
Skybreaker Quotes

Skybreaker by Kenneth Oppel

Skybreaker Quotes
"Flying into a storm, even its outer edges, did not seem like a good idea to me."
"I was born in the air, and it was more home to me than earth."
"The horizon slew as the ship struggled to keep steady."
"A near-eternal typhoon that migrated about the North Indian basin year-round."
"We were lighter now, but it did not seem to be slowing our fall."
"I did not think of my mother, or father, or sisters, or Kate. My mind was empty."
"The engines' roar, amplified by the dense cloud, reverberated through every beam and rivet."
"The higher we climbed, the harder it was for our bodies to get enough oxygen."
"The most extensive collections of taxidermy in the world."
"Her leather coat flared out behind her like wings."
"It unlocks the cargo holds aboard the Hyperion."
"It looks like it could unlock the gates of heaven."
"You’re the only person on the planet with the ship’s coordinates."
"You can’t pass this up. We need this, you and I."
"The Devil’s Fist won’t have kept her. It will spin her out to the southeast, and from there, the trade winds will take her toward the pole."
"Dorje’s the finest navigator in this hemisphere, or any other."
"We should meet the Hyperion here," Dorje said, planting the tip of his pencil lightly on the chart.
"Skyberia was the name airshipmen gave to the altitudes over the polar regions, places where it was cold enough to stop clocks, and hearts, too."
"It is a temple, to honor the gods. The sky we seek is as much a place as Mount Everest herself."
"It’s an offering to the gods, for good fortune on our journey."
"I was just trying to be polite. Keep the conversation going."
"Don’t worry. The cabins are heated, and as we get higher, I’ll start pumping in a little oxygen."
"This is very exciting. This could mean there’s a vast airborne zoology just waiting to be discovered."
"Served me right for not seeing the ship. What kind of lookout was I?"
"A little more warning would have been useful."
"Bring me in lower, bring me in nice and close now."
"She's enormous, she must have seven hundred feet on her."
"Got her! Throttle back and hold tight, gents, we're on a Nantucket sleigh ride!"
"First priority is the money. Gold, banknotes, jewels, that's what we'll be looking for."
"Wear the leopard fur next to your skin and you'll have the heat of the leopard."
"The ship's clock had stopped at 23:48 hours."
"It's not safe hanging about on the ship's back."
"I hope you're right. If they weren't attacked by pirates, it means we'll be the first to plunder her holds."
"The cold is bad, but the altitude will kill you faster."
"I'd like you three to wear your masks at least until we're inside the Hyperion."
"That's time I won't waste. Now, all of you, stow your sentimentality and save your breath."
"Just keep us sailing, captain, that’s all I ask."
"It's your sky suit, it fits you like a second skin."
"I can't believe you threw that man overboard."
"We could sail five times around the world with all that fuel."
"I'm wondering if anyone else felt something in there."
"I can't believe this is pleasing to the sky gods."
"There's no use mincing words. We lose muscle mass, stamina, and the ability to think and move quickly."
"It’s all bunged up, I reckon. The pneumatics and so forth."
"It's like trying to make sense of snowflakes in a storm."
"We're all going to die if we don't get down soon."
"Their ship may be the only way off this floating morgue."
"I feel like crying, for at that moment I knew it was Kate’s touch I wanted, and I could not have it."
"I'm surprised you can think well of me, after what happened between me and your father."
"We should find somewhere safer to wait this out."
"Let’s go to Grunel’s apartments, and get as warm as we can."
"I don’t want anyone’s pity, but I do want a nice big pile of gold."
"The machine would change the world and make all sorts of wonders possible."
"I didn’t know whether to pity or hate him, for his big talk had made me feel so puny and worthless."
"I somehow felt responsible for Nadira. She was alone in the world, and hadn’t had any breaks."
"You got what you came for, If we don’t get those blueprints, I’m sunk."
"No," he said savagely. "There won’t. All my hopes were hanging on this one."
"We can’t let Rath destroy the blueprints as well as the machine."
"Let’s just get back," Kate whispered. "This is too risky."
"I was no pirate, and I would have given anything to be back where I started."
"My employer will be very displeased to learn there are others aboard."
"We will kill her," Rath said, "unless you surrender yourselves and give us the blueprints."
"I will work harder at my studies, I will master my numbers."
"It was as if a gale-force wind had swept through my head, clearing all thoughts and words."