
The Tattooist Of Auschwitz Quotes

The Tattooist Of Auschwitz by Heather Morris

The Tattooist Of Auschwitz Quotes
"We stand in shit but let us not drown in it."
"It’s only your own space if you make it yours."
"My life is too good to end in this stinkhole."
"Things are as they are. What I can see, feel, hear, and smell right now."
"Your strength can be a weakness, given the circumstances we find ourselves in."
"You can learn a lot from [books], and girls like it if you can quote lines or recite poetry."
"What’s her name? My sweetheart? I don’t know. We haven’t met yet."
"He is recoiling from the sad provenance of these objects, each one attached to a momentous event in the life of its previous owner."
"The majority of the loot he pushes under his mattress."
"Lale doesn’t know what he will find in the four pieces of rag that he places on his bed."
"A noise outside makes him throw the jewels and currency back in his bag, and himself on his bed."
"Lale hangs around the main compound gates as the local workers enter."
"Lale’s mind is on Gita, and several times he presses too hard."
"He saves a small amount of the sausage for Block 7."
"Lale trudges away, the snow now falling heavily and covering the camp."
"Lale and Leon spend the morning at Auschwitz, tattooing numbers on frightened newcomers."
"They’re the filth of Europe, even worse than you. They’re Gypsies."
"Lale and the girls split away from each other at the entrance to the women’s compound."
"The majority of the loot he pushes under his mattress. He keeps a loose ruby and a diamond ring in his bag."
"Lale sees her attempt to raise her head on a couple of occasions and is overjoyed at the sight."
"Lale steps back, knocking into the door behind him."
"Gita and Lale will be among the brave souls walking in the compound."
"Lale walks by the women’s camp as often as he can without raising suspicion."
"Lale’s bag is already open, and Victor quickly transfers some packages into it."
"Lale looks around at the brave souls who have ventured outside."
"Sometimes you have given me advice, and I have listened."
"It’s my girlfriend’s birthday soon, and I want you to get me a pair of nylon stockings to send to her."
"Just get them for me, and I won’t shoot you."
"I’m not a kid, Lale. I know what nylons are."
"I’ll see what I can do. It might take a few days."
"I don’t know what fate lies in store for any of us."
"How any merciful god could let that happen, I don’t know."
"I have never forgotten your kindness," Jakub says.
"Like you, Tätowierer, I do what I have to do to survive."
"I never ask! I don’t know. You have to believe me—"
"I thought you were dead. Again. I thought I’d never see you again."
"I don’t know. Let’s hope they will run off and let the Russians liberate the camp."
"I’ll be waiting and watching. Take your time. And don’t do anything stupid."
"No, I’m Slovak. However, I am here on behalf of the Russian army."
"You know, old women—some of them are over thirty!"
"Nobody is perfect. Your father has always taken care of me since the first day we met in Birkenau."
"When you spend years not knowing if in five minutes’ time you will be dead, there is not much that you can’t deal with."
"As long as we are alive and healthy, everything will work out for the best."