
House Of Hollow Quotes

House Of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland

House Of Hollow Quotes
"I was ten years old the first time I realized I was strange."
"Strangeness only bred strangeness, and it felt dangerous to tempt fate, to invite in the darkness that seemed already naturally drawn to us."
"I wonder if Grey already knew then what we were."
"If you didn’t know their story, you might think they were happy."
"My mother rarely swore. The wrongness of it sent a prickle into my fingertips."
"What you don’t understand," she said to me once when I told her how dangerous it was, "is that I am the thing in the dark."
"Somehow, combined, they’d produced . . . us."
"Our eyes turned black. Our hair turned white. Our skin began to smell like milk and the earth after rain."
"I wanted to burn it, the way you’d burn a blighted crop so the rot couldn’t spread."
"One day of cutting class with your miscreant sister is tolerable, but no more."
"One daughter to finish high school. So go and get ready."
"There was no problem so large that it couldn’t be solved."
"Grey would like it, would probably find it funny, would appreciate the artistry."
"Grey’s always kept secrets. When we were kids, she used to hide stuff from us."
"Now, at the age of twenty-one, Hollow is the owner of and head designer at House of Hollow."
"I remember everything. You just wouldn’t believe me if I told you."
"It gets inside you. It is in me, in her. In you."
"Because you're weak. Because you let lesser people push you around."
"I'm just glad you're okay. Where were you? What happened?"
"Run, listen to me. Please. You have to run. Run. Run. She is not—"
"It's like how the three of us can find each other."
"I want her to be okay. I need her to be okay."
"He has her blood. He will always be able to find her."
"You are mine, not hers. Do you hear me? You are mine."
"I can’t bend the world to my will, because I didn’t have the stomach to hurt people the way she did."
"That had always made me feel weak—but perhaps that was my strength."
"I reached out and put my hand on Gabe’s cheek, the way I had when I was a child, for those few easy, early weeks he had let me love him."
"What I could remember was this: the warmth of Gabe Hollow’s chest as he carried me from the couch to my bed after I fell asleep watching TV."
"I was not his daughter, but I looked like his daughter. I had her face—and I hoped that was enough."
"Our eyes held. Gabe sobbed, gave one hard, final squeeze—and then he let me go."
"The fire licked and hissed, searing my hands, my knees, my bare feet as I climbed."
"Grey was moaning, groggy from smoke inhalation."
"Grey unfurled to her full height and took the knife from my hand and cut Vivi free."
"The smoke smelled of blistering fat, burning bone."
"A tear squeezed from between her lashes and swept a clean line through the grime and blood on her cheek."
"I tried to wrap my head around all the different pieces of him."
"His soul—or whatever it was—the leftover part of him that would pass through this place on its way to oblivion."
"I let that small hope kindle in my chest as we waited."
"The most beautiful woman in the world, so used to the universe bending to her will, unable to save the life of the man she loved."
"The soul of Tyler Yang faded back into the shadows."
"Grey soothed her as she vomited the Halfway out."
"I sank my fingernails into the scar at my throat."
"I whispered to them through a door on New Year’s Eve."
"Then you cut their throats and skinned them."
"I promised you I would always keep you safe."
"My guess is that having something that resembles your children is better than having no children at all."
"I don’t know all the secrets of the place, Iris."
"Because you’re dead and the dead are always starving."
"A crazed man, in love with me and my sisters since we were children."
"I saw her on the cover of magazines in the grocery store."
"I was not Grey Hollow. I was not Iris Hollow, either."