
Contest Quotes

Contest by Matthew Reilly

Contest Quotes
"Winning is everything when you have everything to lose."
"Your selection for the Presidian has been finalised. You no longer have any choice in the matter."
"There is no coming back from defeat in the Presidian. There is no return match."
"In the Presidian, the third element is a beast, a beast known throughout the galaxy as the Karanadon."
"The labyrinth is completely electrified. There is absolutely no way out. Except by teleport."
"Unless you leave this contest as the victor, you do not leave at all."
"Detonation will only occur upon expulsion from the labyrinth, and as I admit that it has happened before, I also add that it has not happened often. No-one gets out."
"Even the most violent film could never successfully achieve the sheer ugliness of a murder scene."
"The first thing that struck him about the scene was how the movies got it all wrong."
"I am merely suggesting that you might be better off without her."
"An act to prevent her from injury might jeopardize my own life."
"If something does happen and we are separated, I expect you to look after her."
"I will do my utmost to serve your wishes should such an eventuality occur."
"The enormous maze of right-angled twists and turns, blind corners, and long straight aisles."
"He couldn’t believe it. He’d walked right into a corner."
"Because she smells something else. Some other creature that I would safely assume is far more worrisome to her than you are."
"Let's just say that I've got a feeling something is about to happen out there."
"It does not look like anything is going to happen."
"I don’t have to face anything. I’m not here to fight. I’m not here to win your stupid contest."
"You cannot forget that there will always be something out there."
"If your wristband detects that it is outside the electronic field surrounding the labyrinth, it will automatically set itself to detonate."
"I think any honour this thing had went flying out the window when your friend Bellos brought his bloodhounds along."
"When one is caught breaking the rules, one is a cheat. I do not plan to be caught." - Bellos
"It was the thought of Holly that had done it." - Stephen Swain
"I'm sorry." - Stephen Swain, before defeating Reese
"If one does not respect the tournament, how can one respect the prize?" - Selexin
"You do not realize, do you? My people expect me to win this contest." - Bellos
"I’m just a guy who was in the wrong place at the wrong time." - Stephen Swain
"I’m not the alien you’re looking for." - Stephen Swain
"It means that they have discovered the hood."
"It is a fight to the death between the seven intelligent beings of the universe."
"Hoods are like dogs. They are not intelligent beings."
"And then he saw the other lift, hanging above them like a big square shadow in the blackness of the shaft."
"The light tubes lay on the floor of the lift—they were the tubes that Hawkins had removed from their sockets."
"The big man’s head snapped up—and his sharp horns penetrated the floor of the descending elevator."
"You pressed the bottom floor? To get as far away as possible."
"And I don’t care. I did what I had to do to win."
"The Karanadon simply disappeared as the brilliant white explosion shot outward from it."