
The Doctor’s Wife Quotes

The Doctor’s Wife by Daniel Hurst

The Doctor’s Wife Quotes
"For me, the day an adult moves to a new house is not too dissimilar to the day a child starts at a new school."
"But there’s more to life than size, as any woman likes to remind a man."
"The views are incredible, you can see for miles both along the water’s edge and also straight across."
"It’s incredible to be able to see Scotland on a clear day."
"I love what he does for a living. It’s a well-respected and very important profession."
"It was a proud day when I became fully qualified."
"I saw his face, a sight that causes my heart rate to quicken slightly."
"I'm as madly in love with her as I was the first time I saw her."
"Alice has no idea that I am going to come back into her life."
"I sat with my phone in my hand for almost an hour."
"I have wondered why Fern stopped talking about the prospect of parenthood."
"I've spent all that time recapping the final conversation we had."
"It’s a reason I don’t like to think about too much."
"I’d say she’s prettier than me, and not just because she clearly makes more of an effort."
"I find myself wanting to slap that smile off her face."
"We both do a great acting job. And now we’re officially friends. Yeah, right."
"The kind of guy who doesn’t deserve what you did to him behind his back."
"I’m trying too hard. Being overly keen. A little desperate. Clingy, even."
"She thinks she has already won. I, on the other hand, know that the game is still very much in play."
"Welcome to life in the middle of nowhere, I guess."
"It wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world if he wasn’t around anymore, would it?"
"Is it such a bad thing if Rory might have a life-threatening condition?"
"She must be feeling like an idiot for coming here for Alice only to be shunned by her."
"Despite never having cheated on any exam previous to that, I was suddenly feeling a little overwhelmed about the size of the task in front of me."
"I wrestled with the decision for a few days, delaying the inevitable because I wanted to believe that I could pass the exam just through sheer hard work and grit alone."
"I hated myself for it, but it did the trick. I passed the exam and, after that scare, I vowed never to get myself into a position like that again."
"Fern was shocked when I told her what I had done as a student, not least because she felt I was clever enough to have passed and didn’t need to have done such a thing."
"Some might say it would have been better if my secret had got out and I had lost my right to practise as a doctor."
"In hindsight, I should never have given extra sleeping pills to a man I suspected of being an alcoholic."
"The only person I did mention the incident to was my friend Greg, after one of our weekly tennis matches a few years ago."
"I figured she wasn’t crazy, just clever. Although I guess it didn’t completely put me off the idea of seeing another woman outside of my marriage."
"But it’s not his career he should be worried about. It’s far more than that."
"I should have thrown his phone against the wall instead of just threatening to, and that would have made a far more dramatic statement."
"I thank the officers for coming as quickly as they could before telling them I followed the other police officer’s advice and searched the house."
"But it’s Alice’s fault that she has now been officially charged with his murder."
"I guess it was that kiss outside that bar in Manchester that started all of this."
"But there’s still enough evidence to take Alice to trial. But it’s not necessarily conclusive."
"But neither did I, and that’s just life, I guess."
"It’s amazing how journalists can speculate on things and write anything they need to in order to get clicks and reads."
"It’s a bedroom that has a hollow feel to it now that I no longer have anybody to share it with."
"I’m doing it because it makes me look like the grieving widow."
"It turns out that the instrument used to strike Drew over the head was a shovel."
"It’s been a couple of weeks since Rory dropped his bombshell on my driveway and turned my whole world upside down."
"Maybe it’s something he just needed to get out of his system."
"People slip up. People do things they shouldn’t, things they regret. That doesn’t make them bad. It just makes them human."
"I’m not the only one who has debated giving their partner another chance."
"It’s amazing how motivated I am when my marriage is on the line."
"It’s not as easy as they make it seem in the movies, is it?"
"I end up falling asleep in that chair a couple of times over the next twenty-four hours."
"And there were certainly no smiles in the viewing gallery."
"I’m not quite sure what I’ll do if I ever catch him cheating again, but I do know one thing. It won’t be pretty."
"How is a wife supposed to take living with a cheating husband? Day by day, I guess."