting way of winning her heart."
"Aren’t there any good parents in all the wide world?"
"Cutting off your finger, my young friends, is about the stupidest thing you could do. Don’t do it."
"Perhaps we don’t need parents at all. Perhaps we can take care of ourselves."
"Let’s live without any terrible parents at all!"
"I won’t even bother saying 'The End' anymore. You know it isn’t."
"Please, take no more than you need. Life here exists in a delicate balance. Do not upset it."
"It still hurts when a character you love dies, and another is left all alone in the world."
"It wasn’t real love, you might say. Just a child’s infatuation."
"All the grown-ups want to kill me! I don’t blame them! What is wrong with me?"
"Go home, little girl, go home; to a murderer’s house you’ve come."
"Because the best way to kill a warlock is to cook him with poisonous snakes in a cauldron of boiling oil. Obviously."
"In fact, things start getting better right here. So if you’re still feeling sad—about Hansel or anything else—don’t stop now."
"There is a certain kind of pain that can change you. Even the strongest sword, when placed in a raging fire, will soften and bend and change its form."
"I will never do anything like that ever again. I will find Gretel and make things right with her. I will be responsible. I will be good. I swear it."
"There is ever nothing wrong with grown-ups? Certainly not in these stories."
"The fire of guilt and shame was just that hot."
"No grown-up was perfect. You, my dear reader, have certainly learned that by now."
"Trust me on this one. I know this from personal experience."
"If you are gambled away to the Devil, you are damned to excruciating pain for all eternity."
"There is a time when a kingdom needs its children."
"Nothing is as precious as children. Nothing."
"I did better than forgive them, I understood them."
"In the old sense of the word, I under-stood. I planted my feet beneath them and took upon my shoulders their burden."
"There is an evil thing in the kingdom... It lives inside him, like a disease."
"But sometimes, coming home is the hardest thing of all."
"It’s true that they’ve been nearly eaten by a cannibalistic baker woman; and they’ve talked to the fiery sun and to the child-eating moon and to the kind stars; and they’ve journeyed to the Crystal Mountain; and that Gretel has cut off her own finger, and caused somebody to be boiled alive; and that Hansel has been turned into a beast and been shot and skinned and gambled away; and that he went to Hell and dressed up like the Devil’s grandmother; and that he’s been chased by the Devil himself and has held an old man’s hand as he died."
"In this moment, you will look at your parents and realize that—no matter what it sounds like they are saying—they are actually asking you for forgiveness."
"But when this moment comes, you will probably be in a lot of pain. And you probably will not want to forgive them."
"Well, you could yell at them, and tell them about all the ways they’ve hurt you. This is a good thing to do once, because—believe me—they need to know."
"You could pretend to forgive them. This I would not recommend. It’s sort of like sweeping broken glass under the carpet; the floor still isn’t clean, and somebody’s going to end up with a bloody sock."
"Finally, if you don’t want to forgive them, and you don’t want to fake it, you can always go with Ol’ Reliable: Changing the subject."
"Lost and then found. Dead and then alive. Covered in mud. Sitting on their behinds in three inches of filthy water."
"They sat there and held each other until their arms ached."
"Not that the moon is afraid of anything, except the sun, and only then because the sun calls him names and he does not appreciate that."
"You saved me!" Gretel said. "Not intentionally," said the third raven.
"And then Gretel heard a voice. It was low. And soft. And creepy. It said, "Fee-fie-foe-fesh, I think I smell child-flesh!"
"We forgive you," Gretel said. "We do," Hansel agreed.
"To find the brightest wisdom one must pass through the darkest zones. And through the darkest zones there can be no guide. No guide, that is, but courage."
"It wasn’t supposed to happen like that." "So?" Hansel answered sullenly. "It did."
"You’re all okay?" she asked, as tears streamed down her face. "We’re all okay," they said together.
"Long live King Hansel! Long live Queen Gretel!"