
Listen To Me Quotes

Listen To Me by Tess Gerritsen

Listen To Me Quotes
"If only women still wore such beautiful dresses! If only men really were attracted to a woman’s sharp wit and keen intelligence!"
"No information is useless. It’s just a key waiting for the right lock to open."
"Aren’t you going to answer her? But it’s your mother calling."
"This is a pretty fancy aquarium for one little goldfish."
"Mops and bleach could not cleanse the images from Jane’s memory."
"Even here, surrounded by houses and cars and a million other people, one could be utterly alone."
"Family values meant keeping your head down and your voice soft."
"Life is complicated, isn't it? All the twists and turns."
"When you have a child, you also grow new nerve endings that sense the slightest vibration of danger."
"It’s normal for humans to see patterns in random events."
"Drive-by disposal. Too bad we don’t have the hard drive to look at."
"Whoever removed it didn’t care about preserving any data."
"Why go to all that trouble? I wonder what was on it?"
"What was on that laptop, Sofia? What did you know that was worth killing you for?"
"I don’t think some nine-year-old’s going to crack this case for us."
"I can’t have a dog, ’cause of my asthma. But a fish is okay."
"You don’t think my son had anything to do with that?"
"Actually, he’s right," admitted Jane. "We don’t."
"A woman who lived alone with her goldfish in the city of Boston."
"He’s lost weight, a lot of weight. And some hair too."
"I wasn’t the investigating officer, but at that particular time in my life, it hit me hard."
"People search the web for all sorts of crazy things."
"Oh no, he’s going to rehydrate with booze, and I suppose I’ll have to sip some too if I hope to get any information out of him."
"I have no proof. Only suspicions. Not exactly actionable, as we used to say when I was a Navy SEAL."
"It’s a depressing thing to admit, but I see that now and I sit slumped on the sofa, demoralized."
"I’m just keeping an eye on my neighborhood. If I didn’t, Larry Leopold would be dead now and Rick Talley would be facing a murder charge."
"You know, a little cooperation on your part will make things a lot easier. It may even be worth your while, in a monetary sense."
"I don’t know if they’re the ones who did the shooting. I’m just pointing out they have a gun and someone in the neighborhood is shooting one."
"I can’t stand the uncertainty any longer. I’m the woman who faced down a gunman, who saved Larry Leopold’s life. Surely I can solve this little mystery."
"These are the bruises of a warrior woman and I’m not embarrassed by them."
"Something I already do because it comes naturally to me."
"But you have to promise me you won’t tell anyone what happened today."
"We should all be like her, watching out for one another, keeping one another safe."
"As much as Jane wanted to lunge between them, she knew that Amy was the only one who could reach Julianne."
"A beautiful, terrible love that had led to the murders of two innocent people."
"He did not watch her grow up. It was Julianne who fed her and clothed her and sang to her."