
Falling Under Quotes

Falling Under by Gwen Hayes

Falling Under Quotes
"Every night I went somewhere new and pretended to be someone else—someone interesting—on the device he’d purchased to control me more than he already did."
"His eyes, scared and imploring, told of a darkness and agony I couldn’t begin to understand."
"I sank to my knees, horrified that God would be so merciless as to let this poor human being endure such misery."
"I leaned farther into the window, the glass surprisingly warm from his brush past it. Like I touched a trace of him."
"He rattled and spoke his last words. 'Worth . . . the . . . fall.'"
"My heartbeat sputtered and restarted, thumping wildly and faltering with its own rhythm."
"The wildness of my heart was yet another unwanted motherly inheritance."
"Father tried to convince me that I should live carefully, and the struggle to rein in my spirit, as well as my hair, kept me battle-weary day after day."
"I played from memory the melancholy tune that had lured me into the labyrinth the night before."
"There’s something strange about everyone, Miss Amelia."
"This town is changing. There’s a bad mojo and it’s getting worse."
"The stuff I’ve been seeing around here lately I can’t unsee. I’m spooked."
"You’re so busy pretending to be an amateur that you’ve passed by the realization that you’re talented."
"Something is attaching to her. Something dark and dangerous. It wants her very badly."
"I’m to fetch a bride. A human bride."
"What I feel for you could boil the ocean if I let it."
"Darkness lives in me, Theia. Inside of me. Like a sickness."
"I'm not like you. I'm not human, not completely anyway."
"I'm a demon, Theia. You have to stop pretending I'm not."
"Shadow was different from dark. It had depth, it felt thick."
"My nose stung with the scent of sulfur, so overpowering that I could only guess it was brimstone."
"A warmth spread slowly from my toes and worked its way through the rest of me."
"Had there been any justice at all, my eyes should have gone first."
"My last coherent thoughts were of Haden burning like this just to see me."
"I begged for mercy, for an end to my suffering."
"Bile churned in my stomach. I had to get out of there."
"It was the smell of fear that was the worst."
"Maybe my kindest end would be to be forgotten and left to rot."
"I remembered Haden telling me that the first time he physically entered my world, he burned."
"I stood at the bars until I could stand no more."
"I lost what was left of my dignity and spilled my bladder."
"I didn’t open my eyes. I knew they were there."
"The skeletons were not concerned with the state of my skin."
"I landed hard on my knees, the shock jolting through my body."
"I didn’t understand why I’d been thrown in a dungeon and then hurled into sumptuousness."
"The view from my new room was alarmingly eerie."
"I tried to swallow, but fear clogged my throat."
"I clutched Haden’s leg under the table in terror."
"I blinked back the tears. I was supposed to not want to be wanted by him."
"Your father was weak. He could have been a king, but instead he chose to be a martyr."
"Your stomach doesn’t concern me, Haden. Your lack of accountability to this realm does."
"She poured from a pitcher into a tall goblet. The liquid was deep red and thicker than wine."
"You’ll have to stay in the bridal suite. I want to make sure I get a grandchild soon."
"A child? She wants us to have children already?"
"I let myself imagine, for only a second, that my own mother was there, watching over me."
"I turned my head when movement caught my eye."
"I tried to clutch him to me, but my hand went right through him."
"Theia’s body is right there. I don’t know where Theia is."
"I saw what you really wanted, Haden, and I’ve brought her to you."
"When I put it on, it’s like he’s kinda holding me."
"You know I can’t walk out of here and let you do something that could get you all killed."
"I don’t care if he’s bald. He’s practically mute."
"He loved her. He’d never said it to her, never said it aloud."
"Since I wasn’t sure how I had gotten her trust in the first place, I was clueless as to how I was going to get it back."
"It doesn’t look like I’m going to get my memories back on my own."
"I think Amelia would surprise you. Varnie calls her a raw talent."
"What do you think happens to someone with the blood of such a powerful demon inside her, Haden?"
"I’m sorry. I wish I’d never darkened your door."
"I don’t regret that you have a chance now. Go away. Go be the bloke you’ve spent your whole life wishing you could be."
"You had decades of practice being a demon and a human, and it was still hard for you to control your urges."
"I can’t move forward knowing you’re trapped here. Tell me how to get you out."
"You don’t remember, but we’ve had this conversation before."
"I was pissed that Gabe could hold Donny when she was scared."
"From now on, I say exactly what I want and no one tells me how I should or shouldn’t feel or what I can or cannot say."