
The Code Of The Woosters Quotes

The Code Of The Woosters by P.G. Wodehouse

The Code Of The Woosters Quotes
"If you will recollect, we are now in Autumn — season of mists and mellow fruitfulness."
"I can’t do with any more education. I was full up years ago."
"It’s an extraordinary thing — every time I see you, you appear to be recovering from some debauch."
"Except at times of special revelry, I am exceedingly moderate in my potations."
"Don’t you ever stop drinking? How about when you are asleep?"
"In spite of my firm statements to this effect, scarcely a day passed without him bringing me a sheaf or nosegay of those illustrated folders."
"We had met, and you have loved me, and I had had to tell you that my heart was another’s."
"We do not, he said, fear those whom we despise."
"Fill your mind with scornful thoughts about them."
"One of these well-remembered moments in my own case was the time at my first private school when I sneaked down to the headmaster’s study at dead of night."
"There are moments, Jeeves, when one asks oneself 'Do trousers matter?'"
"A man thinks he is being chilled steel, and suddenly he finds that he has allowed a girl to talk him into something frightful."
"I have often noticed on the faces of Aberdeen terriers in their clashes with humanity."
"It was as if a family spectre had edged up and breathed down the back of my neck."
"The happiness of Miss Bassett is very dear to Spode."
"I mean just that. Spode, qua menace, if qua is the word I want, is a thing of the past."
"One doesn’t want to make a song and dance about one’s ancient lineage, of course, but after all the Woosters did come over with the Conqueror."
"I have not been at all satisfied with your behaviour since I came to this house."
"It’s an extraordinary thing about names. You think you’ve got them, I mean to say, and they simply slither away."
"You can’t very well blame a chap like me for feeling the impulse, can you?"
"I can assure you, Mr Wooster, that that is not the side which presents itself to me as a Justice of the Peace."
"I see your point. Yes, I can conceive that a certain type of mind might detect a humorous side to the affair."
"I wonder if I might be permitted to suggest an alternative one."
"Mr Wooster, I have not the remotest notion what you are talking about."
"I have the honour to ask you for your niece’s hand."
"I imagine, has read stories in which things turned black and swam before people. As I heard these words, Stiffy turned black and swam before me."
"‘I hid it in the cow-creamer.’ ‘What on earth did you do that for?’ ‘Oh, I thought I would.’"
"‘But how am I to get it?’ A slight smile curved the young pimple’s mobile lips."
"‘Oh, dash it, use your own judgment,’ she said."
"I leaned limply against the banisters, trying to rally from this frightful wallop."
"I gazed at the man dully, like someone in a prison cell when the jailer has stepped in at dawn to notify him that the firing squad is ready."
"‘Lead on,’ I said to the butler, and the butler led on."
"‘Bertie — ’ It was, however, only a flash in the pan. She blew a fuse, and silence supervened again."
"We had had one of these deaf-mutes-getting-together sessions before, at Brinkley Court, in the summer."
"I wanted to tell you…Bertie, my engagement to Augustus is at an end."