
The Bridge Across Forever: A True Love Story Quotes

The Bridge Across Forever: A True Love Story by Richard Bach

The Bridge Across Forever: A True Love Story Quotes
"There are no mistakes. The events we bring upon ourselves, no matter how unpleasant, are necessary in order to learn what we need to learn."
"If the perfect mate, I thought, is one who meets all of our needs all the time, and if one of our needs is for variety itself, then no one person anywhere can be the perfect mate!"
"We're joyed when a film, when a book we love hits the best-seller list."
"What would I do if I saw her now, walking through the hay? On silly impulse, a queer chill in my neck, I turned and looked."
"I promise: never will I be possessive of you, never jealous."
"Without the power of that love, we're boats becalmed on seas of boredom, and those are deadly."
"I wondered if she'd agree, wherever she was this minute. Are they wrong, my dear unknown?"
"There's no wrong, is there, in crackling through the fields, in stopping by after dark to ask if a camper might have, oh, a little something sweet to nibble on, while a night slows by?"
"The observer perched again and wrote. I watched from the corner of my eye."
"I looked up from the floor to the photographs on the wall. There were pictures of airplanes that mattered to me. Not one human being there, not a single person."
"That she won the game startled me cold. The way she won, the pattern of her thought on the chessboard, charmed me warm again and then some."
"Our games became less tournamental, words allowed, cookies and milk at table."
"Pretty indeed. My goodness... There's a move to be framed, it's so pretty."
"What strange alchemy between us! I assumed that she had a variety of men for her romances as I had women for mine."
"I had never been inside the theater of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences; I was glamour-struck driving past the building."
"The next time I flew to Los Angeles, Leslie met me at the airport. When I was down from the cockpit she handed me a box, ribbon and bow tied around."
"I turned the chocolate was beginning to bubble in the pan. 'Have you ever been out of your body?'"
"She looked up at me, guarded for a moment, then trusting."
"People with million-dollar incomes, they've always been somebody else. I, on the other hand, have always been me."
"The last was a quote from herself. She had it printed as a bumper-sticker, and then it had been picked up by the peace movement and spread fast as television around the world."
"The secret of my strength is that I do not lie. Until you can out-reason me, change my fact to fiction, I shall be with you, and I shall guide and protect you."
"The opposite of loneliness, Richard, it's not togetherness. It is intimacy."
"We wonder sometimes if ever we can know our closest friend, what she thinks and feels in her heart."
"The only thing I can trust anyone else to be is true to who they are."
"Our friendship is nonpossessive, open, based on our mutual freedom to be away from each other whenever we wish, for any reason or for no reason."
"Chess is a game in which each party has its own singular objective even as it engages the other."
"I am still your friend, as I know you are mine."
"The secret of finding someone to love, she had told me once, is first finding someone to like."
"Boredom between two people doesn't come from being together, physically. It comes from being apart, mentally and spiritually."
"Someday a wizard will design a telephone that stays comfortable more than a minute."
"Thou Shall Not Kill isn't a commandment, it's a promise: Thou couldn't kill if thee tried, because life is indestructible."
"It's not the things, Richie, it's the meaning of the things."
"If you haven't worked for the IRS, you can't function very well in tax law; you can't believe what you're dealing with."
"If we're going to live in the wilderness, it's not fair for you to be the only one to protect us. I'm going to do my part. I'm going to buy a gun!"
"I'm so tired of living in a little box on wheels! It's been more than a year! Can we stop? Can we find a house, a real house somewhere that isn't made of plastic?"
"I don't have a need to argue, I don't have a need to fight."
"Each other's company our sole education and entertainment, our life together had grown like summer clouds."
"The only real, is Life! Life sets consciousness free to choose no-form or infinite multiple trillions of forms, any form it can imagine."
"When we turn from victim into master, what do we do with our power?"
"Suicide, like murder-uncreative! Anyone desperate enough for suicide, should be desperate enough to go to creative extremes to solve problems."
"We're the bridge across forever, arching above the sea, adventuring for our pleasure, living mysteries for the fun of it."
"What matters most in every lifetime we choose? I thought. Can it be so simple as intimacy with one we love?"
"Before all the Big Bangs in all of time, and after the echo of the last has faded, is us. We, dancers in every form, reflecting everywhere, we're the reason for space, the builders of time."
"Rarely did she show anger at our adversary. She documented evidence, entered it into the files, built her case for court."