
Vanish Quotes

Vanish by Tess Gerritsen

"This is where I lost my innocence. This is where my dreams died."
"I should not have let her come with me. I should have told her to stay in Kryvicy."
"Despite the brilliant sunshine, it is chilly here, far cooler than I expected."
"All at once, I am on my knees, and for a few seconds, everything is dark."
"I may be scrawny, I think, but you have a pig face."
"It can still turn out all right. It can still be true."
"I taste blood. I see it drip in bright spatters on the river stones."
"Suddenly she rises to her feet. She begins to run."
"My god, what have I brought back from the dead?"
"Tomorrow, she thought, is going to be an ordeal and I’d better be ready for it."
"A three-months-pregnant woman would have a difficult time."
"What I saw that day, in apartment two-E, was clearly abuse."
"Why is this turning into such a feeding frenzy?"
"I'm just warning you, that's how the public's going to see it."
"And leave me with this mess? Don't you dare."
"This is my statement. I have nothing else to add."
"In this case, Ms. Fossey, it's not the early bird that gets the worm. It's the polite one."
"You were the only one out there who didn't irritate me."
"I've wanted this for a long time. My own little family."
"Now, why would I want the perfect wife when I can have you?"
"I've got so much paperwork I need to clean up."
"Even something as basic as declaring death isn't as easy as you'd think."
"Just about anywhere else is going to be more comfortable than in here."
"My rule of thumb for hostage incidents is simple: Slow things down."
"I think that woman will do anything to stay alive."
"She has an accent. She’s definitely not American."
"It’s what Caesar said as he stood on the edge of the Rubicon. If he crossed the river, it meant he was declaring civil war on Rome."
"Our hostage taker has made a choice. She’s just told us there’s no turning back."
"I come to the hospital to have a baby. Instead I’m about to get my head blown off."
"In the movies, nobody shoots the pregnant hostage!"
"All of us are neatly labeled for the morgue. No ID problems here, folks."
"This is what they do. They put labels on you. Like in a concentration camp."
"When you see how easily he walked right through the outer line, you can imagine he must have caught the police inside the building by surprise as well."
"I'm sure they were focused on containing the hostage taker. They probably didn't expect a gunman to walk in."
"It's like shutting the barn door after the horse gets out. Or, in this case, gets in."
"I just want her to stay out of the line of fire."
"A marine will lay down his life for his company."
"The longer a hostage crisis goes on, the better it usually comes out. Negotiation works."
"People see what they expect to see. It never occurs to them that terrible things can look pretty."
"There's nothing here, either. I didn't know it would be like this."
"It's better that way. Then you can't be disappointed."
"It’s perfectly possible we’re just dealing with a pair of crazies. Two people who are trying to avoid capture after shooting that police officer in New Haven."
"She’s no longer alone. She now has a partner."
"A normal person doesn’t willingly walk into a hostage situation."
"In case you haven’t noticed, our country is under attack."
"I’m willing to follow any thread, however thin."
"Even the Mother was young once. Here is the proof."
"Take it all," she says. "We'll go through the bag later."
"I don't know how to save you. It's my job to keep people out of harm's way, but I cannot protect the one person I love most."
"You know what you are? You're a whore. No, I take that back. You're worse than a whore. You don't just sell out yourself. You'd sell out anyone else."
"I've tried to outrun them and we can't. This is the only choice left to us."
"We need you to bear witness. To hear what we have to say, because there's a good chance we're not going to live through this night."
"Ma'am, nothing could stop that guy. He said he had to be with his wife."
"Everything is not fine, she thought. My husband should be here. I need him."
"Cling on to it like a woman dangling over an abyss."
"Come on, baby. Stop being so goddamn stubborn. Help your mama out!"
"You have a beautiful baby. She looks just like you."
"This may be our last chance to sleep in for a while."
"What're you starting to scare me. You're making me wonder..."
"I got what I deserved. I got myself for a daughter."
"You should just do what I did when I thought I was going crazy."
"This is what love does to you. It makes you afraid, not brave."
"But you've got that tone of voice. This is too stupid to be believed."
"They’re ghosts, Jane. No names, no identities."
"This is like going down a rabbit hole. Nameless victims. Renters who don’t exist."
"I thought it was over. I thought, okay, we survived, so let’s get on with our lives. But it’s not over."
"I need to know why it all happened. I need to know what it means."
"We can’t afford to trust anyone. Not on a matter this sensitive."
"Every door was opened, every closet was searched. There was no place in that house to hide."
"Ever since September eleventh, Americans just assume that we’ve tightened our borders, that we’ve clamped down on illegal immigration. That’s hardly the case."
"Do you know how many involuntary sex workers we have in this country? At least fifty thousand. I’m not talking about prostitutes. These are slaves, serving against their will."
"The illicit traffic moving between Mexico and the US is still as busy as a major highway."
"For these people, it’s all terrorism, all the time."
"My concern is fifty thousand vanished women. It's about slavery within our borders."
"There aren’t any mansions with Richard Gere waiting to marry you. You end up locked in a house or apartment, supervised by the real monsters in the business."
"Who brought them in, and which routes they took to penetrate our borders."
"I'm a cop, and I need to go back to work. I miss having my goddamn beeper go off."
"Every war is an opportunity, a new market, and everyone wants in on the booty."
"She was sitting around the same table, with the same tired cops, and as usual, Darren Crowe was annoying the hell out of her."
"This must be what motherhood does to you, she thought. I look at a gun now, and all I can think of is Regina."
"She realized, too, who the blond woman in the first clip was. She’d been Jane Doe number two in Detective Wardlaw’s crime scene video, the woman who had died in her cot, cowering beneath a blanket."
"Once you get past the rare superstars, how many names do you remember? The reality is, the public doesn’t give a shit about the truth."
"Suddenly this got much, much more serious. And more expensive."
"They’re going to find you in your bathtub with your wrists slit. Or they’ll force a bottle of phenobarb tablets down your throat and dump you in the bay, like they did to Olena."
"My baby can’t hurt you. She’s not even a month old."
"If a woman falls in the forest, but no one hears her . . ."
"How could I bring you into this? There is no worse mistake a mother can make."
"You only come alive, she thought, just as you’re about to die."
"Keep charging. A bullet takes time to kill, and even a falling body has momentum."
"Poor baby. You’ll never know how much I loved you."
"I have one chance, she thought. Reach in the bag, grab the weapon."
"It’s time, Mila. Time to tell me everything."
"Love is the part that comes naturally, thought Gabriel. It’s everything else that takes time."