
Sword Of Destiny Quotes

Sword Of Destiny by Andrzej Sapkowski

Sword Of Destiny Quotes
"I’m riding with them because I’m a servile golem. Because I’m a wisp of oakum blown by the wind along the highway."
"I never refuse anybody in need of help. Even a witcher."
"I apologise and thank you, O knight of Denesle."
"Farewell. The dregs leave the company of their own free will. Because these dregs have had enough of you."
"The world is in equilibrium. The annihilation, the killing, of any creatures that inhabit this world upsets that equilibrium."
"There is nothing between us now. Nothing, understood?"
"That was your comparison, not mine. But, well, it's apt."
"I thank you, sir knight, and the Witcher Geralt also thanks you."
"You trail after Yenna like a child, enjoying the momentary affection she shows you. Like a stray cat that everyone throws stones at, you purr, contented, because here is someone who’s not afraid to stroke you."
"For your information, I am. I told you, we’ve known each other for years. For… many years. We share common interests, goals and ambitions."
"You’re a mutant, and one of the basic traits of your mutation is utter insensitivity to emotions. You were created like that, in order to do your job."
"I can’t stand it when you talk like that! I can’t bear it when you use that word. Don’t ever use it again in my presence. Never!"
"I’ve known him for years. He’s very dear to me. Don’t look at me like that. You’re also dear to me. And that’s the whole problem."
"For I am Master Dorregaray, and will not be ordered around by someone whose kingdom encompasses an area visible from the height of the palisade on a mangy, filthy, stinking stronghold."
"For you are just as empty as this skull. You have no right—"
"You see yourself that you have no right to refuse me if I ask politely."
"In a month or so the midden ought to be inspected, ideally using dogs. Young zeugls aren’t dangerous."
"Believe in what you will. I am tolerant while somebody venerates the Eternal Fire and does not blaspheme against it."
"I’ll cover you in puke from your cap to your toes."
"You can buy anything in Novigrad, every precious and everyday thing."
"I won’t let them touch me, whoever they are."
"I don’t understand anything! What is happening here?"
"The water in the boat’s shadow was green and seemed as thick as jelly."
"The cat said: 'I, fox, don't have any ways. I only know one thing; up a tree as quick as can be.'"
"I'm a princess, not an orphan. And I have a grandmamma. And my grandmamma is a queen."
"But I don't want him. That Kistrin. Grandmamma said—"
"What a goose you are! Flourish your stripy tail and flee, for you’ll perish if the hunters trap you."
"You can take off the blindfold now, Gwynbleidd. We have arrived."
"That means I'm not leaving here. Doesn’t it?"
"A princess dies without even a squeal, having first wiped her snotty nose."
"Nothing is capable of changing your destiny. You are in Brokilon."
"I recognise nothing human. This is Brokilon."
"You will leave Brokilon alive. Not because you are an envoy. For other reasons."
"They abandon sick little girls with me. Diphtheria, scarlet fever, croup, recently even smallpox."
"What if we live longer than them? After our winter will come the spring, and we shall not be reborn."
"You will give me whatever you come across at home on your return, but did not expect."
"I shall not give her up. Particularly since she is hale."
"Men can be the fathers of your children. What will you gain through this war you are waging?"
"The sword of destiny has two blades… You are one of them."
"What difference does it make, in the end, Geralt, which child dies or goes insane, stuffed full of narcotics?"
"It's not worth worrying about storytellers. If they don't have enough material they'll make things up anyway."
"Let’s keep the amount of harm done to others to the absolute minimum."
"Every child is fit. Selection decides. Later."
"Defying destiny may be just as hazardous as succumbing to it."
"A choice which should be respected, for it is the holy and irrefutable right of every woman."
"What’s the purpose of asking me questions, Geralt? Does knowing that I won’t be able to answer give you some kind of perverse pleasure?"
"Something more is necessary than destiny. I sneer at such destiny; I won’t follow it like a blind man being led by the hand, uncomprehending and naive."
"Life must go on. It doesn’t matter what happened. Life must go on…"