
From Russia With Love Quotes

From Russia With Love by Ian Fleming

From Russia With Love Quotes
"The naked man who lay splayed out on his face beside the swimming pool might have been dead."
"To judge by the glittering pile, this had been, or was, a rich man."
"A blue and green dragon-fly flashed out from among the rose bushes at the end of the garden and hovered in mid-air."
"There was no view of the sea from the garden–no view of anything except of the sky and the clouds above the twelve-foot wall."
"The drowsy luxurious silence of early afternoon was broken by the sound of a car."
"The small cruel lips opened in a wide jaw-breaking yawn which brought saliva into the mouth."
"The garden in which the man lay was about an acre of well-kept lawn surrounded on three sides by thickly banked rose bushes."
"The villa was modern–a squat elongated box without ornament."
"He might have been drowned and fished out of the pool and laid out on the grass to dry."
"The tiny field of hairs bent gently. The dragon-fly darted nervously sideways and hung above the man's left shoulder."
"To the public, Comrade General, I am a professional chess player."
"I would not have raised a finger to save her."
"My future goings and comings would have been watched for clues."
"In the interests of State Security, I waited three minutes before obeying the order."
"I deeply apologize for the delay in carrying out the order."
"The burning of the evidence was all that mattered to Kronsteen."
"Kronsteen was certain of it. The stories of men and, yes, of women, were too circumstantial to be doubted."
"It was a great and wonderful thing to be born with."
"She was a lone operator, but never a lonely one."
"Those whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first make bored."
"Perhaps he could make the right faces and say the right things, but would his body dissociate itself from his secret thoughts?"
"Would he recognize himself beneath the surface of this man who was tarnished with years of treachery and ruthlessness?"
"It's up to you to see that you do come up to her expectations."
"They were eyes that kept the knife-hand in sight without seeming to."
"Life is full of death, my friend, and sometimes one is made the instrument of death."
"In power politics, one doesn't often have the chance of being as quick and neat."
"They are all the same, the Russians. I wish your government would realize it and be strong with them."
"The trouble today is that carrots for all are the fashion. At home and abroad. We don't show teeth any more—only gums."
"You must beware of a man who is owned by the moon."
"In my country, you let sleeping dogs lie, but when they wake up and bite, you shoot them."
"Life is a great rambling old ruin of a house that our `aunts' made habitable."
"In their dreams, they long to be slung over a man's shoulder and taken into a cave and raped."
"It is a curious affair. It seems the Bulgars were ordered to kill Vavra and as many of his men as possible."
"So we are now on our way to keep an appointment with him in Samarra."
"Forgive you? Forgive what? Don't be ridiculous."
"You've got a job to do and you're doing it. I've been very impressed."
"Hope makes a good breakfast. Eat plenty of it."
"The night breeze felt wonderfully cool on his naked body."
"He looked at his watch. It said two o'clock."
"There is a lot of gaiety and fun in your eyes."
"It would be a question of somehow getting rid of him at the next station."
"The saliva dried in Bond's mouth as if he had swallowed alum."
"So there had been a trap all along. And the trap had closed."
"You see, old man, you're not so good as you think. You're just a stuffed dummy and I've been given the job of letting the sawdust out of you."
"If I don't like even the smell of a move, it'll be just one bullet through the heart. Nothing more."
"The way you're going to be killed is going to bust up the whole show."
"And what a poke in the eye for the famous Intelligence Service! Their best man, the famous James Bond. What a shambles."
"We knew SMERSH was good, but we never knew they were as good as this."
"Bond thought of their first night. The black stockings and the velvet ribbon."
"But conceit and curiosity and four days of love had sucked him along on the easy stream."
"Like an archaeologist, Bond explored the carefully planned ruin of his body."
"In a few minutes it would come. What a way to die, if he was going to die."
"The book! How did one work the thing? Which way up was it? Would it shoot him or Nash?"
"Bond felt the recoil. `Click-click-click-click.' Now Bond felt the heat under his fingers."
"With a final echoing roar, the Orient Express sped out into the moonlight and slackened speed."
"At last Tatiana's eyes opened wide. Her pupils were more or less centred."
"Bond got to work with a wet towel and her comb."
"He flinched and stepped back. The two men seized Rosa Klebb by the arms."