
Hagakure: The Book Of The Samurai Quotes

Hagakure: The Book Of The Samurai by Yamamoto Tsunetomo

"It is not particularly difficult. Be determined and advance."
"To die without gaining one's aim is a dog's death and fanaticism. But there is no shame in this."
"If by setting one's heart right every morning and evening, one is able to live as though his body were already dead, he gains freedom in the Way."
"Having only wisdom and talent is the lowest tier of usefulness."
"People think that they can clear up profound matters if they consider them deeply, but they exercise perverse thoughts and come to no good because they do their reflecting with only self-interest at the center."
"When one is not capable of true intelligence, it is good to consult with someone of good sense."
"A man is a good retainer to the extent that he earnestly places importance on his master."
"It is difficult for a fool's habits to change to selflessness."
"Loyalty is said to be important in the pledge between lord and retainer."
"To give a person one's opinion and correct his faults is an important thing."
"There is nothing that we should be quite so grateful for as the last line of the poem that goes, 'When your own heart asks.'"
"In the Way of the Samurai, if one uses discrimination, he will fall behind."
"Every morning, the samurai of fifty or sixty years ago would bathe, shave their foreheads, put lotion in their hair, cut their fingernails and toenails rubbing them with pumice and then with wood sorrel, and without fail pay attention to their personal appearance."
"In confronting a matter, however, if at first you leave it alone, fix the four vows in your heart, exclude self-interest, and make an effort, you will not go far from your mark."
"Throughout your life advance daily, becoming more skillful than yesterday, more skillful than today. This is never-ending."
"If one is born into a prominent family that goes back for generations, it is sufficient to deeply consider the matter of obligation to one's ancestors, to lay down one's body and mind, and to earnestly esteem one's master."
"When you are resolved from the beginning, you will not be perplexed, though you still get the same soaking."
"There is a saying that great genius matures late. If something is not brought to fruition over a period of twenty to thirty years, it will not be of great merit."
"In the pursuit of one's development, if he does not make great effort and is not supported by others in his advancement in the world, he will be of no use."
"When on the battlefield, if you try not to let others take the lead and have the sole intention of breaking into the enemy lines, then you will not fall behind others, your mind will become fierce, and you will manifest martial valor."
"If everyone were in accord and left things to Providence, their hearts would be at ease."
"In this world of uncertainties one is not even sure of the present."
"Lies and insincerity are unbecoming. This is because they are for self-profit."
"Senility is when one goes about doing only that towards which he is most inclined."
"Concerning martial valor, merit lies more in dying for one's master than in striking down the enemy."
"Living without mistakes is truly impossible."
"During happy times, pride and extravagance are dangerous."
"What is called generosity is really compassion."
"Whatever you do should be done for the sake of your master and parents, the people in general, and for posterity."
"A faultless person is one who withdraws from affairs."
"There is surely nothing other than the single purpose of the present moment."
"Loyalty is also contained within this single-mindedness."
"Be true to the thought of the moment and avoid distraction."
"It is good to carry some powdered rouge in one's sleeve."
"Feeling deeply the difference between oneself and others, bearing ill will and falling out with people--these things come from a heart that lacks compassion."
"Our bodies are given life from the midst of nothingness. Existing where there is nothing is the meaning of the phrase, 'Form is emptiness.'"
"Human life is truly a short affair. It is better to live doing the things that you like."
"It is a good viewpoint to see the world as a dream."
"The heart of a virtuous person has settled down and he does not rush about at things."
"There is nothing felt quite so deeply as giri."
"Which is worse, to err in matters concerning the ranks of men or to stray from the Way of the Samurai?"
"I have read that when the crime itself is unclear, the punishment should be light. Put him in confinement for a while."
"I'm tired of cutting now. I'll spare this man's life."
"Even if it is poisoned, how much of an effect would that have on things?"
"A monk cannot fulfill the Buddhist Way if he does not manifest compassion without and persistently store up courage within."
"In one's morning and evening worship, and as one goes about his day, he had best recite the name of his master."
"Compassion is like a mother who nurtures one's fate."
"What is called winning is defeating one's allies. Defeating one's allies is defeating oneself, and defeating oneself is vigorously overcoming one's own body."
"Young men should discipline themselves rigorously in intention and courage."
"A man's life should be as toilsome as possible."
"If one hasn't previously mastered his mind and body, he will not defeat the enemy."
"A man who had cut off fifty heads once said, 'According to the head, there are cases when even the trunk of a body will bring some reaction to you. Cutting off just three heads, at first there is no reaction and you can cut well. But when you get to four or five, you feel quite a bit of reaction.'"
"To place such base things before a person of importance is the extremity of carelessness."
"Even though he was formerly a good friend of mine ..."
"If men would give some thought to this fact, they would understand."
"But people become imbued with the idea that the world has come to an end and no longer put forth any effort."
"It is a matter of course that a warrior's attitude should be to be in the vanguard during an attack and in the rear during a retreat."
"To govern strictly means to be strict before things have arisen, and to do things in such a way that evil will not arise."
"Reason is four-cornered and will not move even in an extreme situation. Woman is round."
"The name of Yamamoto Jin'emon is known by everyone, and I have shown up well throughout a whole lifetime. To let people hear my groaning voice in my last moments would never do."
"When one departs for the front, he should carry rice in a bag. His underwear should be made from the skin of a badger."
"A helmet is usually thought to be very heavy, but when one is attacking a castle or something similar, and arrows, bullets, large rocks, great pieces of wood and the like are coming down, it will not seem the least bit so."
"For a man who does not wish to be hit by the arrows of a common soldier, but rather by those of a warrior of fame, there will be the protection for which he has asked."
"When faced with a crisis, if one puts some spittle on his earlobe and exhales deeply through his nose, he will overcome anything at hand."
"To calm one's mind, one swallows his saliva. This is a secret matter."
"A man exists for a generation, but his name lasts to the end of time."
"One should not open his mouth wide or yawn in front of another. Do this behind your fan or sleeve."
"The essentials of speaking are in not speaking at all. If you think that you can finish something without speaking, finish it without saying a single word."
"Men who did well at the time of their death were men of real bravery."
"A devotee of the Nembutsu recites the Buddha's name with every incoming and outgoing breath in order never to forget the Buddha."