
The Death And Life Of Charlie St. Cloud Quotes

The Death And Life Of Charlie St. Cloud by Ben Sherwood

The Death And Life Of Charlie St. Cloud Quotes
"You could say I was a man on a mission, and I’m proud of what I did every day."
"Above all, we tell stories, the kind where we turn down the TV, kick back in the La-Z-Boy, and relax for a while."
"In this line of work, the truth is you try to forget most of your runs, especially the sad ones where people die."
"I picked up Eugenia’s crumpled death certificate and put it away in my wallet. It’s all tattered now, but I keep it as a reminder that anything is possible in this world."
"Open your eyes and you will see what I can see."
"When I am called to duty, God, wherever flames may rage, give me strength to save some life whatever be its age."
"But no matter how hard I tried to move away, I could never go too far from Waterside."
"I’ve always tried to find the good in the most desperate situations."
"It’s about finding your soul mate where you least expect."
"All for a cat and a dog. And you know what? I wouldn’t do it any different."
"Firemen wiped their eyes with their sleeves. Some crouched in silent prayer."
"It’s too soon to think about that. Give it some time."
"You know, I’ve thought about you a lot over the years."
"That’s a gift from God, son. God had a reason for saving you."
"Sometimes it takes a while to figure things out. But you’ll hear the call."
"Tears and seawater have mixed together for thousands of years."
"Sailing is the fine art of getting wet and becoming ill, while going nowhere slowly at great expense."
"You ever think you’ll amount to anything? You think God has a plan for you?"
"I promise that I’ll change. No more crazy stuff on the water."
"I’m done with this cemetery, and I’m finished with the living dead."
"I’ll bring back jewels from the Orient. How’s that sound?"
"We all shine on in the moon and the stars and the sun."
"Everything about him was like a gentle undertow pulling her deeper."
"Tess wanted to live by love, but the stars never walked backward for her."
"You’re a bad dog! What the heck has gotten into you?" - Tess to Bobo, the dog.
"Instead, she looked out on the harbor and was amazed by the strange brilliance of the day." - Tess observing her surroundings.
"What else didn’t you tell him?" Sam said. His eyes were locked on." - Sam questioning Tess."
"Sometimes when it happens suddenly, you don’t even realize what’s going on. It takes time to sink in." - Charlie to Tess.
"That’s what I want to do with the time we have." - Charlie to Tess.
"I’m not sure where to start," Charlie said. - Charlie preparing to explain to Tess.
"I hate the thought of leaving, but I’m hopeful about what’s to come. I’m not afraid." - Tess in her note to Charlie.
"I guess I better get going," Florio said. - Florio realizing his time to move on.
"God had a reason for saving you. He had a purpose." - Florio to Charlie.
"Your body knows how to shut down everything except for essential functions and organs."
"The Bible got it wrong. There isn’t time in a man’s life for everything."
"Negligence, noun. The sexy nightgown a girl forgets she's wearing when she goes to work in the morning."
"The transition was as smooth and effortless as his fastball."
"You just have to release your hearts, alert your senses, and pay attention."
"We all shine on. You just have to release your hearts, alert your senses, and pay attention."
"We’re sad when you’re sad. We grieve when you grieve."