
Identical Quotes

Identical by Ellen Hopkins

Identical Quotes
"When I look into a mirror, it is her face I see. Her right is my left, double moles, dimple and all."
"On the outside we are the same. But not inside."
"Three towns triangulate the valley, three corners, each with a unique flavor."
"The houses line smooth black streets, prim rows of postcard-pretty dwellings, coiffed and manicured from curb to chimney."
"If you tell a secret about someone you don't really know other people might listen, but decide you're making it up."
"I Wish I Could Tell, But to whom could I possibly confess a secret, any secret?"
"In his courtroom, he's a tough but evenhanded jurist, respected if not particularly well liked."
"How I'm a total wreck. Afraid to let anyone near. Afraid they'll see the real me, not Kaeleigh at all."
"Why there are no family photos anywhere. It's almost like we're afraid of ourselves."
"I clearly recall once upon a time, long ago, when everything was different."
"But That Was Before Daddy fractured our world, tilted it off its axis, sent it careening out of control."
"No One Else Suspects, Not our neighbors. Not our friends. Not even our relatives."
"Kaeleigh Closes Herself Off From Daddy. And I think she's completely insane."
"Sometimes that seems like a great place to be. Closed off from it all, in no need of love, no need of family."
"I lie flat, give myself up to the Oxy/Turkey merry-go-round."
"The Innocence With which Kaeleigh accepted that gesture was to be corrupted, but not immediately."
"You can't trust a man, any man, any more than you can put your faith in a rabid dog."
"Ian wants deep down forever love, love he knows he can count on."
"Fear enveloped me, clasped itself around me. I couldn't shake free, struggled to find breath."
"I Still Haven't Imploded, Though, I have to admit, sometimes I wish I would."
"Promises Are Meaningless, Mom: I promise I'll be home soon."
"Watching Lawler and Kaeleigh pull up at the house together."
"A whole big, giant world, full of men. Men with blue eyes. Brown eyes. Green eyes."
"Not Sure Why I felt the need to provoke her. She and her inner circle carry a lot of weight around here."
"We Empty Our Glasses, Mom opens another bottle, pours for us both."
"I'm fascinated with your take on the Scopes trial. How did you arrive at your conclusions?"
"I'm not conversing with myself out loud, am I?"
"Who cares? She's not here, even when she is here, now and always."
"Everyone is just fine. Thanks for your misplaced concern."
"Besides, I need to feel desirable, not like a piece of furniture, something you can sit on."
"I want her to leave now, leave us within the solace of silence."
"I so need to get high. But Mick, I'm guessing, is no longer an option."
"I can hear Mom and Daddy screaming insults at each other."
"You can't leave me. I won't let you. I'm not a little boy anymore."
"And guess what? I am. Downers are okay, I guess, but it's not like you really enjoy the buzz."
"Despite the insulation of two closed doors and a hallway, I can hear Mom and Daddy screaming insults at each other."
"If not for money, why did my grandmother bother to call at all?"
"He's a sad, sick man, who deserves every tear, at least that's what I want to think."
"But I have to admit, I've smoked a little bud. Not that much."
"I want to feel like somebody wants me, even if he wants me for all the wrong reasons."
"But I love you so much, the idea of life without you in it is scarier than trying to deal with this."
"But he's not. Sometimes, even though I know he's miles away, I feel him watching me."
"I'm shredded, wrecked. Completely confused because as much as I hate him most of the time, every now and then, a sliver of love for Daddy embeds itself in my heart."