
The Perfect Marriage Quotes

The Perfect Marriage by Jeneva Rose

The Perfect Marriage Quotes
"I’m sorry, Adam. I just want this to be over. I want things to go back to the way they were. I want to start a family with you."
"No, I’m entirely sure. We all do dumb stuff when we’re drunk."
"But it just hit me when I was sitting at this café last week. I saw this woman pushing her baby in a stroller, and I had this pang of jealousy like a need for a child of my own."
"I want more out of this life than a title and my name on a building. I want love. I want a family. I want meaning."
"Well, now that I have nothing but time on my hands…"
"I want to be with you and only you. I’m an idiot, and I should never have cheated."
"Because when I said ‘til death do us part’ I meant it and I’m the only person that has any chance in hell of getting you off."
"We always eventually wake up from them."
"If he threatened Kelly, that could help us with reasonable doubt and could give us a person to point the finger at. An abusive husband is very fitting."
"Adam clenches his jaw and tightens his eyes."
"His eyes are arctic blue and cracked with fissures of blood."
"Tears pour from his eyes. Snot drips from his nose."
"You’re the words to a story I’ve been trying to write my whole life."
"Sometimes, I wonder if I’m doing the right thing."
"I close my eyes, hoping I’ll sleep tonight, but knowing that I won’t."
"I’m lying in a hospital, my left hand cuffed to the bed railing."
"I shouldn’t tell you that, I know that. But to me, something has always been off about Scott."
"It’s just too easy. Adam, a well-educated and well-established author, kills his mistress in his own house."
"I don’t think you can help me. Scott has a hold on me."
"I thought I had it bad—but Kelly had it worse, far worse."
"I need to be alone. I needed to process everything."
"You can't do fucking pro bono on your own husband's case!"
"Adam, you and I are one and the same. We both love money. Don’t be dumb."
"That was quick," I tell her as she removes her coat and hat and takes a seat on the couch.
"I'm just here for a little entertainment is all."
"I’m going to get the best possible defense, and as it turns out, every lawyer I spoke to agreed Sarah was more than qualified."
"Right this way." He directs me into a small room with a large viewing window looking into the interrogation room.
"I have actual work to do. Later y’all."
"I can’t blame her. Look at me, a scruffy, unkempt beard has taken residence on my face."
"What does she expect me to say to that? Oh, damn. Thanks for reminding me. I completely forgot that I’m on house arrest pending my trial."
"I’m cooped up in this house. I can’t leave. Therefore, if you don’t tell me anything, I don’t know anything, and when I don’t know anything, I look for everything."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean? There is one investigation happening, and that’s Jesse Hook."
"Who’s Jesse Hook? Exactly. You have no idea what’s happening with your own case."
"If she’s not going to help me, then she doesn’t need to be here. I have work to do."
"That’s great to hear you were distracted while working on my case."
"You ‘believe the police did?’ I would hope my attorney is not defending this case based on beliefs."
"My phone buzzes. I quickly glance at it. It’s from Matthew."
"That’s a dead end. Why? Did you even look into that?"
"I’m running out of time, and I’m not any closer to getting the answers I desperately need."
"I’m such an idiot. He just seemed like he was telling the truth."
"This whole thing is a mess, and I don’t know if I’m looking at the right person or even in the right direction."
"I’m not sure what his angle is. Is he trying to help me or is he trying to help himself?"
"I’m sorry. I’m not getting any help from the Prince William County Sheriff’s Department, and I’ve hit a dead end in the case. I’m going to lose."
"I should probably meet with him first and see if I can plant some seeds before he requests any of our discovery."
"I’m going home. I’ll be back at the office in the morning."
"This isn’t kindergarten, ma’am. You don’t need my permission to walk in and out of a building."
"Your words were vile, and I apologize for allowing them to get the best of me."