
Runaway Love Quotes

Runaway Love by Melanie Harlow

Runaway Love Quotes
"Sometimes, when the universe wants you to change the course of your life, it sends you a sign."
"Getting married shouldn’t mean losing yourself completely."
"You did not ignore tradition, buck it, or break it. You didn’t dare criticize it."
"I’d wanted that approval. I’d worked so hard to earn it, to be treated like I fit in to their family."
"It’s like a fog began to lift. This was all wrong."
"You texted the wrong woman, Neil. And you cheated on me."
"You are the bride, I am the groom, and we can deal with this misunderstanding tomorrow."
"You might as well add my friends and my clothes and my personality too."
"I’m the best thing that ever happened to you. You’re nothing without me."
"I am a motherfucking Radio City Rockette, you two-timing, overgrown frat boy."
"Blood is thicker than water, and I’ve always believed it to be true."
"They say you can’t fall for those guys. You want the kind of guy who works hard for everything he’s got."
"I’ll be plain old Roni Sutton, and I’m fine with that."
"You didn’t dare criticize tradition. You embraced it, reverently, eagerly, yet nonchalantly."
"I don’t know where I go from here, but it won’t be with him."
"Guard your heart like it’s your home, be careful who you let in."
"If you had kids, you’d know that being hot is the least important quality in a nanny."
"She cleaned houses during the day and waitressed at night."
"I’ve had a lot of help," he said. "From my dad and sister especially."
"I was just twenty-five. After spending a lot of my childhood helping to raise my siblings and going to work for my dad right after graduation, I was enjoying my independence."
"I was protective of her," I shifted in the chair. "Our mom died when I was twelve, and Mabel was only three, so I sort of helped raise her."
"Every time I hear something about that guy, I despise him a little more."
"I think certain emotions are kind of pointless. What a person does is more important than how they feel."
"You’re raising brave, curious, outgoing kids who aren’t afraid of an adventure."
"It’s bad enough you’re still wearing this shirt. You’ve been here at least thirty seconds."
"I don’t like other people’s hands all over my body."
"I’m sorry, but no," she said firmly. "Do not get rough with him, Austin."
"The kids have seven-year-old bodies. And besides, there’s no way I could concentrate on stretching while you do those yoga poses."
"I spend every minute of the day thinking about fucking you."
"It wasn’t! I swear, it wasn’t funny. It was very serious. I had two very serious orgasms."
"Tell the truth. You miss it all now, don’t you?"
"The only mistake I made was saying yes to you in the first place! I wouldn’t want you back if you were the last person on earth."
"I'm not unhappy. I mean, is my life perfect? No. But I'm doing the best I can with the cards I've been dealt."
"I've been trying to get him to go to that senior mixer for years. He says no to me every time, but naturally, since you'll be there, he'll go."
"If I hadn't been there, he wouldn't have been found for hours."
"You should just change your name to Buckley."
"She said everything tastes better when it’s direct from farm to table."
"You can’t just go around doing whatever you wanted without thinking about the fallout—at least I couldn’t."
"I’ll miss it here. It will be hard to leave."
"I want to be chosen! I want to be enough for someone—just me. As I am."
"It's better than nothing. But it's not enough."
"My heart was always going to be yours, Austin."