
Erak's Ransom Quotes

Erak's Ransom by John Flanagan

Erak's Ransom Quotes
"Merging with the prevailing patterns of light and shade, the interloper seemed to blend into the fabric of the night."
"The moat rippled gently behind him, its surface stirred by the wind so that the reflections of the stars in the dark water were set shimmering."
"It was a well-ordered compromise between the provision of privacy and relaxation and the need for security."
"Progress was painstakingly slow. This was obviously a trained stalker who knew that any rapid movement would register with the sentry’s peripheral vision."
"Dark green merged perfectly with the tone of the grass itself."
"He was bored and tired and, he told himself, it was when you got that way that you started imagining things."
"The sentry became aware of a foreign sound in the night. It sounded like an insect of some sort, he thought … a giant bee, perhaps."
"‘Relax! It’s only me,’ she said, the amusement obvious in her voice."
"I hit what I aim at. I aimed at the spearhead."
"It’s not fair to the men. This is the third time it’s happened and they’re getting tired of your silly games."
"You’re the Crown Princess, not some silly peasant girl, for pity’s sake!"
"As your daughter, there’s going to come a time when I should be able to help you — to share some of your load."
"‘But it’ll have to wait till I’ve dealt with these damned Hibernians. No offence, Halt,’ he added."
"‘The answer is staring us all in the face,’ Cassandra said. ‘I’ll go.’"
"Our family, our country, owes a debt of honour to Erak. The Skandians are our allies because of him."
"If I don’t start taking on some of these duties now, I’ll never be ready to be a real queen — someone you’d be proud of."
"It’s only embarrassing because you know you’re wrong about this. I owe Erak my life. I have a right to help rescue him."
"Because you are King, this matter cannot be private. Because what concerns you and your family concerns the country."
"If you only value my advice when I agree with you, you don’t value it at all."
"Those of us who enjoy great privilege have the greater duty."
"We’re all on your side. You were the only one out of step."
"A Ranger without his horse is like a Skandian without his ship."
"Don’t be surprised if I leave you and your precious horses ashore."
"The best thing you can do when you’ve had a fall is get back in the saddle again."
"Funny how just the sound of running water made a man feel a little cooler somehow."
"Trust your instincts. When in doubt, be pompous."
"We know it can't be more than two days old. It's been left there since the storm passed through."
"He realised Halt was asking another question. 'You mentioned the Tualaghi,' the Ranger said."
"Take notice of any major land features — cliffs, hills, tors, wells. Particularly wells."
"If you are not one of them, you are not human. Your life is worthless."
"But a hand grabbed the collar of his cloak and pulled him forward."
"‘You’ll die out there!’ he shouted. ‘You’ll never find him now. Try to do it and you’ll die! He’s gone! Understand?’"
"‘Better be off,’ he said with mock cheerfulness. ‘Can’t keep the sand cobras waiting.’"
"It was like nectar, he thought. He allowed the last of the mouthful to trickle down his throat, thought about taking another drink, resisted the thought and forced the stopper home."
"His fears were well founded. They came up to the scene of the battle an hour later."
"It was the trading party from Al Shabah, and they had been wiped out to a man."
"‘When, do you think?’ Halt asked. ‘Earlier this morning, I’d say,’ he replied."
"‘Any idea who might have done it?’ Gilan asked and Selethen studied him for a moment."
"‘The Tualaghi,’ he said briefly, almost spitting the word out."
"‘Maybe someone paid them,’ said Halt as he returned from his survey of the desolate scene."
"Will’s mistakes were beginning to compound. As they did, the danger grew progressively greater."
"The first mistake, and the one that led to all the others, he was still unaware of."
"He consoled himself with the thought that, once he saw the balancing rocks and fixed his position, the water problem would be solved."
"‘He needs time,’ he replied instantly. ‘I said his group is a small one.’"
"‘Given enough time, the dissenters could create the right conditions to put forward their own candidate as Oberjarl — probably Toshak himself,’ Halt said."
"The bitter cold of the desert night woke him. He was face down, shivering violently."
"‘You’re awake.’ The voice came from behind him and he twisted round to see the speaker."
"If you release a horse and it runs off, it is no longer your horse. Whoever finds it owns it."
"‘He saved your life a second time the following morning,’ he said. ‘The vultures gathered to feast on him and we saw them.’"
"Right now, he hated him with every fibre of his body."
"I’ve heard the foreigner wants to fight Hassan for the horse!"
"You seem to have recovered, Will. I’m glad to see it."
"Then I’m glad we’re not in his land. Because I like this little horse."
"Stop worrying, the horse seemed to say. I know what I’m doing, even if you don’t."
"Don’t worry, Halt, I left no sign that I’d been there."
"I think they’ll wait for heat and thirst to do their work for them."
"An all-out charge to see if they can break our position."
"We’ve got these Tualaghi surrounded — from the inside."
"Sit easy, Svengal, Can't you see he wants an excuse to kill you?"
"You do not call me Yusal! You address me as Aseikh Yusal or as Excellence."
"There's nothing honourable in a man who hides his face behind a blue woman's hanky."
"Whether I knew or not, the fact remains, you're a traitor. And you deserve to die."
"Well, yes. But of course, one man's traitor is another man's patriot, as they say."
"I can ransom them! I'm a … diplomat. I'm close to the King of Araluen."
"Forget the ransoms, I want all the prisoners killed."
"That could work for us, The more people about, the easier it will be to infiltrate some of our men."
"You may not ever be exactly like him, but there won’t be a lot in it."
"If you wait till you think you are ready, you’ll wait all your life."
"You know, a few weeks back, I didn’t think I was ready for this."
"I think knew is too definite a term. I sensed it."
"If anyone has the right to determine his fate, it’s her."
"There’s a feeling of destiny to that boy. I’ve felt it since the first day he joined me."
"I didn’t like the fact that I had reduced a man — no matter how evil he might be — to a drooling idiot."
"His ransom? Yes. You agreed to ransom him. I’m sure you can recall that."
"I feel absolutely overwhelmed by the whole thing."