
The Maze Quotes

The Maze by Nelson DeMille

The Maze Quotes
"You can’t drink all day unless you start in the morning."
"I’m a city boy, but I can get used to nature in small doses."
"The real pros were the guys I tangled with when I was with the Diplomatic Surveillance Group."
"In the category of my frenemies are my ex-wife, Robin, and my future ex-wife, Kate Mayfield."
"I try not to have impure thoughts, but my dick has been unemployed longer than I have."
"There's nothing illegal goes on. No drugs, but it gets a little crazy sometimes."
"If you give a bloodhound a scent, he follows it."
"Sometimes I invite a few cops. County and local. State troopers once in a while. Sometimes a few prominent citizens and pols. People you’d know if you lived out here."
"No use arguing with a man who thinks I give a shit."
"We all meet here once or twice a week, usually at five, share a bottle or two of local wine, and discuss cases, workflow, ideas, gripes, and whatever."
"But roses grow best when they’re rooted in bullshit."
"If you’re in Kentucky, the hoofbeats you hear are horses. If you’re in Uganda, they’re probably zebras. You just have to know where you are."
"The simplest explanation for what you see is usually the best explanation."
"Either way, I was going to work for Steve Landowski—and for Sergeant Penrose."
"Well, if any of my speculations were accurate, did that mean I had been seduced by Beth for reasons other than her longing to rekindle a romance with the man she once loved?"
"Sometimes, though, you get thrown overboard, and you don’t have much choice. You sink or you swim."
"This might not be the safe job that Beth said it was. That was the good news."
"More importantly, once you’re aware that things are not as they seem—that there may be an alternate universe—you are prepped to interpret new information in a different way."
"Don’t complicate things. If it looks like shit, smells like shit, and feels like shit, you don’t have to taste it."
"In case Landowski does a drive-by at Harry’s." "Okay… Good thinking."
"Nobody killed nobody today?" "Not yet. And I’m off-duty, burning up some vacation days until July sixth."
"We touched glasses and she said, "Here’s to your new job.""
""I signed a confidentiality statement, so I’m not at liberty to say.""
""Are you going to ask me to become a confidential informant at Security Solutions?""
""You need to keep your dick in your pants." "Okay. I guess I’m now a private dick.""
""And when were you going to reveal all this to me?""
""As of now the police can’t question anyone at Security Solutions because we were told to drop the Hite investigation."
""You’re getting paid." She also informed me, "As a paid consultant to Security Solutions, you are a private citizen with no connection to the police."
""Don’t know. I’m sure I’d be impressed—and you’d be sure to tell me how much smarter you are than me and Max, and how we couldn’t pull one over on you."
""You came into the Plum Island case like a bull in a china shop."
"It doesn’t matter who you’re shagging, as long as you’re working for Security Solutions and for us."
"The minute you said you were in, the bullshit stopped."
"These people who you are now working with are killers."
"The Feds wouldn’t tell me if my ass was on fire."
"If nothing else, the Feds are incorruptible."
"Sometimes you gotta do something that makes you feel good about yourself."
"Politicians, judges, and public officials are sometimes stupid and naïve. Cops are not."
"There’s bullshit that flies and bullshit that stinks. And I know the difference."
"I'm smart, but not that smart. Only Amy Lang knew what that was about."
"She must read minds. I wish I could read hers."
"If the problem with doing nothing is not knowing when you're done, then the problem with doing something dangerous is not knowing when, where, and how it will end."
"I hadn’t really thought about that. What do you suggest?"
"The facts fit the theory, but the theory is a theory without facts."
"When you're about to do something reckless and dangerous, it's easier when you've had a few drinks, but the end results may vary."
"A wise man would have gotten back in his rental van and gone home, texting in sick. But my balls are bigger than my brain, so I went out to the patio to see what the weather was like."
"All three ladies were dressed in summer-Friday casual: shorts and designer T-shirts. Amy did not jump up to greet me, but Judy and Kim stood and excused themselves, which was not a good sign."
"The house seemed deserted, but I could picture Landowski still in his pj’s at noon, sitting in his bed, Hugh Hefner–style, watching reruns of last night on his laptop, and maybe making notes for future blackmail."
"I’m not usually wrong about anything, and I wondered how I’d gotten this so wrong."
"In fact, he was a high-functioning psychopath whose head was wired to get around his low intellect, like a cunning predator with a primitive brain and a big appetite."
"I’d be at 26 Federal Plaza on Sunday, and Amy might be checking out the Internet failure at the farmhouse, stunned to see what that devious, lying bastard John Corey had really been doing in the house overnight."
"It seemed to me that the longer paths—which most people would instinctively take—mostly led to cul-de-sacs or turned back on themselves."
"The best way to get predators off your ass is to kill them."
"In the daylight, the hokey mannequin monsters wouldn’t make any kid pee his pants, but in the dark, they did stop me in my tracks."
"I could now hear my heartbeat, which I shouldn’t take for granted."
"Lying in ambush has some psychological and tactical pros and cons."
"Sometimes it’s good to put yourself in the place of the bad guys."
"Kevlar will stop a speeding bullet, but a .38 round at close range will not only knock you down, it will shake up your insides."
"Time for the oldest trick in the book again."