
Killers Of A Certain Age Quotes

Killers Of A Certain Age by Deanna Raybourn

Killers Of A Certain Age Quotes
"Because she doesn’t apologize for anything. She had a rotten start in life, but she’s made the best of it. She lives on her own terms. She knows who she is and what she wants, and she does what she is good at. And she has a good time doing it."
"It’s like going from playing high-stakes poker to nickel slots for the rest of your life."
"Justice and the law aren’t the same thing. You tracked down Nazis, right? What they were doing was technically legal. But it wasn’t just."
"We don’t make killers. We simply find them and point them in the right direction. We know what you are."
"If I’d known the job in Qatar was my last, I would have paid more attention."
"I’m sure she’s fine," she said, leaving a big white stripe down her nose.
"I’ve had my ass grabbed more times than I care to count."
"Every other one of your quotes is from The Godfather," she says.
"I don’t want those things either," she says, "I don’t want them. I want to work. To make my own life."
"Don’t you dare break, goddammit," I muttered to the beads.
"I admit, that surprised me. I rather thought it might be short for something. Wilhelmina, perhaps."
"It’s like they’re daring me to take her out."
"You’re missing a swell dinner. Rice pudding for dessert!"
"It feels like a physical weight, something that somebody thrust into my arms and made me carry."
"I’ve had a good life, you know. I was married to Kenneth for over thirty years. Eighteen of them were really happy."
"We’re either the marks or the Museum doesn’t care if we were collateral damage."
"From the minute we go over the side of this boat, we’re operating off-grid."
"You realize what this means? We’re burning our identities. Our own identities."
"The post-holiday tourists were still partying off their hangovers."
"I could see Helen if I glanced up to my right and Mary Alice if I looked down to my left."
"Wouldn’t you like to know what the cards have to say about you?"
"Shut up, I’m communicating with the other side."
"I’ll be damned," he muttered as he took the chair.
"Don’t use my name. And you should have worn a disguise."
"I am in disguise. Everybody knows I’m a Cards fan."
"This is a traditional Rider-Waite deck, recognizable to fortune-tellers and emo teenage girls the world over."
"The first is your past, the second represents the present. The third card is what is yet to come."
"Ten of Swords. It’s as bad as it looks. Betrayal. Backstabbing. Utter ruin."
"Jesus, Billie. Did you put it there on purpose?"
"I’m sorry about this, Billie. I really am. But yeah."
"Moonlighting isn’t allowed, and even if it were, that’s not me. You know that."
"The woman I love most in the world has—after five years of marriage—decided to finally tell me the truth about what she does."
"Nobody is targeted without extensive research from the Provenance team."
"Then it’s unanimous. The Board of Directors is going to die."
"I’m processing," Akiko said in a stilted voice.
"I stopped bullshitting and looked him dead in the eye."
"I think it’s time to circle back to the idea."
"Are you sure it was necessary for you to take him out?"
"The only reason to come for us—Holy shit. They’re going to blame it on us."
"That’s an answering service I use for emergencies."
"I’m on medical leave, you know. I’m not supposed to be getting stressed."
"It’s my first time leading a mission and there are rules about fraternization."
"I think they’ll last a few weeks trying to pretend this isn’t happening."
"The question is, what are we going to do about it?"
"I’m pretty sure somewhere in the afterlife, some woman is feeling ashamed of herself."
"Well, if there’s one person I am afraid of, it is a mother superior," he says.
"I don’t think I have it in me to play this cool."
"The four of you are scaring the shit out of me."
"I’m sixty and I never stopped," she told me. "I’m a woman. Guilt is our birthright."
"What’s your point?" she said mildly. "Times change."
"I suppose I could make an exception just this once, Miss Williams,"
"I haven’t met a man yet who could handle a crying woman."
"We were going by train instead of flying, but we weren’t taking any chances on raising eyebrows at Customs."
"She gave us complimentary glasses of alkaline water."
"I’m ready when you are. Let’s get this party started."
"I have had exactly the life I wanted for myself."
"True leadership, Miss Webster, is not about trusting yourself. It is about trusting your team."
"But they love commerce more. So they permit free zones to be established in order to boost trade."
"Pigs are always a good option in the country."
"If I pushed, you would wind up hating me for it, and I wasn’t about to take that chance."
"I’m glad the Sheba went for so much. A nice little bonus for the Museum."
"Assuming that because a person is sixty she doesn’t understand location services is ageist bullshit."
"There is an entire organization sniffing after a nice fat bonus for each of your heads."